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Stardust Lawrence Krauss Tags: science Posted in Facts Comments Hey Posted by Jon on 7/8/2010 6:19:26 PM I prefer the way Carl Sagan said it: The Universe is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. Posted by Gary on 7/12/2010 1:23:41 AM if we are made of stardust,how are the world-wars are thrust upon us ? Posted by sastri on 8/17/2010 6:56:03 AM @sastri No. Posted by Geoff on 10/14/2010 2:09:57 PM I don't have much use for wars but they're part of the picture as point counter point yin-yang and the billion other contraries assembling in our plane. Posted by jim on 11/16/2010 3:02:31 AM Eh, whats for dinner? Posted by Punatic on 12/4/2010 4:51:12 AM everyone should tell me why this matters. Posted by truth on 2/21/2011 2:28:35 AM The Human body is made almost 3/4 of water which is 2/3 hydrogen. Posted by not technically correct on 2/21/2011 3:21:14 PM People sure enjoy bRagging about how smart they are compared to others. Posted by Defiant John on 2/22/2011 5:51:24 AM Hmm... fruity, but kool hahaha Related:  Stars, Astronomy & Black holes

Redneck Home Remodels Everyone has their dream home but because the expense often outweighs the reality, we work with what we have and remodel piece by piece. Even with this more frugal approach, it can be costly; therefore, the list below is an inspirational group of visionaries that have taken their remodeling into their own hands, showing us how to save a buck in the process. (We thought we’d change things up a bit today and present some home renovations you might not be doing in the near future. 1. If you’re looking to add an extra bedroom or two to accommodate your growing kin (or some imposing houseguests), you might want to look to this subtle home expansion as an example. source: 2. Adding a custom crafted front deck to your home can add a wonderful aesthetic appeal but it can also cost thousands of dollars when all is said and done. 3. source: source: 5. 6.

StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers The StarChild site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Alan Smale (Director), within the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA/GSFC. StarChild Authors: The StarChild Team StarChild Graphics & Music: Acknowledgments StarChild Project Leader: Dr. Snowflakes Up Close: A Small, Fragile World If you’re one of those people who likes to ponder things while looking out a frosty window on a cold winter day, these pictures will clear up one of those long standing wonders: each snowflake really IS unique. Some look like roman columns, others circuit boards or spaceships. Taken under high magnification using a microscope, these images bring a fragile and beautiful world into view. See Also HARMFUL VIRUSES MADE OF BEAUTIFUL GLASS They say that every snowflake is different. Source: Known in some circles as the most amazing man in the universe, he once saved an entire family of muskrats from a sinking, fire engulfed steamboat while recovering from two broken arms relating to a botched no-chute wingsuit landing in North Korea.

Best of the Blogs 40 Worst DIY Car Repairs Some things you should always try to fix yourself: your squeaky door, your bikini line, your awkward smile that creeps everyone out. But when it comes to your car, you better know what you’re doing, because you’re not only taking your life into your hands, you’re also embarrassing the heck out of your friend in the passenger seat. Heed these examples. Air Conditioning: Antenna: Battery: Body Work: Bumper: CD Player: Doors: Door Handles: Headlights: Hood Ornament: Ignition: Lock: Mirror: Passenger Seat: Steering Wheel: Tires: Trunk: Undercarriage: Window: Windshield Wipers: Star Walk 2 Night Sky Map: Watch Stars and Planets on the App Store Play The 7 Modes in 7 Days (Tabs Incl.) Photo by Marta Monleón Modes are used in all kinds of musical styles like Jazz, Rock, Metal, Flamenco, etc. They create a certain mood or feel to your playing. If you feel like you are stuck playing solos using just Major/Minor or Pentatonic/Blues scales all the time, you’re ready to call on the modes and dive a little deeper. When I first got introduced to modes I was a little bit overwhelmed, but also excited to explore this whole new world of boundless possibilities. I soon realized it’s all about the journey and not the destination, so enjoy the process! There are 7 modes which can be derived from the major scale: 1 – Ionian 2 – Dorian 3 – Phrygian 4 – Lydian 5 – Mixolydian 6 – Aeolian 7 – Locrian Each mode starts and stops on a different note within the major scale. In this post we take the C major scale to explain the modes, but you can derive the 7 modes from any major scale in any key. I challenge you to understand the basics and work your way through each mode in 7 days.

The Earth and Beyond Welcome to The Earth and Beyond Hello, my name is Tim O'Brien. I'm an astronomer working at The University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Observatory. As an astronomer my job is to try and understand how the universe works and my main interest is why some stars explode - more about this later! Exploding stars You may know the names of some patterns of stars (called constellations) such as Orion or the Great Bear. This picture shows Orion the Hunter and Taurus the Bull with the position of an exploded star known as the Crab Nebula. We're all made of stars Understanding why stars explode is very important because most of the chemical elements (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and so on) were made inside stars and are spread out into space when they explode. Billions of years ago the Sun, Earth and the other planets formed out of the leftovers from one of these gigantic explosions. Learn about astronomy Exploding stars is just one example of why astronomy is important and fun.

The Fox Is Black » Bach’s Cantata 147, ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ Played On a Giant Wooden Xylophone In a Forest This is probably the largest, least creative title for a post ever, but it’s also one of the most descriptive as well. The video is a commercial by DOCOMO for the Touch Wood SH-08C, a limited edition phone of which there are only 15,000 being made. But honestly I could care less about the phone, this commercial is a thousand times more cool. By combining lord knows how many pieces of wood, they were able to make a long, downhill track that was able to reproduce Bach’s Cantata 147, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. This is a pretty phenomenal achievement and a beautiful piece of art.

Curious Kids: Where do black holes lead to? This is an article from Curious Kids, a series for children. The Conversation is asking kids to send in questions they’d like an expert to answer. All questions are welcome – serious, weird or wacky! You might also like the podcast Imagine This, a co-production between ABC KIDS listen and The Conversation, based on Curious Kids. Hi. Hi Merion. Black holes can form when a massive star dies. These stars are also made up of very hot gas which lets off a lot of heat. Normally the pull from gravity and the push from the heat balance each other out. Read more: Curious Kids: Does space go on forever? You will never be able to escape a black hole Because black holes are made up of a lot of mass squished into a very small area of space (in science speak we say black holes are very dense) they create a lot of gravity. Black holes were given that name because if you were to take a picture of one, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. So, where do they lead to? Hello, curious kids!
