Real ghosts - Hollow Hill

Internationall Ghost Hunters Society
The Official Home of the Bell Witch
Ghosts and Ghost Stories
Lost Destinations_ The Paranormal Files
By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes... A creeptacular collection of spooky stories, photos, videos and features of the very paranormal, ghostly & haunted brought to you by LD... so turn down the lights, lock the doors, and come explore the dark side with us... Want to purchase one of these, or any of my other photos...? All of my pics are available for purchase as high-quality prints on Kodak glossy paper, in 5x7 or 8x10 size; framing is available.
The Shadowlands: Ghosts and Hauntings
Visit Dave's bio page / Tina's bio page Online 24/7 and also at 16 Church St, Mt Holly, NJ Dave's Internet Radio Show and Podcast
Castle of Spirits
EVP of Civil War soldier
I’ve listen to a lot of EVPs throughout the years, maybe since the early 90s from which I can remember being in awe when I heard my first EVP on the TV show “Sightings”. Usually, most EVPs you are not able to decipher from the background noise. Most of them either being natural forces (as opposed to supernatural) or voices of the investigators that made it to the tape unbeknown to the investigators. The clip from this investigation in which a supposed Civil War Soldier’s voice is caught on tape, is suspiciously clear and deep sounding. Much like how someone would whisper to another person. Story:Erin Sullivan NEW PORT RICHEY — It was Sunday night and the ghost hunters stood on the steps of the West Pasco Historical Society, trying to talk with William Barber, a Union soldier whose desk is inside the building.The desk dates to 1850 and was donated to the society in 1983. Union Soldier’s desk The museum was closed.