background preloader Dossiers pédagogiques composés de documents d'accompagnement et d'exercices pratiques pour l'espagnol, l'histoire-géo, la lecture de l'image et l'analyse filmique actualites Dossiers pédagogiques des films [re]programmés en séances scolaires en 2013: > prochainement (par ordre alphabétique) archives archives des films de 2007 à aujourd'hui (par ordre alphabétique) Alamar De Pedro González Rubio, Mexique, 1h15 Collège et lycée Fiches pédagogiques sur le site de l'Académie de Nantes Dossier pédagogique réalisé par Festival des 3 continents 2010 télécharger Retrouvez des extraits du film, l'affiche à télécharger, la bande-annonce, photos, dossier de presse, etc. sur le site du distributeur, Epicentre films Cañada Morrison (Ciencias Naturales) De Matias Lucchesi, Argentine/France, 2014, 1h40 Collège Disciplines concernées : Espagnol, Français. Dossier pédagogique pour l'espagnol réalisé par Zéro de conduite: télécharger Entretien en espagnol avec le réalisateur: télécharger No V.O.

1pc of Gustavsberg Stig Lindberg Bersa Egg Cup eames by handz Restauration de La Classe américaine Présentation Je travaille à la restauration de La Classe américaine. Le procédé est simple: je fais la liste de tous les flims utilisés dans le détournement, j’achète les DVDs correspondants, et je refais le montage à partir des DVD pour avoir une meilleure qualité d’image. Et comme je suis un ouf malade, je fais pareil avec les Blu-Ray, et avec les films Derrick contre Superman et Ça détourne. À venir Bon, je sais, je dois toujours faire la version 0.99d du flim, mais j’ai trop 50 trucs à faire alors je n’ai pas avancé. Information importante : je serai le mardi 15 mars à 20h15 à Rennes pour une projection de La Classe américaine organisée par l’association Cinémaniacs. News Truc de gueudin 11 mars 2011 : ça y est, on a enfin trouvé cette putain d’horloge ! 4 novembre 2010 : j’ai répondu à une petite interview sympatoche sur L’ 6 décembre 2005 : début du projet. Flux RSS des modifications apportées au site web Résultat enregistrement VHS Betacam restauration DVD restauration HD

FilmAffinity Nosotros y nuestros almacenamos o accedemos a información en un dispositivo, tales como cookies, y procesamos datos personales, tales como identificadores únicos e información estándar enviada por un dispositivo, para anuncios y contenido personalizados, medición de anuncios y del contenido e información sobre el público, así como para desarrollar y mejorar productos. Con su permiso, nosotros y nuestros socios podemos utilizar datos de localización geográfica precisa e identificación mediante las características de dispositivos. Puede hacer clic para otorgarnos su consentimiento a nosotros y a nuestros socios para que llevemos a cabo el procesamiento previamente descrito. Tenga en cuenta que algún procesamiento de sus datos personales puede no requerir de su consentimiento, pero usted tiene el derecho de rechazar tal procesamiento.

Vogue Defends Profile of Syrian First Lady - Max Fisher - International The leading fashion magazine talks through its rationale for running a flattering story on the wife of anti-American autocrat Bashar al-Assad November and December of 2010 were busy months for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. He rebuffed international nuclear inspectors, rejected U.S. attempts at diplomatic engagement, stretched out peace talks with Israel (Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman accused him of undermining peace, calling Syria "the center of world terror"), ducked fallout from WikiLeaks revelations that he had attempted to arm Hezbollah with Scud missiles, and celebrated his tenth anniversary with first lady Asma al-Assad, whom he married only a few months after succeeding his father's 30-year rule and who herself spent those two final months of 2010 hosting a reporter from Vogue magazine, which on Friday published a glowing profile of her. "Asma al-Assad is glamorous, young, and very chic--the freshest and most magnetic of first ladies. Photo by J.J.

Two Beautiful Mathematical Documentaries | Math-Blog Posted by Antonio Cangiano in History, Unsolved Problems on July 27th, 2009 | 19 responses Two beautiful mathematical documentaries are “Fermat’s Last Theorem” and “Dangerous Knowledge”. Both take a popular science style approach to describing compelling and emotional stories about great mathematicians. The first narrates the story of Andrew Wiles, who proved Fermat’s last theorem in 1994. The second documentary focuses on the obsessive quest for knowledge shared by Georg Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing. For example, Alan Turing was persecuted for his homosexuality, and it is believed that this had a significant impact on his eventual suicide. What other mathematical documentaries are you fond of?

A vast history of information Sam Kean, contributor James Gleick's The Information: A history, a theory, a flood is a biography of information that puts today's revolution in some much-needed context For most of history, messages were things: clay tablets, scrolls, scraps of paper, even glyphs tattooed on to the head of a slave, which were revealed only when he visited the message receiver's barber. But over time, and especially during the 20th century, mathematicians, engineers and inventors slowly began to divorce the content of a message from its physical vehicle, and in doing so changed how humans used and understood information. Most importantly, these thinkers refined the very definition of information, purifying the concept just as earlier generations of scientists had purified the meaning of "mass" and "energy". (Image: Brian Seed/Alamy) The long emergence and eventual triumph of information and information theory is the subject of James Gleick's aptly subtitled The Information: A history, a theory, a flood.

DIY Gin and Tonic Laser - How to Make a Laser Out of Gin and Tonic It was the summer of 1969. Scientists in Rochester, N.Y., prepared to fire up an experimental laser. Everything was in place—from the cooling system to ensure the laser didn't burst into flames to the warning lights informing other researchers to stay away. It was in every way a typical day in a typical laser laboratory, except for one fact: On this day, the laser doubled as a gin and tonic. "I'd heard stories about gin-and-tonic lasers for years, but couldn't find out anything definite about them," says laser researcher Stephen Wilk, who published an article on the history of edible lasers in Optics and Photonics News in 2009. The ad invited "ambitious youngsters" interested in creating their own liquid laser to contact Bruce Burdick, who worked at Kodak at the time. There are countless ways to convert energy into coherent photons, and lasers come in many shapes, materials and sizes. Step One: Energy Step Two: Reflection Step Three: Coupling

Photo Opportunities : Corinne Vionnet + PUBLICATION: Art and The Internet 2014 Black Dog Publishing, UK + PUBLICATION: ScreenDump #2 2014 ScreenDump #2, by Suzan Geldhoff and Karin Krijgsman, NL + EXHIBITION: Musée des Beaux-Arts, Liège March 15th - May 25th, 2014 Icones / Pixels of Paradise, Image & Belief; 9th International Biennal of photography and visual arts, Liège, Belgium + EXHIBITION: Musée d'Art, Pully, Switzerland March 5th - May 11th, 2014 Do You Speak Tourist? Quand les photographes décodent le cliché. Curated by Pauline Martin + EXHIBITION: Binôme Gallery, Paris January 23th - March 22nd, 2014 Nouveau Paysage + FEATURE: The Wall Street Journal December 13th, 2013 I Snap, Therefore I am, by Ellen Gamerman + FEATURE: Cultural Development Consulting October 2013 A beautiful article by Alasdair Foster

TGN Utilisateurs d'un lecteur d'écran : cliquez ici pour accéder à la version HTML brut +Vous Recherche Images Maps Play YouTube Actualités Gmail Documents Agenda Plus Traduction Livres Shopping Blogger Reader Photos Vidéos Encore plus Account Options Connexion Itinéraire Mes adresses 500 km 200 miles Satellite Trafic Météo Relief Quitter Données cartographiques ©2012 Google, Tele Atlas - Enregistrer dans Mes adresses Privée · 2 collaborateurs · 268 consultations Créée le 24 mars 2011 · Par · Mise à jour le 24 mars 2011 Donner votre avis sur cette carte · Rédiger un commentaire · KML · Paris Stockholm Kiruna Lulea Haparanda / Tornio Oulu Helsinki Signaler un problème Pour restituer le niveau de détail visible à l'écran, cliquez sur le lien Imprimer à côté de la carte.

Online Passwords, Accounts, Data - Digital Death Day Passwords, banking records, social media accounts—day by day our lives create more and more data. But what becomes of all that data when we pass away is a looming problem with no clear answer. Marc Davis, a partner architect at Microsoft responsible for online services such as Bing, MSN, and advertising, raised this and other troubling issues about citizens' rights to their own information at a panel at this weekend's SXSW conference, called "Demystifying Online Privacy and Empowering the Digital Self." Consider the concept of a digital will: A legally binding statement to the world declaring who should have access to your information after you die. Davis tells PM that professionals in the legal, funeral, and estate planning professions are just starting to come to grips with the problem of what to do with information after death. The subject is deeply intertwined with the larger issue of digital identity. The courts probably won't figure out this complicated conundrum anytime soon.

Data journalism broken down: what we do to the data before you see it | visualised | News Guardian data journalism workflow. Click image for full graphic Before a dataset results in a data journalism story, there's a whole process of sifting and finessing and generally sorting the data out. Guardian graphic artist Mark McCormick has helped us visualise that process. Click on the play button to see how this fits together. Each of these steps could be a piece in itself - and over the next few weeks, we will break them down. • We locate the data or receive it from a variety of sources, from breaking news stories, government data, journalists' research and so on • We then start looking at what we can do with the data - do we need to mash it up with another dataset? • Those spreadsheets often have to be seriously tidied up - all those extraneous columns and weirdly merged cells really don't help. • Now we're getting there. • At the end of that process is the output - will it be a story or a graphic or a visualisation, and what tools will we use? You can get a pdf of this here.

Quand les Net artistes hackent Google Maps Loin de n'être qu'une cartographie numérique de la Terre, Google Maps et ses bébés Street View et Google Earth sont aussi une ressource au service de la créativité des artistes. Comment les artistes détournent-ils les outils du web ? Silicon Maniacs inaugure une nouvelle série consacrée au braconnage artistique sur Internet. Depuis la seconde moitié des années 1990, des artistes utilisent le web comme un matériau à part entière. La cartographie n’a jamais été une opération neutre et objective. Issu du collectif Frères Ripoulin, Claude Closky travaille autour des supports immatériels et du numérique. Avec Imaginary landscape (2008), Sylvie Ungauer propose une visualisation des flux d’informations de source française qui circulent sur la toile. Mardi Noir est un artiste issu de la scène graffiti rennaise. Circulation des “Trucs”, au cours de la semaine du 05 mars au 12 mars, le 06 mars, à 10h19 Les Net artistes Microtruc s’interrogent de leur côté sur la géolocalisation.
