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Manataka American Indian Council I think I could turn and live with animals, they're so placid and self-contained, I stand and look at them long and long. They do not sweat and whine about their condition, They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God, Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things, Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago, Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth. ("Song of Myself", Walt Whitman, 1819-1892) Spirit Guide Animals - Defined Spirit Guide Books A long time ago, humans were created to be caretakers of the garden -- Mother Earth. Humankind knew if they attempted to conquer Mother Earth, they would bring great suffering upon themselves. American Indians, also known as the People of the Land, traditionally and historically hold a special knowledge of the land and its inhabitants. Everything on earth is alive;

Horoscopes Within -Real Monthly Horoscope Forecasts and Astrology Using Gemstones and Crystals in Meditation There are many other reasons why one might meditate, such as to develop the intuition, to learn from the higher senses, to cleanse and purify thoughts and emotions, to travel along one's spiritual path, to help one bring about changes in their life, to gain control over one's thoughts and feelings and how they are expressed, and to delve deep within oneself to discover and explore one's innermost being. These are just a few examples of what one may accomplish through meditation. Some people use crystals and stones to assist in obtaining a deep meditative state. calming blue stones, such as aquamarine, blue calcite, and turquoise, will help clear the mind and calm the body. A stone or crystal may be held or worn during meditation in order to absorb its properties. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Quartz Crystal Meditation: Lie face up on a bed, floor, or other flat surface. Begin with the smoky quartz. Next, concentrate on the rose quartz. See the crown of your head opening.

(59) Pagan Magic - An Essay for School Teachers about Paganism "You... Hedgewitch Cooks Watch our pilot programme The Hedgewitch Cooks Spring on Vimeo now. We incorporate those things which matter most to us - family, food, health and relationships, demonstrating how to reconnect with nature and deal with our emotional well-being. We’ll present ancient knowledge that can be used by everyone today, wherever you live. The HedgeWitch Cooks get back to the old wisdom our grandparents knew and lived by - presenting simple household ideas that can enrich your lives. So it’s not just about cooking, it’s about improving the quality of your life and living in harmony with world around you.

Paganism & Neo - Paganism Paganism & Neo-Paganism The words 'Paganism' and 'Pagan' come from the Latin 'paganus,' meaning 'country dweller. In simplest terms - Paganism is a religion of place, or a native religion, for example the Native American's religion is Pagan, Hinduism is a form of Paganism. Paganism is a religion of nature, in other words Pagans revere Nature. Unlike the patriarchal religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) the divine is female as well as male and therefore there is a Goddess as well as a God. They are not simply substitutes for the Muslim or Judeo-Christian God. The Goddess represents all that is female and the God represents all that is male. There are sub-groups of named Gods and Goddesses called Pantheons, drawn from the distant past, for example Isis and Osiris from Egypt or Thor, Odin, Freya et al from Norse religion and mythology. Ancient Pagans would have worshipped one or a small number of Gods and Goddesses, while often recognizing the validity of other people's deities. The Moon

Celtic Gods and Goddesses (Welsh, Cornish) "The Great Queen"; Goddess of birds and horses. Enchantments, fertility, and the Underworld. She rides a swift white horse. She is the wife of Pwyll, and mother of Pryderi. Rhiannon's original name is thought to be Rigatona (Gaulish), also meaning "great queen", indicating a much higher status in the Celtic pantheon than she enjoys today. In her guise as a death Goddess, Rhiannon could sing sweetly enough to lure all those in hearing to their deaths, and therefore she may be related to Germanic stories of lake and river faeries who sang seductively to lure sailors and fishermen to their deaths.

HERBS AND OILS ~ PRACTICAL, MAGICKAL, AND AROMATHERAPY USES (Just a word of caution, if you try to print this out, it's over 70 pages long, I haven't even printed the whole thing yet!. Better to copy the part you'd like to keep and print that out instead!) ACACIA: (Acacia senegal) Also known as gum arabic, gum senegal and gum acacia; produced by a tree that grows in North Africa. The species of acacia that produces gum arabic and gum acacia are so closely related that one can be used for the other.Parts Used: flowers, leaves, stems, root, bark, resin, seeds, and essential oil Magical Uses: (Herb and Oil) Burn for altar offerings or purification; aids psychic powers, meditation, platonic love, psychic awareness; purification; inspiration; wisdom; visions; anointing; protection; prophetic dreams; spirituality; money. A sprig place over the bed wards off evil. AGRIMONY: (Agrimonia eupatoria) The dried herb has an apricot scent and is used in sachets and potpourri. ALOE: Aloe vera or Aloe ssp.) APPLE: (Malus spp.) Back to the top

(33) Herbology (33) The Witches' Voice, Inc. (33) Pagan Gods How to View Your Aura from a Picture and Aura Color Meanings | Healing and Love A lot of people have been asking me how I got my picture to show my violet aura color and what do different aura colors mean. This post will tell you where to go to upload a picture that you have to show your aura. This post will also explain what the different colors mean. This way, you may be better able to understand a little bit more about yourself. There is a web site that I use where you can upload your picture to it from your desktop or laptop. Once you upload the picture, it takes a few seconds and that same picture is displayed showing your aura from the picture. If you are going to do this, it is best to have a most recent picture of yourself as your aura can change based on how you feel. Click HERE to go to the web site. You can then right click on the photo with your mouse and save it on your desktop or laptop. There are also mantras there at the bottom of the picture to help you get to that aura color level. Andrew Like this: Like Loading...
