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One Lucky Elephant

One Lucky Elephant
Ultimately, David must face the difficult truth that the circus is no place for Flora. She needs to be with other elephants. The road to Flora's retirement, however, is a difficult and emotional journey that tests their bond in unexpected ways. Ten years in the making, One Lucky Elephant explores the consequences of keeping wild animals in captivity, while never losing sight of the delicate love story at its heart. Official Selection, Oprah Winfrey Network Documentary Film Club "A PARABLE OF PACHYDERMISH PROPORTIONS, "One Lucky Elephant" is a bittersweet story of man, beast and a very real relationship that makes helmer Lisa Leeman's documentary the thinking person's "Dumbo"—and, coincidentally, one of the better kids' movies on the fest circuit." "Bottom Line: A TIMELY, EMOTIONALLY ENGAGING LOOK at interspecies bonds." "A POIGNANT, HEART-FELT TALE about the shared life journey of a man and an elephant. "A film that makes one think about all creatures, great and small.

How to Survive a Plague Despite having no scientific training, these self-made activists infiltrated the pharmaceutical industry and helped identify promising new drugs, moving them from experimental trials to patients in record time. With unfettered access to a treasure trove of never-before-seen archival footage from the 1980s and '90s, filmmaker David France puts the viewer smack in the middle of the controversial actions, the heated meetings, the heartbreaking failures, and the exultant breakthroughs of heroes in the making. Blisteringly powerful, How To Survive A Plague transports us back to a vital time of unbridled death, political indifference, and staggering resilience and constructs a commanding archetype for activism today. Quotes "One of the 25 Best Films of The Year"— A.O. "Riveting...moving and essential "A model for the here and now of how social change occurs "One of the Top 10 Movies of the Year"— David Edelstein, New York Magazine — Stephen Holden, NYTimes "One of the ten best movies of 2012...

Pray the Devil Back to Hell This powerful documentary film has been screened at: · World Economic Forum· United Nations· U.S. Department of State· Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Hague Quotes "UPLIFTING, DISHEARTENING, INSPIRING, ENRAGING"—The New York Times "MARVELOUS"—The Los Angeles Times "The heroism on view is BREATHTAKING"—Christian Science Monitor "LUCIDLY IMPASSIONED"—Variety "ELOQUENTLY CAPTURES THE POWER each of us innately has within our souls to make this world a far better, safer, more peaceful place." "One of the TRULY HEARTENING INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL STORIES of recent years"—Los Angeles Times "Reminds us of the incredible power available to the most ordinary of people if they are willing to act with COURAGE AND UNWAVERING COMMITMENT." "The contrast between THE COMPASSION OF WOMEN and the facade of officialdom as a cover for a cruel dictator makes the point much better than a long judgmental tirade"—Jean-Marie Guehenno, UN Undersecretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, 2000-2008 Synopsis

The Case Against 8 A behind-the-scenes look inside the historic case to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage. The high-profile trial first makes headlines with the unlikely pairing of Ted Olson and David Boies, political foes who last faced off as opposing attorneys in Bush v. Gore. The film also follows the plaintiffs, two gay couples who find their families at the center of the same-sex marriage controversy. Five years in the making, this is the story of how they took the first federal marriage equality lawsuit to the U.S. "A STIRRING civil rights film that is both cogent and emotionally charged…grips from start to finish…" - The Hollywood Reporter "An emotional tour of HISTORY IN THE MAKING…" - Indiewire "A well-made, moving, informative history" - "Engrossing and emotional..." - The Los Angeles Times " Lucid, balanced and relentlessly informative. Are you interested in inviting the filmmakers or characters in the film to attend your event?

Budrus Ayed Morrar, an unlikely community organizer, unites Palestinians from all political factions and Israelis to save his village from destruction by Israel's Separation Barrier. Victory seems improbable until his 15-year-old daughter, Iltezam, launches a women's contingent that quickly moves to the front lines. Struggling side by side, father and daughter unleash an inspiring, yet little-known, movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that is still gaining ground today. In an action-filled documentary chronicling this movement from its infancy, Budrus shines a light on people who choose nonviolence to confront a threat. Budrus was produced by Just Vision. Just Vision informs local and international audiences about under-documented Palestinian and Israeli civilian efforts to resolve the conflict nonviolently. If you are interested in hosting a public screening of Budrus in your community, please contact Just Vision at or (212) 367-4701.

The Big Picture DRS. SALLY and BENNETT SHAYWITZ, co-directors of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity, illuminate the scientific origins of dyslexia and have created a revolutionary imaging test that pinpoints, for the first time, a specific difference (or marker) in the brains of dyslexics. Dr. Super-achieving dyslexics revered in their fields—from SIR RICHARD BRANSON and financier CHARLES SCHWAB to politician GAVIN NEWSOM and attorney DAVID BOIES—confirm what the children, experts and families suggest: dyslexia carries with it as many rewards as frustrations. Quotes "An exemplary example of educational documentary filmmaking." "We screened The Big Picture here at Campbell Hall with our entire faculty and staff at opening faculty meetings. "Hopeful, honest and compelling." "Its stories are heart rending, its message is crucial." All Educational Editions include: 1. 2. 3. Edition Descriptions: Standard K-12 Package - $45 - Home viewing - K-12 classroom use Premium K-12 Package - $95 - University use

Sites That Help Kids Do Good close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (800 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 14% (274 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 24% (472 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (426 votes) Total votes: 1972 Learning ratings Best: Really engaging; great learning approach.Very Good: Engaging; good learning approach.Good: Pretty engaging; good learning approach.Fair: Somewhat engaging; OK learning approach.Not for Learning: Not recommended for learning.Not for Kids: Not age-appropriate for kids; not recommended for learning. Find out more Share this List FavoriteSign In or Sign Up to add favorites Sites That Help Kids Do Good We Give Books Kiva

TV and Movies That Celebrate Grit close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (761 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 14% (254 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 23% (433 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (400 votes) Total votes: 1848 About our rating system ON: Content is age-appropriate for kids this age.PAUSE: Know your child; some content may not be right for some kids.OFF: Not age-appropriate for kids this age.NOT FOR KIDS: Not appropriate for kids of any age. Find out more Learning ratings Share this List FavoriteSign In or Sign Up to add favorites TV and Movies That Celebrate Grit Browse TV and Movies That Celebrate Grit Doozers csm_tv Network: Hulu Odd Squad Becoming

Edutopia's GRIT resources There’s been a lot of talk lately about resilience, grit, growth mindset, and related concepts -- including the social and emotional skills associated with these factors and their importance for student well-being and academic success. Edutopia has curated these lists of resources to help educators and parents follow these topics and create home and school environments that provide supports and opportunities to help young people thrive. Nurturing Resilience The ability to bounce back from adversity is associated with a variety of skills. Fostering Grit Explore an array of resources about understanding and building student perseverance, and consider questions raised by the research on grit. (15+ Resources) Teaching Growth Mindset Find information about growth mindset, discover how learning mindsets can affect student performance, and explore strategies that support student confidence. (20+ Resources) Learning From Failure Managing Stress Responding to Trauma and Tragedy

Helping Students Manage Stress, Set Goals, and Feel Connected In early October, I reviewed Paul Tough's new book, How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. I saw implications for policy, funding, and teacher preparation, as well as lots of actions that administrators and teachers could take based on Tough's research. Here are some ideas. Less Stress One aspect of Paul Tough's book that I appreciated was all the brain science made reader friendly. We've probably all heard that stress is bad for our health, and Tough provides explanation and detail about why this is so. So what can we do, in the classroom, to mitigate the stress that our students arrive with? This video shows a school-wide meditation program in urban San Francisco that drastically reduced the school's truancy and suspension rates. What's Your Mission? Here's some interesting information from Tough's book: people tend to use three strategies when setting goals. I did a lot of goal setting with my students. Cultivating Group Identity

Resilience: The Other 21st Century Skills Due to the interest of my post The Other 21st Skills, I decided to individually discuss each of the skills or dispositions I proposed that are in addition to the seven survival skills as identified by Tony Wagner. This post focuses on resiliency. The first post focused on Grit: The Other 21st Century Skills. Some would categorize Grit and Resiliency as the same skill, but it is my belief they are involve two different, but interconnected, skill sets. Some of characteristics or dispositions of Resilience include: Bouncing BackManaging EmotionsAwareness of Strengths and AssetsPassion-Driven FocusResourcefulnessSense of Personal AgencyAbility to Reach Out to OthersProblem-Solving Skills Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. Resilience research clearly reveals the following key points: Caring Relationships which includes loving support, respect, compassion. (From Risk to Resiliency from Bonnie Bernard)

12 Years a Slave (Age 17+) How to Help Kids Overcome Fear of Failure A couple of weeks ago, a New York Times op-ed asked the question, “Are kids too coddled?” In other words, shouldn’t we let them fail once in awhile so they develop some backbone? Or don’t they just need more grit? The answer is not that simple because human beings are not that simple. According to UC Berkeley professor Martin Covington, the fear of failure is directly linked to your self-worth, or the belief that you are valuable as a person. Fortunately, the research also provides tips for educators to help students deal with feelings of failure—and help them to fulfill their true potential. The Games We Play to Avoid Failure Covington’s years of research found that one way people protect their self-worth is by believing they are competent and making others believe it as well. Hence, the ability to achieve—and the quality of performance that reveals that ability—is critical to maintaining self-worth. 1. 2. 3. 4. Overcoming the Fear of Failure 1. 2. 3.
