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Facebook marketing campaigns seem to be going all warm, caring and fluffy recently as brands realize that solving problems and helping those in need can be a very effective marketing tactic. Three of the Facebook campaigns in this list have an altruistic reason behind their campaigns, from donating $500,000 each to 20 schools to raising funds for the “Make A Wish Foundation”. The marketing goals for the Facebook pages vary but quite often the simple goal of just increasing their fan count to their Facebook page seems to be top of the list as brands have worked out very quickly that being able to communicate to 1,000′s or even millions of fans via a simple status update is very efficient highly leveraged marketing. Companies have also realized that people’s main reason for becoming a fan for the most part is not so charitable, but is about having access to the latest special offers and freebies. 10 Best Facebook Campaigns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

'Le salon met en avant les mobiles et les réseaux sociaux' - Marketing Direct : Quels sont les thèmes mis à l’honneur cette année ?Nathalie Lefebvre : « Le salon a choisi de mettre en avant les mobiles, les réseaux sociaux, et la stratégie multicanal et crosscanal (l’interactivité entre les différents canaux). Pour toucher tous les visiteurs, nous abordons ces thèmes avec différents niveaux d’expertise. Il y a, par exemple, pour les débutants en marketing direct, deux conférences : « Comment intégrer les réseaux sociaux à vos campagnes d’e-mail marketing et booster votre visibilité » et « Quels sont les enjeux des liens sponsorisés sur mobiles ? ». M.D. : Quels sont les nouveaux espaces à découvrir lors de MD Expo 2011 ? M.D. : Quels publics visez-vous pour cette édition ?

7 Tips and Marketing Strategies for the New Facebook Fan Pages Unless you’ve been under a rock like the guy in the Geico commercial, then you have probably noticed that a lot of changes have been happening on Facebook, particularly to the fan pages. Here is a look at how you can take advantage of these changes and use them to market to your targeted audience. 1. This is by far one of the most powerful changes, in my opinion, to fan page functionality. Now, with the option to use Facebook as your page, you can do something that reaches out to Facebook users in your targeted audience for free. How to Use Facebook as Your Page You must be an admin of the page you want to market before going any further – if you aren’t, then become a fan of the page and ask another admin of the page to add you as administrator. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Using Facebook as your fan page will help you get more exposure for your brand’s Facebook page, leading to more likes and engagement with your targeted audience. 2. Setting Your Fan Page’s Featured Likes Step 1. 3.

Facebook Launches New Offers Product for Businesses A few select brands on Facebook are currently running tests of a new Facebook product for businesses called “Offers.” The most recent Offer, which generated a fair amount of buzz in the past week, was posted by Macy’s. Macy’s first posted the Offer on Thursday, February 23rd at 7:11am Pacific with an expiration date of February 26th. The Offer was: “Get 25% off your purchase of $100 or more.” The Offer jumped out at me in my News Feed last Thursday when a friend of mine (plus six others!) Macy's Facebook Offer - appeared in the News Feed when friends claimed the Offer Simple, one-click claim – INCLUDING on mobile! What’s super exciting about this new Facebook product for businesses, is the absolute simplicity and ease with which users can claim the Offer. One click on "Get Offer" and Facebook emails you details! Users can claim the Offer from the wall of the brand’s fan page. Or, users can claim the Offer from their News Feed. Einstein Bros Bagels Offer Redeem by email, share from email

40+ Great Examples of Facebook Fan Pages Nov 09 2011 Facebook has become an essential part of promoting a website or service online. Small blogs, discussion forums and huge commercial companies such as Coca-Cola and McDonalds are all using Facebook to promote their brand and interact with fans and customers. Facebook fan pages are at the heart of any Facebook promotion campaign. Today we will be showing you some examples of great Facebook fan pages. The Showcase 1. The McDonalds fan page has a lot of different sections on it to promote their meals, deals and competitions. 2. iTunes A minimalist fan page that has the same look and feel as iTunes itself. All regional iTunes fan pages are shown at the left hand side of the page. 3. Videos, tutorials, apps and more that explain what the Livescribe smartpen is and what it can do for you. 4. The breakfast range is heavily promoted on the entry page. 5. A fantastic example of how to encourage (read force!!) 6. The Honda fan page defaults to the ‘Like Our Models’ section. 7. 8. 9. 11.

Les solutions de monétisation des social games Suite à un précédent article de vulgarisation sur les jeux sociaux (Tour d’horizon des social games), je vous propose maintenant de nous intéresser aux solutions de monétisation de ces derniers. Le C.A. du secteur (évalué à plus de 7 milliards de $ en 2011) ainsi que la valorisation des plus gros acteurs (7 milliards de $ pour Zynga) témoignent ainsi du potentiel des social games. Le tout étant de trouver le bon modèle… Pour simplifier une longue explication, les solutions de monétisation des social games peuvent être réparties en trois grandes catégories : la publicité, les items virtuels et le recrutement sponsorisé. Prenons le temps de détailler chacune d’entre-elles. Bannières ou in-game, la publicité se décline à toutes les sauces Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, les bannières sont au-dessus de la zone de jeu et font la promotion d’autres social games. Il existe de nombreuses régies spécialisées dans le travail d’intermédiation entre annonceurs et éditeurs de jeux. Objets virtuels et réels

Why Most Facebook Marketing Doesn't Work For almost four years, since the Facebook Platform was launched, I have been involved in delivering Facebook apps for top brands such as CBS, NBC, Lifetime, Universal Music, Visa and more. Here's what we have learned doesn't work, and more importantly, what does work. First, deep campaigns don't work. Digital agencies love deep, expensive campaigns on Facebook, with tons of pages, interaction, and art. It fits in with how agencies build microsites and websites, and justifies the $100,000-plus price tag that they like to charge. Guest author Peter Yared is the vice president and general manager of Webtrend Apps, a platform used by top brands to engage their customers on Facebook, iPhone and Android. They do not like to spend 20 or 30 minutes on a single brand's page, unless they are consuming innovative, funny, or exclusive content. Facebook users are very sophisticated, and there is no way a single campaign is going to compete on game mechanics with CityVille. Sweepstakes Don't Work

Marketers Agree Facebook Is Vital, Facebook Ads Not So Much A few days before the big Facebook IPO back in May, the news broke that General Motors was yanking nearly $10 million worth of paid ads from the network, basically saying that they don’t work (that blow was later softened). Although marketers were talking about the effectiveness of Facebook ads long before GM pulled the plug, that news coupled with the worries about Facebook’s long-term strategy of mobile monetization has created a very uneasy culture around advertising on Facebook. Despite all the hubbub, only 4.3% of advertisers say they expect to decrease their Facebook advertising budget over the next year. And over half (56.6%) say they expect to increase it. That’s one of the main takeaways from an Ad Age/Citigroup survey of 658 marketers, agency executives, and media executives who refer to themselves as “decision makers” when it comes to social media marketing. According to the survey, 86% said they use Facebook as part of their marketing strategy – which should surprise nobody.

Why People Have Fake Facebook Profiles It's late afternoon, and you're clicking around on Facebook. Then you stumble upon a person who appears to be Facebook friends with many of your mutual friends. This person is active on Facebook, posting links, videos, images and status updates. Still, something just seems off. A bit more digging reveals that this user isn't a real person. But Facebook hasn't noticed. "Facebook has always been based on a real name culture," a Facebook spokesperson says to me via email. Fake Facebook Profile #1: When Full Disclosure Isn't An Option Chicago-based performance artist Daaimah Mubashshir maintains two Facebook profiles: one for her current self, which includes her theater work, and another for her "old" self. "My old/asexual profile is full of extended family, religious people from my childhood and work colleagues who are unfamiliar with my theater work," she says. "Facebook and Google are not at all interested in recreating identity," says Mubashshir. How To Play By Facebook's Rules

Le guide des Médias Sociaux : comment y aller Mercredi 23 mars 3 23 /03 /Mars 08:14 Avec l'usage grandissant des médias sociaux, une stratégie de déploiement en amont est nécessaire pour optimiser sa présence et développer sa communauté. a mis à jour son célèbre panorama des Réseaux Sociaux et ses analyses afin de vous aider à réaliser les meilleur choix en termes de communication, d'exposition de la marque, de trafic et de référencement. Cliquer sur l'image pour afficher le pdf : Sources : & 97th Floor Partager l'article ! inShare Par Emmanuelle Castillo - Publié dans : Community Management -Communauté : Media - Actualité générale 0

Big Opportunities for Small Businesses in Facebook Pages Redesign | Social... Facebook has redesigned the pages which, for most of the small business world, are our business pages. These new changes are similar to the individual pages in the layout, however, there are quite a few other changes that are big opportunities for businesses to take advantage of to make their pages much more interactive and functional. The upgrade is optional at this point, however, all pages will be converted over on March 10. The redesign is the what most are focusing on however this is not the main event here. Let’s take a tour of the new layout changes before we delve into the other changes that are much more significant. Facebook Page Layout Changes 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. When you upgrade the page, you cannot go back to the old page. Facebook Page Settings 1.Your Settings. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a. b. c. d. e. 7. Facebook Adds iframe Tabs The updates are not limited to the design and the settings. How to add an iframe Page Tab Facebook Platform and Page Policies a. photo credits:

Facebook Paid Status Promotion Platform Is Official Does Zuckerberg Photo Show Future FAcebook Search Product Last week, the day after the IPO, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerbeg shared a photo of his desk with a sign encouraging focus. At the time, I thought it was a great PR move, but when looking at it in more detail today, I noticed that his version of Facebook featured a large search bar at the top of his laptop (You can download a high res version from his own profile here). As you can see, the design is completely different to the Facebook we all use. Search is one area that Facebook have always been weak on, but with Microsoft an investor and a deep partnership with Bing, it has long been expected that Facebook could start rolling out an improved social search of its own. They certainly have enough data. So what is this large search box that dominates the top of Zuckerberg's profile? As you can see below, a standard Facebook profile looks nothing like the one that Zuckerberg has on his screen.
