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Art + Culture

Daily Serving talents video MEDIAPART UK | England | West Midlands | Micro model marks new president Tiny sculptures of President-elect Barack Obama's family - which fit into an eye of a needle - have been created to mark his inauguration. Birmingham artist Willard Wigan works between heartbeats to avoid hand tremors and used a hair from a dead fly to paint American's new first family. The artist, who spent months creating the piece, said he hoped it would be displayed in the White House. Mr Wigan said he had wanted to pay tribute to the "massive occasion". Surgical blade The artist, who was made an MBE in December 2006, has previously created sculptures of Elvis, Snow White and The Last Supper, complete with 12 disciples. The sculpture fits within the eye of a sewing needle His work, normally only visible through a microscope, is made by carving with a tiny surgical blade and in the past he has made works from rice, sugar, carbon fibre, gold and nylon. Mr Wigan's new work shows Mr Obama along with his wife Michelle and his daughters Malia and Sasha.

Fashion Internships – For the student or graduate of fashion, it would be fair to say breaking into the London fashion scene is high up on the ‘to-do’ list. Alongside Paris, Milan and New York, London claims the title of being one of the fashion capitals of the world, harbouring some of the most sought-after designers and never failing to produce fresh talent each year from some of the most prestigious fashion schools and colleges. It’s such a highly sought-after career path that it seems like the young and inexperienced are willing to undergo exploitation in order to secure their dream job. If you are looking for a fashion internship, fear not! Using a reputable internship agency is a safe way to ensure your work experience is a beneficial undertaking. Fragil KRISTYNA MILDE čUMENI The series čUMENI combines two seemingly different approaches of depicting women: the history of European master paintings and modern pop culture. The dolls play the role of historical icons in the familiar paintings pointing out the connection between stereotypical representation in the past and the present. The paintings are first re-created in 3D […] Before & After Kristyna Milde in collaboration with Karina Kottova and Jan Pfeiffer Kristyna, Before & After, 2011, digital print The photo series “Before & After” are conceptual portraits dealing with the relativity of aging. with Kristyna Milde by Natalia Liquiñano Estetica y Dirección de Arte Weblog de apoyo de la asignatura Estética y Dirección de Arte.

UbuWeb Only Creative MIMOA | Modern Architecture Guide | Contributed, organised, and mapped by you. ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide Make a homepage in minutes Where They At: New Orleans Hip-Hop and Bounce in Words and Pictures. Aubrey Edwards and Alison Fensterstock. New Orleans 2010. CulturePOP | Ingredients for an Artful Life Many people say that "The Wire" was the greatest show ever written, with the possible exception of "Breaking Bad." Seth MacFarlane even pokes fun at the series’ reputation in an episode of "Family Guy." Since there is no definitive test to determine which is actually the greatest, I'd say a reference in an American, pop culture-themed sitcom provides some credibility. However, many TV fans have been discussing "The Sopranos" recent success in topping the Writer's Guild of America’s "101 Best Written TV Series" list. Although each of these elite TV drama series have completely different stories, they all have at least one thing in common. Yes, the other shows are original television projects, and “GoT” is an adaptation, but adapting for the screen is a whole different art form unto itself. What also allows this show to be so unique is the highly chaotic and orderless world it takes place in.
