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Recovered Dangerous Knowledge – The True Nature of Reality

Recovered Dangerous Knowledge – The True Nature of Reality

The Bible backs same-sex couples: Point by point, why conservatives are wrong If the essence of marriage involves a covenant-keeping relationship of mutual self-giving, then two men or two women can fulfill that purpose as well as a man and a woman can. But is lifelong commitment between two adults sufficient for realizing a Christian basis for marriage? Or is there something unique about heterosexual relationships that prevents same-sex couples from truly illustrating Christ’s love for the church? The first response one might make based on Ephesians 5 is that same-sex unions are necessarily excluded from a Christian basis for marriage because Scripture uses only heterosexual language when describing it. We know covenant keeping is essential to Christian marriage. One reason many non-affirming Christians believe gender difference is essential to marriage is the obvious one: Only a man and a woman can biologically procreate. From a strictly Old Testament perspective, that position has some merit. Third, the definition of family has changed for Christians.

| HOT COFFEE, a documentary feature film Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Ancient Egypt and The Alternative Story of Mankind's Origins (Full Documentary) ZME Science - science news, research, health, environment, space 13 Nephilim Skulls Found In Mexico? So much of what we have been taught about ancient history is simply not true. According to Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, a team of archaeologists working close to the Mexican village of Onavas has made an amazing discovery. They reportedly found 13 ancient human specimens that had grossly elongated skulls. This group of elongated skulls in Mexico made headlines all over the globe when it was initially discovered. So what would cause a skull to become elongated like that? However, it does not explain all of them. In Paracas, on the coast of Peru, he and Richard Shaw, the director of the ‘Watcher’ series, visited a necropolis, a huge desert cemetery, and a museum that had some forty skulls originally from the graveyard. For much more on this, check out the video that I have posted below of Sid Roth interviewing L.A. Yes, without a doubt many elongated skull specimens were caused by cradle-boarding children when they were young. Why? About the author: Michael T.

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