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3D Printing

3D Printing
You are in: Future Technologies : 3D Printing 3D Printing Imagine a future in which a device connected to a computer can print a solid object. A future in which we can have tangible goods as well as intangible services delivered to our desktops or highstreet shops over the Internet. Such a future may sound like it is being plucked from the worlds of Star Trek. The following provides an overview of 3D printing technologies and their present and likely future application. Current Technologies 3D printing is an additive technology in which objects are built up in a great many very thin layers. Another 3D printing technology based on the selective solidification of a tank of liquid -- or 'vat polymerization' -- is DLP projection. A final 3D printing technology that creates objects by using a light source to solidify a liquid photopolymer is known generically as 'material jetting', or commercially as 'polyjet matrix'. Commercial 3D Printers and Online Services Personal 3D Printing Finally(!)

Rapid Ready Technology | {S}PATIAL .BRAIN Impression 3D - Kallisto, distributeur de materiels 3D : conception 3D et prototypage rapide Impression 3D L’impression 3D est une technologie de fabrication rapide récente. Développée par le MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), elle permet de générer un objet réel à partir de données numériques (fichiers CAO) en le découpant en tranches puis en ajoutant et solidifiant de la matière couche par couche pour au final obtenir la pièce terminée. Le principe est proche d’une imprimante 2D classique : les buses utilisées, qui déposent de la colle, fonctionnent de manière similaire aux imprimantes de bureau. Facile d’utilisation, abordable (excellent rapport qualité/prix) et assez compacte pour un bureau, l’impression 3D est utilisée par les concepteurs, les ingénieurs et les amateurs pour développer des concepts et concevoir des produits en 3 dimension, afin d’accélérer le processus et la mise sur le marché. Entrez dans une nouvelle dimension !! Les applications de la Modélisation à Jets Multiples Nouveau : Impression 3D avec les systèmes de production 3-D ProJet™

3D Printing News Solid Ideas - Model Making and 3D Printing Service :: Topography For winning projects and communicating solutions, nothing beats showcasing Geographic Information Services (GIS) data as real physical 3D models. -W. Yang, SWA Group "Oscar's knowledge of file preparation and 3D printing allowed us to visualize and engineer our designs, which then helped us successfully present our vision to our clients. Caltrans “Solid-Ideas 3D printing service and model making skills enables our customers to more clearly understand our design proposals and it reduces the amount of time required for project acceptance”. -M. -P. Our topographic models are used by the natural resource sector, real estate industries, museum and visitor centers and our architecture clients. Our client needed to accurately calculate, visualize and communicate the volume of overflow. GIS Contours We started the project using real world land data to build the area of interest. Litigation Animation Oil & Gas We are experts at building models—real or virtual—for oil, gas and mining applications.

RepRapWiki TEDxEWB Talk: Adrian Bowyer at Imperial College, London, introduces RepRap RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was the first of the low-cost 3D printers, and the RepRap Project started the open-source 3D printer revolution. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017. RepRap state-of-the-art is well represented by John Mulac's Mulbot and Mike Jeffs' ReprapMJ. About | Development | Community | RepRap Machines | Resources | Policy

L'impression 3D : du virtuel à l'objet sur-mesure L'imprimante 3D fabrique des objets sur-mesure, en 3 dimensions, à partir d'un fichier. Elle découpe de la matière (plastique, cire, métal, poudre à base d'eau et de sel, ...) puis la dépose couche par couche pour fabriquer un objet. Une technique baptisée stéréolithographie. Si le coût d'une telle machine se chiffrait en dizaines de milliers de dollars dans les années 90, il a largement baissé aujourd'hui. Le prix des imprimantes 3D oscille entre 1000 et 2000 €, néanmoins le prix d'entrée se situe aux alentours de 375 euros (chez Solidoodle). Qui n'a jamais rêvé de transformer un fichier numérique en un objet réel ? Démonstration en vidéo : La gamme de matériaux pour les imprimantes 3D s'élargit. Photo extraite de la brochure de Stratasys, spécialiste de l'impression 3D. De la mode à l'aéronautique, en passant par la santé, la 3D s'invite dans tous les domaines Dans les années 90, ces technologies étaient exclusivement réservées au prototypage des industriels. La mode L'industrie La santé

Replicating A Pony: 3D Printing with Michael Perrone | The Round Stable Imagine if you will that you could have any pony toy created whenever you want… of whatever you want! Be it an OC or a background pony that just doesn’t have a toy, there are fans trying to make 3D printing of ponies a reality. I interviewed Michael Perrone, owner of a 3D printing service called Futuralization, on 3D printing in the My Little Pony community and the possibilities of 3D printing as a whole. Read on after the cut! How did you get into My Little Pony? Way back in 2010 when I still had time for such frolicsome things, I used to browse KnowYourMeme, Reddit, and 4chan for entertainment. How did you get into 3D printing? I saw it in the news a bunch as it was starting up, so I had a mild interest: I’m that sort of nerd. Were any of your friends into 3D printing, or were you the one who introduced it to the group? By the time I got there, the lab already had at least 3 printers. How did you get your first 3D printer? Is that the same printer you use today? Making a Model

Bienvenue sur Cresilas Artec Helps Create Customers at Conceptual Japanese Pop-Up Store — Artec 3D Scanners 3D scanning and 3D printing are innovative technologies that complement each other and both were used in a project by Party, Inc.-- "Omote 3D Shashin Kan." The Artec MHT scanner allowed Party, a "creative lab" based in Tokyo and New York, to realize their idea of a pop-up photo booth. The photo booth was open for two months in “Eye of Gyre” Gallery in Tokyo, and produced 3D printed human miniatures. The miniatures, a “mini me” version of oneself, were made through a combination of Artec 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies. Customers stood still while staff scanned their entire bodies with the Artec MHT scanner. 'The idea came from the point where we started to think about what we could do using 3D scanners and 3D printers together,' says PARTY founder Masashi Kawamura, who was recently included in Fast Company's ranking of the '100 Most Creative People in Business'. At the moment this project is over, but Party Inc. will be launching new projects soon. Wallpaper magazine

Stéphane Distinguin: Impression 3D, soleil levant Stéphane Distinguin interviendra lors de la conférence annuelle, les 18 et 19 mars. Le monde des nouvelles technologies a déjà ses vieilles gloires, des géants que l'on empaille régulièrement à coup d'articles assassins et de graphs plongeants. Chef de file de ces pré-retraités, dont on ne sait plus trop si l'on doit prédire le renouveau ou l'agonie prolongée : Nokia. Si les chiffres ne sont pas bons, l'analyse de la débauche d'energie tardive déployée par le constructeur finlandais pour retrouver sa place dans le bal des géants est riche en enseignements. La nouvelle peut sembler anecdotique lorsque l'on sait que le groupe accuse des pertes de 3,1 milliards de dollars en 2012 et que le marché global de l'impression 3D dépasse difficilement le milliard en se concentrant presque exclusivement sur le B2B. Faut il pour autant voir l'initiative de Nokia comme un gadget destiné à emoustiller geeks et adeptes du Do It Yourself ?
