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The Top 100 Twitter Publishing Tools and Services | Brian Solis - PR 2.0 inShare0 Source As I was writing the report on Facebook and Twitter traffic growth, I had noticed that the engagement time at had dropped by 31 percent year-over-year. September 2009: 18:07 September 2008: 26:12 Engagement Difference = -31% I suspected that the shift in numbers stemed from the migration of those who previously interacted on and now engage via third-party clients such as TweetDeck, Seesmic, CoTweet, HootSuite, et al. Windows Login Recovery - XP, Vista, and 7 password recovery within minutes. Welcome to Dimdim Performance Comparison of Major Web Browsers The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Opera 10.0, and Apple Safari 4.0) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance. Each web browser was tested three times under an unprimed cache (except for the browser cache performance), and their average value reported in the results. Click to enlarge: Download the Data If you’d like to download the raw data, you can grab them as a CSV below. web-browser-performance-data.csv (CSV, 2.0KB) Benchmarking Tools Acknowledgement: Thanks to Sean Hurley of 96Robots for inspiring this study. Related Content About the Author Jacob Gube is the Founder and Chief Editor of Six Revisions.

Conexión gratuita de 1MB para los hogares andaluces « La Servilleta de Paco Prieto Muchos consideran que el acceso a la Sociedad de la Información debería ser un servicio público y gratuito, disponible para toda la ciudadanía. Yo me sumo a esta tesis. De momento, los andaluces van a ser los primeros en nuestro país en disfrutar de una conexión gratuita de 1 MB a la Red. La Junta de Andalucía pondrá en marcha dentro de un año una de las promesas que lanzó el presidente autonómico Manuel Chaves durante la última campaña electoral: acceso de Internet gratuito de 1 MB para todos los hogares andaluces. No me parece fácil de lograr. No solamente por cuestiones presupuestarias, que también…sino por ver qué tipo de mecanismo, subvención, préstamos, acuerdo con operadores o instrumento se pone en marcha para lograr la conexión gratuita en cada hogar andaluz. Aunque ya hay algunas buenas prácticas que se deberían seguir al respecto (me refiero a velocidades y no solamente indicadores de número de accesos). Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

The 10 Best Linux Distributions of 2009 - Linux Servers and Apache News Story It was exactly one year ago today that I published my original "The 10 Best Linux Distributions" and it's time to put forth a new list for this year's best. Without looking at the old list, I've decided to compile this one from scratch. This 2009 list takes several factors into account for placement in the list: Community support, commercial support, software variety, update engine and distribution frequency. Even for old Linux salts, there are a few surprises on this list. For starters, Ubuntu is not number one. The problem with this list is that I don't hate any of the distros that I've entered here. 1. gNewSense - Ever since my conversation with Richard Stallman, I've decided that gNewSense is the distro that claims the top spot for this year. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. If your favorite distro didn't make the cut, I'm sorry, maybe next time.

How to Install Extensions in Google Chrome Call them extensions, plug-ins or add-ons; the terms probably owe their popularity to Firefox. The knock on effect is that it has almost become a gold standard for browsers to be judged by. Why not as these days we live inside the browser rather than anywhere else. The need for extension support was almost a clarion call as soon as the browser hit the market. Has it caught up? The good news is that Google Chrome now officially supports browser extensions. The little bit of bad news is that Google Chrome extension support is still not a feature of the stable version of Chrome but you get it in the latest build of the dev channel release. Not to get confused between Chrome and Chromium – Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome which Chrome relies on for its final build. So let’s get up and running with installing extensions in Google Chrome. To those of us more attuned to the Add-ons box of Firefox, the extension manager will seem very basic.

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Quizá quieras tratar con Ammyy Admin http: //www. Ammyy. Com. Uno de los más fáciles y rápidos software de conexión a escritorio remoto. Sin couta mensual, gratis para uso no comercial Seguro será una gran alternativa. by agt1729 Sep 26

La solución All-In-One para el acceso remoto y soporte a través de Internet los planes comerciales de descarga disponibles, by waltherbeltranardila Jan 6
