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High-Impact Entrepreneurship

High-Impact Entrepreneurship

Bootstrap Network Blog Wednesday, March 21, 2007 American Creativity Association I spoke earlier today at the American Creativity Association's annual conference here in Austin, coordinated by William "Bud" Wurtz, who told me there were around 100 very smart, creative people attending. It was a great group, and I regretted that I couldn't hang out longer. I talked about, reviewing the history of the site and the nonprofit organization that emerged from it, and discussing my role in the the development of a Worldchanging Blog Network. The group had excellent questions; they're all fired up about innovation in its many forms. Bijoy notes that Gregg Fraley, who spoke to the Ideation group, will be at the ACA meeting, which runs through Saturday. Monday, March 19, 2007 Ideation March Meeting with Gregg Fraley Gregg Fraley, author of Jack's Notebook spoke at the March Ideation Meeting at Cafe Caffeine. Here's a brief outline of Gregg's talk: Make a wish list. Thursday, March 15, 2007 DemoCamp Recap

Caine's Arcade | A cardboard arcade made by a 9-year old boy. [Startups] Le programme d’accompagnement 50 Partners est lancé dans un loft de 500 M2 à Paris  Initié par Investir en Direct, communauté d’entrepreneurs qui met en relation investisseurs et créateurs, 50 Partners est un programme d’accompagnement de startups aux multiples facettes. Il va sélectionner chaque année 6 à 8 entrepreneurs de l’économie digitale en phase d’amorçage qui vont pouvoir intégrer le Loft, un espace de 500m² en plein cœur de Paris. A la fois pépinière et espace de coworking dédié aux startups, cette ancienne corderie hébergera également de nombreux évènements de networking, conférences et ateliers liés à l’écosystème. Dans la foulée de succès anglo-saxons comme Techstars, Y Combinator ou 500 Startups, 50 partners propose aux startups une aide logistique, un mentoring avancé, des mises en relations stratégiques et un appui opérationnel à la recherche de financement. Les 50 s’appuie notamment sur leur communauté de 150 angels au sein d’ Investir en Direct.

BootstrapWiki Design & Thinking - a documentary on design thinking TechCrunch A League Of His Own Kevin Koym has a degree in electrical engineering, a r?sum? that includes stints at IBM, Motorola, and NeXT Computer, and a two-person software company called Enterprise Teaming. But last summer, when a computer glitch at his bank kept him from paying one of his bills, Koym was flummoxed. He dashed off an e-mail asking for help, and within 45 minutes he had 20 referrals. The next day he changed banks. In an age of information overload, a new style of networking is getting entrepreneurs' attention. The simple Yahoo! If the e-mail list is the network's engine, its us-against-the-world ethos is its fuel. Goswami, a 32-year-old Stanford University grad, gets most of the credit for figuring out how self-funded entrepreneurs could support one another in the Information Age. Hoping to keep Aviri alive, Goswami started thinking about bootstrapping. Soon, Goswami was attracting seasoned entrepreneurs such as Hoover to the monthly gatherings to share their advice. By Andrew Park

Mundo S/A - Fedex investe em novos mercados para crescer A Fedex, empresa de entrega americana, fatura por ano US$ 40 bilhões em média. A empresa entrega cerca 3,5 milhões de pacotes por dia. A maior empresa de entregas rápidas do mundo possui uma frota de 667 aeronaves. Fedex investe em novos mercados para crescer Segundo pesquisa da Zenith Optimedia, agência de mídia do Grupo Publicis, o Brasil será o quinto maior mercado publicitário do mundo no ano de 2013. Empresário investe em publicidade em sacos de pão Só na cidade de São Paulo, mais de 180 empresas de delivery abriram as portas nos últimos 10 anos. Novos empreendimentos surgem no setor de delivery em São Paulo Uma tradicional cutelaria francesa conseguiu se reerguer e fazer frente à concorrência, tendo como objetivo a perfeição. Vilarejo francês luta para manter tradicional fabricação de facas a... O novo sistema numérico é possível reconhecer, reproduzir um tom exato de cor e até mesmo criar novas misturas como as fluorescentes e metalizadas.
