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Related:  User Experience

9 tips to improve user experience A designer is like an architect that builds a website’s foundation and makes it aesthetically pleasing for users. From the moment of a website concept’s birth, designers must consider user-friendliness and how each little element comes together in the eyes of the consumer. There are dozens of elements that play into the overall feel of a website for the end user, and user experience (UX) is impacted by all the parts—big and small. Around 88 percent of consumers state they’ve had a bad mobile experience on websites, and 30 percent won’t return to a site after a bad UX experience. Similarly, in a brick-and-mortar store, the user experience impacts the overall impression the customer has of your brand and whether they want to visit your store again.

Free Nova Icons Free PackFull Pack LicenseContact Download 350 Icons Take a closer look at our icons or try them in your current project. It's free for any commercial use 👌 Download Free Pack350 Material DesignIcons All picked from the Ultimate Pack (4000 icons). Carousels on Mobile Devices On desktop, the carousel has always been a popular way to stick multiple pieces of content on the front page without taking up too much space. On mobile, carousels increased in popularity when the iPad was first introduced. (Original iPad designs were fascinated by the etched-screen aesthetic and wanted to control the layout in the tiniest detail. As a result they often forewent vertical scrolling in favor of a card or carousel-like design.) Like menus and accordions, carousels have an important advantage on mobile: they fit a lot of content into a relatively small footprint. Their second big plus is that they may solve content-priority quarrels within the organization by allowing everybody to make their mark on the main screen (even though it often turns into an invisible mark).

Design for Fingers, Touch, and People, Part 2 Few people hold their phone with two hands and two thumbs on the screen. At least, they don’t usually hold their phone that way. But people shift their grip when typing, and 41% of users hold their phone with both hands and tap using their thumbs when typing.

Design for Fingers, Touch, and People, Part 1 Capacitive Touch Now, in 2017, when someone talks about touchscreens, they mean capacitive touch. This is the type of touchscreen on all mobile phones, tablets, entertainment systems, cars, kiosks, and increasingly, other small devices that are currently in production. Capacitive touch uses the electrical properties of the body. That’s why it doesn’t work with any old pen as a stylus, when wearing gloves, or even when your skin is too dry. A finger acts as a capacitor, whose presence on the screen is measured by nodes on a grid—comprising layers on X and Y axes—between the display screen and the protective plastic or glass cover, as shown in Figure 1.

UX for Mobile: The Rise of Fat-Finger Design We already know that users are turning to mobile for all kinds of needs: from simple-search to shopping, to the use of financial apps. And we also know that mobile-friendly websites are better ranked. But at the beginning of 2018, Google announced the mobile-first indexing since a lot of user searches are made on a mobile device. And if you have any doubt about it, Statista clearly shows that the global digital population as of July 2018 is 4.1 billion, from which 3.8 billion are uniquely mobile internet users. It’s estimated that this population will grow to 4.78 billion until 2020. So there’s no doubt about it: now is clearly the time to go mobile.

Finding hobbies tailored to your needs — a UX case study A few weeks ago, a friend of mine expressed how frustrated she was because she had to stop practicing one of her favorite hobbies. She just didn’t have time for it anymore. Her studies and her job were increasingly taking more time from her. Moreover, having a 2-hour commute every day was not helping her. I discussed this topic with a few more friends, and I was surprised to find this was a common issue. 2019 UI/UX Design Trends You Should Know – Akveo Engineering The designer needs to stay on top of the latest design trends. The work style should change and evolve to keep work fresh and resonate with clients and products. The 2019 year collected a lot of trends from the last year and also add some new ones. So take a look at the juiciest trends for this year that I’ve picked out.

How to Create a Good UX Design. – The Startup When Steve Jobs showed up at the San Francisco airport at the age of 19, his parents didn’t recognize him. Jobs, a Reed College dropout, had just spent a few months in India. He had gone to meet the region’s contemplative traditions — Hinduism, Buddhism — and the Indian sun had darkened his skin a few shades. The trip not only changed him but also changed the business world by giving it a new benchmark for achieving user experience. “Simple, Sophisticated, and Neat” — This is the trademark design of all Apple products, which was conceived and proposed by Steve jobs, the former CEO, Apple. How to not suck at design, a 5 minute guide for the non-designer. If you don’t believe you can learn design, just remember what our legendary friend David Eric Grohl said about learning new things: I never took lessons to play the drums. I never took lessons to play the guitar.

UI/UX design guide with terms, explanations, tips and trends The new era of design has come! You might think of some interior or clothes when hearing the word ‘design’, but today most of the things this word applies to are located in the virtual space. Design defines the success of most software products. And software development discovers new ways to use the design for various products. We talk about design for websites and applications! How Designers Become Storytellers – RE: Write I’m a few months away from graduating from CMCI Studio, and I’ve been asking this same question of every working designer I meet: what skill has been most useful in your career? There’s surprising consensus. I keep hearing the same advice: Know how to tell a story. They go on to explain that the ability to make other people understand, to make other people care, to make other people get behind an idea — this is the ultimate power of a good storyteller. Whether leading a meeting with a client, a boss, a group of devs, or your own team, if you can make sure they “get it,” your job just got a lot easier.

Should you design for People, Persons, Activities or Jobs? Experience design research has relied upon a variety of techniques over the years to describe users and their requirements for the tools they use to satisfy their needs. These approaches typically have their fans and detractors who argue back and forth about what is the best approach for factoring users into designs. We can gain some insights by considering them all at once. Anthropometry The anthropometric approach originated in human factors and ergonomic engineering.

How learning design can make developers more valuable—and better teammates It’s spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are longer and the spirit lifts— even those of designers who grow weary of being told that they have to make all the effort to build bridges with developers. There’s at least one blog post a month preaching to, if not haranguing, designers to: learn to codedevelop a shared language with engineers (actually, learn to speak “developer”)make sure that they don’t do any number of things to “piss off” developersnot propose designs that are “too visionary” (translation: hard to code)validate their designs with “rigor” so that developers will “respect them”(!) Taking these steps will make designers “more valuable.” I’ll just make one observation here and move on:
