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70+ book picks from TED speakers and attendees

70+ book picks from TED speakers and attendees
The tables in bookstores can be overwhelming: Every book cover looks appealing, every blurb glows with praise. Sometimes, you just need a recommendation from a human, someone you trust. Below, 10 members of the TED community — with very different points of view — share the books they think you’ll enjoy this summer. Their selections are wonderfully untethered to new releases and bestsellers, with a little something for everyone. Mind-bending fiction, picked by David Eagleman David Eagleman is a neuroscientist whose sensory vest may just expand the limits of human perception. Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges. The Bear by William Faulkner. The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive by Brian Christian. The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon. Things That Are: Essays by Amy Leach. Books on art and race, picked by Anne Pasternak Related:  To Read

12 Banned Books Every Woman Should Read While it would be great if we were past the whole “banning books” thing, the fact remains that hundreds of books have their places in libraries or on school reading lists challenged each year. According to the American Library Association, books are most commonly challenged for being “sexually explicit” or containing “offensive language.” But some of the books that are most often challenged are also literary classics, containing storylines that almost everyone can learn from. In honor of Banned Books Week 2014, we’ve pulled together a list of controversial books that every woman should read. They cover sexual freedom and women pushing back against prescribed roles, oppression against women and people of color, and what it means to be a woman in different places and times. Above all, they are stories well told. Here are 12 banned, censored and commonly challenged books every woman (and person) should read:

Inicio Fair Use Notice This site contains copyrighted material encountered in the Internet, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economy, democracy, scientific and social justice issues, etc... We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. For more information please visit: Aviso de Uso Equitativo Este Sitio contiene material con derechos de autor encontrada en la Internet, el uso del cual no siempre ha sido específicamente autorizado por el propietario de los derechos de autor. Creemos que esto constituye un "uso equitativo" de cualquier material con derechos de autor, como previsto en la Sección 107 de la Ley de Derechos de Autor de los Estados Unidos de America.

An Update on Ken Wilber's Health Ken Wilber April 14th, 2013 Your rating: None Average: 5 (6 votes) Over the past few years there has been a tremendous outpouring of compassion and concern from the integral community for Ken Wilber's wellbeing. Ken is writing again! Watch this free video from the 2012 What Next Media Collection to learn what Ken is up to these days.... This clip is excerpted from the 2012 What Next Media Collection, and is part of Ken's full 2 hour 15 minute keynote address. Here you can find the full media collection for the 2012 What Next Conference. The collection includes: Get the entire collection for just $149.99 and experience the future of consciousness, culture, and creativity! Learn more Other Pieces You May Enjoy Sign up or log in to join the conversation!

While Some Are Shocked by ‘Go Set a Watchman,’ Others Find Nuance in a Bigoted Atticus Finch “Whether you’ve read the novel or seen the film, there’s this image you have of Atticus as a hero, and this brings him down a peg,” said Adam Bergstein, an English teacher in Queens whose 10th- and 11-grade students read “Mockingbird.” “How do you take this guy who everybody looked up to for the last 50-plus years, and now he’s a more flawed individual?” In this version, Atticus is 72 years old, suffering from arthritis and stubbornly resistant to social change. He stands in sharp contrast to the gentle scholar in “Mockingbird,” who tells Scout, when explaining why he has gone out on a limb to defend a black man, that “I do my best to love everybody.” In “Watchman,” which comes out Tuesday, Atticus chides Scout for her idealistic views about racial equality: “The Negroes down here are still in their childhood as a people.” After the initial shock, some writers and literary critics see added value in a more complex, and flawed, version of Atticus. Photo It is unclear why Ms. Ms. While A.

Collection - My Insane eBooks Collection Link : Code: Password: The Idea of a Local Economy A TOTAL ECONOMY is one in which everything — “life forms,” for instance, — or the “right to pollute” is “private property” and has a price and is for sale. In a total economy significant and sometimes critical choices that once belonged to individuals or communities become the property of corporations. A total economy, operating internationally, necessarily shrinks the powers of state and national governments, not only because those governments have signed over significant powers to an international bureaucracy or because political leaders become the paid hacks of the corporations but also because political processes — and especially democratic processes — are too slow to react to unrestrained economic and technological development on a global scale. In default of government protections against the total economy of the supranational corporations, people are where they have been many times before: in danger of losing their economic security and their freedom, both at once.

Ted Ed on hero story & Joseph Campbell The Hero Archetype in Literature, Religion, and Popular Culture: (along with a useful PowerPoint presentation teachers can download at this URL: )Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (users embark on their own hero's journey): American Masters Lesson from PBS for Teachers on George Lucas, the Power of Myth, and the Hero's Journey: an interactive approach to the Hero's Journey: of course, information about Joseph Campbell's works on the subject, on the Joseph Campbell Foundation site:The Hero With A Thousand Faces Hero's Journey (semi-biographical film):

Utne My hero: Mary Shelley by Neil Gaiman The cold, wet summer of 1816, a night of ghost stories and a challenge allowed a young woman to delineate the darkness, and give us a way of looking at the world. They were in a villa on the shores of Lake Geneva: Lord Byron – the bestselling poet, too dangerous for the drawing rooms of England and in exile; his doctor, John William Polidori; Percy Shelley, poet and atheist, and his soon-to-be wife, 18-year-old Mary Shelley. Ghost stories were read, and then Byron challenged everyone in the group to come up with a new story. He started, but did not finish, one about vampires; Polidori completed "The Vampyre"; and young Mary, already the mother of a living child and a dead one, imagined a story about a man who fabricated a living creature, a monster, and brought it to life. Ideas happen when the time is right for them. Brian Aldiss points to Frankenstein as the first work of science fiction (which he defines as hubris clobbered by nemesis) and he may be right.
