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Welcome to the website of INTERREG IVC

accueil Criticat 16 paraîtra en octobre 2015. Parce que l’architecture se trouve au confluent de domaines de tous ordres, avec chacun leurs enjeux, leurs contraintes et leurs acteurs ; parce qu’elle est liée aux questions techniques et sociales autant qu’esthétiques et qu’elle dépend étroitement du politique et de l’économie, elle constitue un observatoire idéal des évolutions de la société tout entière. Plutôt que de commenter ou d’expliquer l’architecture à partir de sa propre culture, criticat entend donc examiner la société et sa culture depuis le point de vue de l’architecture. En publiant chaque semestre des critiques engagées en ce sens, nous espérons contribuer par l’architecture au nécessaire débat sur le monde tel qu’il se construit. Criticat a été fondée en 2008 comme un espace de réflexion indépendant des institutions et des groupes d’intérêt, ouvert à tous les acteurs du monde intellectuel et artistique. Association Criticat110, boulevard Arago 75014 Paris

Funding - Research Participant Portal Step 1 - Find a suitable Call for Proposals H2020 online manual The Commission publishes on the Participant Portal all the Calls of its research and innovation programmes H2020, and you can search calls from previous programmes (FP7 and CIP). In addition you can find information about some additional calls in the Other Funding Opportunities section. If you apply for the first time and do not know yet the programmes, it is useful to read the H2020 Online Manual. It helps you choose the most suitable programme for your area and profile. Besides, you can search according to your research topic with key words and set filters in the calls list. Your National Contact Point can also help you find the most suitable call for your profile. Step 2 - Find project partners or apply as an individual H2020 online manual Collaborative projects: most of the EU funded projects are collaborative projects with at least 3 organisations from different EU Member States or Associated countries.

'Start Up Street' - what will you start up? - News - Urbanism - A+DS The High Street is a key element of our settlements. Its role as the central space of villages, towns and cities has been challenged by changes in the pattern of retail, of leisure, and living. In many High Streets in many settlements there are vacant and underutilised assets. In some cases the High Street is under pressure. It is an issue of concern for many, from businesses, to citizens, to investors. Meeting the challenge of how to re-think the High Street as a central place requires creative thinking about how we make the best of what we already have. The project is open to anyone with an interest in High Streets, how they work, and how they can be enhanced. Details of the events to test the Start Up Street Prototype are available, where to register and how to participate are available at this link.

GPPQ Apresentações disponíveis para download. Agenda em anexo. Esta sessão de informação H2020 ESPAÇO teve três objetivos: 1) Informar a comunidade espaço nacional dos resultados preliminares da participação no 1º concurso H2020 SPACE 2014 (4 Abril 2014) e detalhar o conteúdo dos tópicos em aberto no 2º concurso H2020 SPACE 2015, que tem data de fecho agendada para 8 abril 2015. 2) Ouvir testemunhos de vários avaliadores e parceiros portugueses experientes e com participações de sucesso nos anteriores concursos do tema Espaço do FP7 (2007-2013). 3) Apresentar os resultados do inquérito lançado entre a comunidade espaço portuguesa, o qual vista inventariar as atividades que a comunidade portuguesa considera prioritário lançar nos próximos Work Programmes 2016 e 2017. Esta sessão realizou-se no dia 11 de Setembro de 2014, no Pavilhão do Conhecimento em Lisboa entre as 14h00 e as 17h30. . Morada:Parque das Nações Eventos anteriores a Setembro de 2013 podem ser consultados no website anterior do GPPQ.

For the future good of our high streets we need a better understanding of the social and economic life of local worlds in the context of global change Profound changes are occurring on high streets throughout the country. In order for policies aimed at their planning and stewardship to succeed, a greater understanding of how high streets adapt to changing economic conditions and serve their neighbourhoods is needed. Suzanne Hall argues for a multidisciplinary approach in understanding the social and economic particularities of high streets. Since late 2008, economic crises and legislated cuts have reverberated across Britain, impressing on a daily basis that we live and work in an austere and volatile present. To what extent are small urban entrepreneurs and micro socio-economic networks able to adapt to global economic change? In the context of the high street, I argue for a greater understanding of the social and economic particularities of local worlds if policies aimed at their planning and stewardship are to succeed. However, larger changes in the broader Walworth neighbourhood are imminent. About the author

Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement | Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure About the Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement The Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement with Planetary Science is awarded annually*. Through the Prize, Europlanet aims to recognise achievements in engaging European citizens with planetary science and to raise the profile of outreach within the scientific community. It is awarded to individuals or groups who have developed innovative practices in planetary science communication and whose efforts have significantly contributed to a wider public engagement with planetary science. *Prizes were awarded annually from 2010-2013 and will be awarded from 2016-2019. Rules The prize recognizes and honours outstanding communication to the general public in planetary science by an individual or an institution. Apply: Download the nomination form for 2016. Find out more: Europlanet Prize FAQs Past Prize winners Contact: Thierry Fouchet, Observatoire de Paris (

Clone Town Britain Clone Town Britain The groundbreaking investigation into the effects of chain stores on our high streets. June 6, 2005 // Written by: Ruth Potts,Andrew Simms,Petra Kjell Clone Town Britain: The survey results on the bland state of the nation, reveals for the first time, the balance between clone towns, border towns and home towns in the UK. The report shows how retail spaces once filled with a thriving mix of independent butchers, newsagents, tobacconists, pubs, bookshops, greengrocers and family owned general stores are fast being filled with faceless supermarket retailers, fast-food chains, mobile phone shops and global fashion outlets. nef believes Britain doesn’t have to become a nation of clone towns. Issues Local Economies Like what you read? Close Download free PDF nef publications are licensed under a Creative Commons license. Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=" More Publications Publication // April 22, 2014 No small change More Publication // April 10, 2014 More

EPE - Entreprises pour l'Environnement WBCSD-SNV Alliance: Creating inclusive business opportunities by linking local communities with big business Le centre hospitalier, lieu d'expérimentation des déplacements Parce qu'il cumule les spécificités et les difficultés, le centre hospitalier se révèle comme un lieu très intéressant en matière d'études et d'actions concernant la mobilité des biens et des personnes : publics variés, avec des motivations de déplacement très différentes,horaires à la fois très variables et peu souples (les employés n'ont pas tous de plages d'horaires), avec des périodes de fortes fréquentations souvent découplées des transports en commun classiques,flux de marchandises très spécifiques, Dans un contexte où le recrutement du personnel soignant se révèle de plus en plus difficile, où la multi-activité des professionnels de santé (alternant des actes médicaux en secteur libéral et des vacations dans le secteur public, par exemple) et la pratique des temps partiels (liée certainement à la féminisation de la profession) se développent, l’accessibilité à l’hôpital devient aussi un enjeu prédominant pour faire face aux évolutions de l’emploi du personnel hospitalier.

Multi-Agent Transport Simulation | MATSim Ecosystème La démarche de Danone (...) : un mélange de vision et de pragmatisme. A partir de quelques convictions, d’un peu d’intuition et de beaucoup d’expérimentation, nous essayons de faire vivre un modèle d’entreprise où performance économique et sociétale se nourrissent mutuellement.FRANCK RIBOUD, Président du Conseil d'Administration Danone Contrairement au mécénat (qui se situe en marge de l’activité économique de l’entreprise), les Fonds Danone financent des projets qui sont au coeur de son activité. Ce n’est pas du caritatif, c’est du business. Intelligent, constructif, bienveillant. Et c’est sans doute pour cela que ses vertus humaines et sociales, ancrées au coeur du modèle, seront sans doute plus durables. CONCRèTEMENT : TOUT LE MONDE A UNE VOIX Il s’agit, par la co-création et l’innovation, de développer l’activité économique de façon responsable et équitable, en veillant à ce qu’un maximum de protagonistes tire un bénéfice réel. Les populations sont parties prenantes

Trajectoires DD | Les contributions du Nord – Pas-de-Calais pour Rio 2012
