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(1) MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games

(1) MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games
Related:  Inteligencia artificialalexander2911

Team | CK-12 Foundation By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our new Terms of Use (available here) and the CK-12 Curriculum Materials License (available here) instead of the previously used CC BY-NC license. Hi! I have found this great resource at CK-12... Thanks Your message has been sent! Thank you for sharing CK-12 resource. Done We’re mission-driven and committed to providing universal access to great educational experiences. Our trusted group of mentors who bring in their expertise and years of experience. Our CK-12 content authors are educators and subject matter experts. Miral Shah Chief Technology & Product Officer Read bio Stephen Jull Chief Commercial Operations OfficerRead bio Amit Gupta VP of Engineering Sreerag P Arumughan Illustrator Brandon Chan Math Generalist Kamal Dhindsa DevOps Engineer Swapnil Dwivedi Software Engineer Erika Gasper Science Content Specialist (AI Products) Ravi Gidwani Principal Software Developer Jim Golding Accounting Manager Katie Hamon Senior Program Manager Nachiket Karve Sr. Nick Liu x

Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (NLP) | Aprende Machine Learning ¿Qué es Natural Language Processing? El Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (NLP por sus siglas en inglés) es el campo de estudio que se enfoca en la comprensión mediante ordenador del lenguaje humano. Abarca parte de la Ciencia de Datos, Inteligencia Artificial (Aprendizaje Automático) y la lingüística. En NLP las computadoras analizan el leguaje humano, lo interpretan y dan significado para que pueda ser utilizado de manera práctica. El gran desafío NLP es considerado uno de los grandes retos de la inteligencia artificial ya que es una de las tareas más complicadas y desafiantes: ¿cómo comprender realmente el significado de un texto? En NLP no es suficiente con comprender meras palabras, se deberá comprender al conjunto de palabras que conforman una oración, y al conjunto de lineas que comprenden un párrafo. Nuestro lenguaje está lleno de ambigüedades, de palabras con distintas acepciones, giros y diversos significados según el contexto. ¿Para qué sirve NLP? Conclusiones Relacionado

Programme python ralentissement - Petit jeu fait via un tuto youtube, problème de ralentissement par FunlY-Fla Bonsoir à vous, Je fait de la programmation depuis quelques temps quand je le peux. Depuis 2 jours je suis un tuto youtube pour créer un jeu en python (c'est toujours ça de pris). Mais voilà, petit problème. (réalisé avec pygame) Le jeu consiste en : 1 personnage envoi des boules de feu sur un monstres et le tue. Mais quand je Run mon code, si je spamme la barre espace (qui envoie les bdf) mon jeu ralentit : mon personnage ainsi que les monstres se déplacent moins vite, et les météores qui tombent du ciel descendent moins vite. J'ai cherché sur des forums, mais j'ai rien trouvé d'intéressant. Quelqu'un saurait m'aider à comprendre pourquoi ? Bonne soirée, Cordialement Bonsoir à vous, Je fait de la programmation depuis quelques temps quand je le peux. Depuis 2 jours je suis un tuto youtube pour créer un jeu en python (c'est toujours ça de pris). Mais voilà, petit problème. (réalisé avec pygame) Le jeu consiste en : 1 personnage envoi des boules de feu sur un monstres et le tue. Bonne soirée,

An AI Tool for Generating Higher-Order Discussion Questions I recently became aware of a cool new feature in Parlay that incorporates AI, and I am here for it. Parlay Genie is currently in beta and available on the Parlay website. The purpose of this new feature is to help facilitate deeper thinking in class discussions, which Parlay calls “roundtables” for grades 5 all the way up through higher ed. Parlay Genie prompts you to enter a discussion topic or a URL for students to review and discuss. Instead of you spending time searching for discussion questions or creating your own, you’re provided with coordinating student instructions and discussion questions that are grade-level appropriate! I know. What Is Parlay? Parlay is an online tool that is all about giving students a voice, facilitating discussion, and allowing educators to monitor and assess students along the way. There is a $120 per year Individual Premium account and a customizable Schools and Districts account. How to Use Parlay Genie for Deeper Discussions Viewing Student Responses

Practical PBL Series: Design an Instructional Unit in Seven Phases As a new teacher, I once believed that teaching and learning were one and the same. I taught, and the students learned. In creating a student-centered classroom, I began to embrace project-based learning. However, I did so in a very superficial way. I thought I had PBL nailed if my students did a presentation or poster at the end of an instructional unit. I enrolled in professional development courses, started a graduate degree, and collaborated with more experienced colleagues. In the spring of 2008, my colleagues and I were approached by a local university to participate in designing a project-based learning course. The Seven-Phase Model You can transform your classroom. To begin, ask yourself these questions: What instructional unit do I want to transform? Phase 1: Introducing the Driving Question The instructional unit must have a strong driving question. Phase 2: Introducing the Culminating Challenge Phase 3: Developing Subject Matter Expertise Phase 4: Doing the Culminating Challenge

AI Tools are Coming to Google Workspace Tools It was only a matter of time until Google made a big announcement regarding artificial intelligence in their productivity tools. That announcement came today. All of the details about Google's implementation of AI in Google Workspace can be read here. Other AI features in Google Workspace to look for later this year include auto-generated images and videos in Slides, data analysis tools in Sheets, and notes capture in Google Meet. Applications for Education I didn't see anything in today's announcement that specifically mentioned whether or not these AI tools will be available in Google Workspace for Education accounts. A Visual List of 28 Learner-Centered Instruction Methods [Infographic] When we use learner-centered instruction methods, we plan with the student instead of for the student. This essentially means being mindful of their needs and placing them at the center of the teaching process. Learner-centered instruction methods can take many practical forms in the classroom. That's what the infographic below aims to show us with 28 different suggestions. An Ethical Island's Mia MacMeekin never ceases to amaze. Learner-centered instruction takes the intimidation out of new learning and places a welcome mat in front of every student that says, "You Matter." It prioritizes our students' interests and gives them a voice in the learning process. We hope you enjoy Mia's offering of these terrific learner-centered instruction methods. There are learner-centered instruction methods to be found here for every teaching adventure.

ChatGPT is going to change education, not destroy it | MIT Technology Review But it will take time and resources for educators to innovate in this way. Many are too overworked, under-resourced, and beholden to strict performance metrics to take advantage of any opportunities that chatbots may present. It is far too soon to say what the lasting impact of ChatGPT will be—it hasn’t even been around for a full semester. Tech’s ability to revolutionize schools has been overhyped in the past, and it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement around ChatGPT’s transformative potential. From ABC to GPT Much of the early hype around ChatGPT was based on how good it is at test taking. It’s little wonder that some school districts totally freaked out. Yet in hindsight, the immediate calls to ban ChatGPT in schools were a dumb reaction to some very smart software. “It was a storm in a teacup,” says David Smith, a professor of bioscience education at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. Even so, teachers are right to see the technology as a game changer.

PBL and STEAM Education: A Natural Fit Both project-based learning and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) education are growing rapidly in our schools. Some schools are doing STEAM, some are doing PBL, and some are leveraging the strengths of both. Both PBL and STEAM help schools target rigorous learning and problem solving. STEAM Beyond the Acronym I think one of the pitfalls of STEAM is in the acronym itself. Project-based learning can target one or more content areas. Embedding Success Skills Skills like collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving are part of any STEAM PBL, and will be needed for students to be effective. For example, a teacher might choose to target technological literacy for a STEAM PBL project, build a rubric in collaboration with students, and assess both formatively and summatively. Students Shaping the Learning In addition to the integration of disciplines and success skills, voice and choice are critical components to STEAM PBL. Planning Questions Mrs.

Engage AI Institute - Glossary of Artificial Intelligence Terms for Educators Written by Pati Ruiz and Judi Fusco Published on April 10, 2023 This glossary was originally published on the Educator CIRCLS blog, which can be found here. This glossary was written for educators to reference when learning about and using artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is a branch of computer science. Algorithm: Algorithms are the “brains” of an AI system and what determines decisions in other words, algorithms are the rules for what actions the AI system takes. It’s important to note that in machine learning, the algorithm is doing the work to improve and does not have the help of a human programmer.

How To Define A User Persona As you break into a career in UX, user personas are one tool you’ll certainly want to have available to you as you gather user research and find design solutions to solve problems and create more human-friendly products and experiences. In this guide, CareerFoundry UX design mentor Raven Veal teaches you how to define a user persona, step by step. Here’s what she’ll cover: 1. If you want to find out more about UX Design, check out our free online starter course here: CareerFoundry UX Design for Beginners Course. 1. A user persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. 2. Whether you’re developing a smartphone app or a mobile-responsive website, it’s very important to understand who will be using the product. Knowing your audience will help influence the features and design elements you choose, thus making your product more useful. Who is my ideal customer? Understanding the needs of your users is vital to developing a successful product. Not only that. 3. User environment

ChatGPT Used by Teachers More Than Students: New Survey WASHINGTON, D.C., March 1, 2023—Teachers use OpenAI’s ChatGPT for lesson planning and to generate creative ideas for classes, according to the first national survey of teachers and students about ChatGPT and technology, released today by the Walton Family Foundation. While much attention has been given to the potential for students to cheat using ChatGPT, teachers surveyed by Impact Research have a much different view of the technology, with the majority seeing an opportunity for it to help accelerate learning. Key findings include: Within two months of its introduction, a 51% majority of teachers reported using ChatGPT, with 40% using it at least once a week, and 53% expecting to use it more this year. “Educators are innovators,” said Romy Drucker, Director of the Education Program at the Walton Family Foundation. Nearly all teachers (91%) and students (87%) believe technology is important to get students back on track from recent academic losses. Click here to read the report

Project Planner Start planning your next PBL project with confidence, using this step-by-step form as your guide. Why is a project planner important? When you’re ready to design a project for your classroom, it’s helpful to have a framework to capture your ideas and organize your plans. A Gold Standard PBL unit has a lot of pieces to plan: your goals for student learning, entry event and driving question, major product(s) students will create, daily lessons, and more. It’s also a good idea for a school to use a common framework for PBL unit planning, so teachers can collaborate using the same language, and share projects more easily with colleagues. So we’ve created a Project Planner to support you in the planning process. The Project Planner has five parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
