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YA Books Central (@yabookscentral)

YA Books Central (@yabookscentral)

Ten Authors and Publishers to Follow on Instagram | Book Recommendations and Reviews Instagram is famous as a haven for food porn, celebs, and selfies. But did you know some of your favorite authors and publishers are also on Instagram? Although not as popular as social networking sites that are more word-based, like Twitter and Facebook (because obvs), a few authors are sharing their sunsets, pets, current reads, and eating adventures with the World Wide Instagram. And even though there are only about a bajillion social networking platforms out there, getting a visual peek into these authors’ lives somehow feels a lot more personal than simply reading a tweet. Publishers are starting to use Instagram, too, offering a look not just at recent releases, but into the behind-the-scenes workings of the Big 6 5. Without further ado, here are ten authors and publishers to add to your IGers list: Erin Morgenstern (@erinmorgenstern), author of The Night Circus Morgenstern’s Instagram feed is artistic, with a gothic flair (this probably surprises no one).

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