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10 tools per realizzare storytelling digitali, senza programmatori

10 tools per realizzare storytelling digitali, senza programmatori
Tutti noi ci siamo innamorati di Snow Fall. Da quando il New York Times nel 2012 mostrò al mondo l’esatta declinazione del giornalismo con gli strumenti digitali, la parola storytelling è entrata a far parte del vocabolario di ogni giornalista. Quel progetto contribuì a convincere gli editori che l’innovazione è un lavoro di squadra tra redattori, grafici, programmatori e analisti di dati. Il successivo NSA Files:Decoded del Guardian non fece altro che confermare questa tesi. Lo storytelling quindi non è materia per i freelance? Con il passare degli anni sono stati sviluppati programmi online che permettono a chiunque di poterne realizzare uno. 1) Story Builder Questo programma permette di creare un racconto multimediale con foto, video, testi, infografiche. 2) Sway Con Sway è possibile inserire qualsiasi materiale nello storytelling. 3) è basato sul drag and drop. 4) Storyform Storyform funziona un po’ come WordPress. 5) Odissey 6) Storyline 7) Blind Spot 8) Adobe Voice P.S.

Review of Interactive Storytelling at the New York Times Interactive storytelling takes traditional elements of journalism — words, pictures, data, videos, etc. — and uses web technologies to blend them into an immersive and unique online experience, often allowing the audience to interact with the content. The best way to get a grasp on this type of content is by playing around with it yourself! I recommend checking out 2014: The Year in Interactive Storytelling, Graphics and Multimedia and 2013: The Year in Interactive Storytelling, Graphics and Multimedia. The New York Times is in the business of telling stories. And for a while now, it has been quite good at doing just that. Perhaps a decade or two ago, it made sense to sit down with a copy of the Times at 7 A.M. and leisurely read from cover to cover. To address the evolving habits of this digital news-reading audience (all 176 million of them), the New York Times must figure out how to do what it has always done best — tell stories — on a digital platform. Multimedia Features Background

Story.AM The 100 best free fonts | Design In this freshly updated free fonts for designers post, we bring you the world's best free fonts. We've filtered out the diamonds from the thousands of less perfectly designed free fonts available online, for you to use in your designs and illustrations. Get Adobe Creative Cloud now This list represents the 55 best free fonts we've found in eight categories. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the page, or the boxout, right, to jump to the section you want. Don't forget, we have many other articles covering specialist font types including handwriting fonts, kids' fonts, cursive fonts, beautiful fonts, web fonts, professional fonts and more. Most of the typeface collections listed here can be used in your projects for free, but please be sure to check the terms. Serif fonts 01. This free serif display font takes inspiration from the late 18th century European Enlightenment and the work type designer John Baskerville. 02. Lora is a free font that has its roots in calligraphy. 03.

The 5 Laws Of Content Curation The laws of content curation, should you break them and pay the fine or should you stay legal? Let’s breakdown these really good series of laws on content curation from Steven Rosenbaum: The First Law: People don’t want more content, they want less. We’re overwhelmed in raw, unfiltered, context-free data. This first law breaks down the core need of content curation. The Second Law: Curators come in three shapes. This is really good insight but one thing left unspoken is you can be one or all of these “shape of curators”. The Third Law: Curation isn’t a hobby, it’s both a profession and a calling. This is another really good point. The Fourth Law: Curation requires technology and tools to find, filter, and validate content at the speed of the real-time web. This is a big one. The Fifth Law: Curation within narrow, focused, high-quality categories will emerge to compete with the mass-media copycats who are filling the curation space with lists, cat videos, and meme links.
