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Meats Meier Artist Três D1 Últimas notícias Plug-in VRayBump2Normal para o V-Ray 3 A Chaos Group disponibilizou uma nova versão do Plug-in VRayBump2Normal com suporte para o V-Ray 3 do 3ds max, o VRayBump2Normal permite gerar o Normal Map a partir de qualquer textura de Bump usada no programa. Tags: Plug-ins,V-Ray 53 materiais gratuitos para o V-Ray O site RenderBox está oferecendo gratuitamente um pacote com 53 materiais configurados e prontos para usar no 3ds max com o Plug-in V-Ray, estão divididos em categorias como arquitetura, automotivo, tecido, entre outros. Tags: Texturização,V-Ray Nova versão do Script Super Simple Rig O Super Simple Rig é um ótimo Script gratuito para Rigging de personagens no 3ds max, a versão 1.2 tem diversas novidades como novo IK/FK com controle de Stretch, Resize interativo e corta o Mesh em Proxy automaticamente. Tags: Animação,Scripts Expert Challenge do 3ds max 2015 Tags: 3ds max,Artigos,Tutoriais Destaques Soft para retopologia automática Tags: Modelagem,Programas 3D Nova versão do Anima

Ryan Kingslien I Sculpt Stuff The Art of Christoffer Radsby Alex Alvarez Forest Path Posted by alexalvarez | Filed under News I’ve been obsessing over natural environments lately, developing my workflow for plants/trees and techniques for object placement. Maya, Mental Ray, Paint Effects, Onyx and a little Zbrush for the path. 110 million polys. Rendered with physical sun/sky and all miaMaterialX. Surprised by how many polys I can throw at Mental Ray! Gathering New image made with Zbrush, Photoshop, Bodypaint and Maya/Mental Ray. Fast Company praise for Gnomon! Well this was a surprise… Fast Company magazine recently announced their list of the ten most innovative companies in film, which included Gnomon! 3D Artist Magazine: Gnomon Feature! Very cool… this month’s issue of 3D Artist magazine (issue 25) features an eight page story on Gnomon! The Union: Saga/Gnomon Brazil Event! Dirge Finally had time this summer for a new personal project. Behind the Iron Curtain: Romania! This looks to be a very exciting event and I am thrilled that I was asked to participate!

Dan Roarty - Character Artist pointpusher Cameron Kerby : 3D Artist : Portfolio Cameron Kerby Copyright 2013 Environment Artist Jeff Parrott Clément Melendez - Level Designer - Portfolio Role: Pre-production: I prototyped gameplay mechanics and missions for a few months, then was put in charge of the Vertical Slice level. Production: I designed the 6th level in the game, York (labelled PAX ROMANA), from beginning to end. This involved the usual: documentation, block-out, asset placement, AI scripting, scripted events, mark-up, bug-fixing, optimization, balancing, etc. I was also the owner of the LD scripting tools (creation of modules, requests for tools, maintenance of the editor). Description: The game tells the story of Marius Titus who witnesses the murder of his family at the hands of barbarians. Challenges: Many factors made this project challenging: new IP, launch title for a new console, new team, new genre for the company... More than anything, I learnt how to balance communication, level-design tasks, documentation, and associated tasks such as maintaining the editor tools, training newcomers, reproducing bugs, creating test-maps for programmers, etc.

Sebastien Legrain Leroy Simpson - 3D Character Artist
