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Feel Afraid

Feel Afraid

Darths and Droids Many of you probably know DM of the Rings. If not, and you are familiar with Lord of the Rings or roleplaying games, you might enjoy it. If you are familiar with both, you will enjoy it. Basically, Shamus Young, the creator, has treated Lord of the Rings as the fantasy campaign of a long-suffering Dungeon Master saddled with all too typical players, and illustrated it in the form of a comic using screencaps from the movies. Brilliant idea, and very well done. Things Rachael and I argue about This should have told me something... Rachael left my room about half an hour ago. She just came back crying, saying "I've been crying for half an hour and you don't even care!" and then she stormed off. What just happened?

Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos “It’s the only way to fly.” Lucid dreaming is the experience of being completely aware within a dream that you are, in fact, in a dream. This realization leads to complete power for the dreamer, allowing him/her to go anywhere and do anything in their dream. You might have had this happen to you once or twice in your life, but chances are the dream didn’t last very long. This is because as soon as people get excited from realizing they have achieved lucidity, they tend to wake up. So how does one avoid this problem, or even have more consistently lucid dreams in the first place?

A Rollercoaster Designed to Kill Humanely It’s a ride definitely not for the faint-hearted—a PhD candidate in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art has designed a hypothetical rollercoaster meant to kill. Julijonas Urbonas created his coaster as a hypothetical euthanasia machine; it will, he claims, take lives as humanely and euphorically as possible. “Riding the coaster’s track, the rider is subjected to a series of intensive motion elements that induce various unique experiences: from euphoria to thrill, and from tunnel vision to loss of consciousness and, eventually, death,” he wrote on his website.

Hipster Hipsters couldn't incite more blind hatred if they were all ginger-haired Al-Qaeda members. But why? Could it be their taste in music? Fashion sense? Attitude of superiority? Perhaps. Mark Jenkins // Street Installations - StumbleUpon Besançon Rome Rio de Janeiro 35 Celebrity Mosaics That Will Blow Your Mind PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, Recycled red, white & blue trash including McDonalds wrappers, toy soldiers, cigarettes, a Costco card, and a pretty sweet sneaker. COURTNEY LOVE, Pills. BIG BIRD, Cereal. CHEECH AND CHONG, Drug and alcohol paraphernalia KATHY GRIFFIN, Trash donated by Kathy to the artist.

Still life: Bent objects UPDATE: The Return of Bent Objects Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art. Little polish girl McDonalds as Sculpture Materials People of the Rainbow Gathering Ever hear about Rainbow Gatherings? They're temporary community events typically held in outdoor settings; a place where people practice ideals like peace, love and harmony. The original Rainbow Gathering was in 1972 and was started as an alternative to mainstream popular culture.

50 Most Strange and Unusual Buildings arround the World The world is full of beautiful strange and fantastic buildings that are the examples of amazing architecture. Architecture Photography brings this beauty to the world, and for this reason, architectural photography is as thrilling as it is heartwarming. In this roundup, we have compiled an amazing collection of some bizarre yet interesting buildings that are reflected through architectural photography. Enjoy! The UFO house in Sanjhih The Device to Root Out Evil

Men Photographed in Stereotypical Pin-Up Poses “Men-ups!” is a humorous project by photographer Rion Sabean featuring men doing pin-up-style poses. It’s interesting how much more absurd some poses instantly look when they’re being done by men. There are a couple more photos that can be seen in this Flickr set. Dalton Ghetti creates amazing art on the tips of used pencils Most of us will agree with the age-old saying that “patience is a virtue.” How many of you, however, would actually hang on for two years and a half to bring a piece of art into existence? Dalton Ghetti, 49, a Bridgeport artist, has spent 25 good years working with a razor blade, a sewing needle and a sculpting knife for carving his unique art on the graphite of pencil.
