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7 free tools for anyone who wants to become a better writer

7 free tools for anyone who wants to become a better writer
The awesome (and scary) thing about being a writer is that you can always improve. It’s why people can sit on a draft for weeks—every time they take “one more look,” they can find a way to make it better. While it’s definitely a fun challenge to see how long you can keep finessing your work, it’s not always practical. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources out there that can speed the editing process up and make you more confident about the work you’re submitting. 1. As much as Microsoft Word’s AutoCorrect function annoys us, we must admit to missing those green and red squiggly lines when we’re writing online. Enter: Grammarly (for Chrome users). 2. If you struggle with being long-winded, Hemingway could be a game changer. Hemingway doesn’t stop there—it also features a readability meter that tells you how difficult it is to comprehend your writing. 3. Searching “best writing advice” on Google will, sadly, not always bring you the best writing advice. 4. 5. 6. buffalo 7. Related:  Generatori e altri tools

How Many of These Top 15 Banned Books Have You Read? Number 10 Shocked Me! posted By G. H. Each year, the American Library Association compiles a list of the most frequently banned or challenged books in libraries and schools throughout the United States. The following 15 books were the most frequently banned titles of the last decade. (Source) 1. LIT_Blog_DTOP_BelowContent G. Plot Generator Lastenkirjahylly: Julkaisutahti tiuhentuu ja uudetkin tekijät ovat jo entuudestaan tuttuja: Syksyn tulevan lasten- ja nuortenkirjasadon zuumailua, osa 2 Kolmen suurimman, eli Otavan, Tammen ja WSOY:n syksyn uutuusluetteloista on poimittu rouva Huun tärppejä kaikkien lasten- ja nuortenkirjaentusiastien iloksi. Samalla luodataan vähän trendejä ja kustannusmaailman liikahduksia. Rouva Huu ei ole vielä(kään) päässyt sinuiksi löytyvien Tammen, WSOY:n, Liken, Johny Knigan, Siltalan ja Paasilinnan sähköisten uutuusluetteloiden kanssa. Saattaa olla, että ongelma kilpistyy osittain myös työhuoneen hataraan nettiyhteyteen tai jonkinasteiseen hahmotushäiriööni, mene ja tiedä. Mutta en taida siltikään olla tämän ongelmani kanssa ihan yksin? Kuinka moni kiinnostava uutuuskirja jää ansiottaan katveeseen kustantajien lyhytnäköisen markkinointiin kohdistuvan säästön takia? Ymmärrän toki joiltain osin kustantajien motiivit. Uutuusluetteloista on tullut nykyisin monivärisiä ja liimasidottuja yli satasivuisia paksuja luetteloita, joiden paino- ja postituskustannuksilla ajatellaan varmaan säästettävän rutkasti rahaa. J.

12 Banned Books Every Woman Should Read While it would be great if we were past the whole “banning books” thing, the fact remains that hundreds of books have their places in libraries or on school reading lists challenged each year. According to the American Library Association, books are most commonly challenged for being “sexually explicit” or containing “offensive language.” But some of the books that are most often challenged are also literary classics, containing storylines that almost everyone can learn from. In honor of Banned Books Week 2014, we’ve pulled together a list of controversial books that every woman should read. Here are 12 banned, censored and commonly challenged books every woman (and person) should read: In a dystopian society ruled by the religious right, a woman is kept as a “handmaid” by a family in the ruling class in the hopes that she’ll provide them with a child. Angelou’s biography and coming-of-age story features many of the trials of her young life including her rape as a child.

35 Random Idea Generators for Writing a Romance Novel | Darla G. Denton Who doesn’t love a good idea generator? It not only helps supply you with endless inspiration at the touch of a button but it’s a great way to waste a few hours…or days. Below is a list of random generators for you to try out. I’ve separated them into sections so that you’re not aimlessly clicking… but heed my warning… once you start, you WILL get sucked in. The only questions is…for how long? Plot Generators – Romance Location & Setting Generators Name Generators Character Appearance Generator Character Personality Generator Character Flaws and Weaknesses Generator Motivation Generator Other Generators Romance Title Generator Like this: Like Loading... Prompt Your Imagination Into Overdrive I've talked before about the art of keeping a writer's notebook and how using prompts as an exercise can really build a writer's creative muscles. In "Writing Resources" 5 Content Idea Generators and What To Do With Them Have you heard about Content Idea Generators? In "Blogs" It’s 2015!

Book Creator is Now Available on Windows for Free June, 2015 More than 15 million ebooks have been made with Book Creator for iPad and Android, and now the popular classroom app is receiving a Windows makeover and is available on desktop devices for the first time. The app is now free on the Windows for a limited time. Book Creator for Windows takes a blank-canvas approach to creativity that makes publishing and sharing ebooks easier than ever. With a simple and intuitive design, people of all ages can create their own international standard ePub files, and with a couple of clicks can become published authors. With Book Creator for Windows you can: Create books on a Windows tablet, laptop or desktop with an easy-to-use interface

Banned Books By The Numbers (INFOGRAPHICS) Banned Books Week, an annual event organized by the American Library Association (ALA), grants readers, parents, teachers and librarians an opportunity to discuss the value of unhindered expression. Throughout the week, The Huffington Post will highlight voices from various communities impacted by censorship, including LGBT readers, religious writers and Latino bibliophiles. We will share an excerpt from a frequently challenged graphic novel, and examine the effect book banning has had on literature historically. We've also invited our readers -- especially those in the education field -- to share photos of the banned books they teach or admire. We've also taken a look at data provided by the ALA* about which books and authors have been challenged recently, where those challenges occur, and what the cited reasons are for said challenges. What's the difference between a challenge and a ban?

Le migliori app Android per chi scrive storie, romanzi e sceneggiature | Raccolte | Softonic Lo smartphone è smart perché racchiude in pochissimo spazio tanti strumenti. Alcuni servono per lavorare, altri per divertirsi, altri per comunicare. Da giornalista, però, ho un debole per i programmi che aiutano chi scrive, per professione o per diletto, a scrivere meglio. E ce ne sono tanti, che romanzieri, sceneggiatori, poeti e scrittori di ogni categoria possono usare per organizzare idee e a trasformarle in un testo. Non si tratta, però, solamente di text editor, ma anche di applicazioni per prendere appunti, organizzare il lavoro, leggere, registrare. Scrivere, infatti, è solo l’ultima fase del processo di scrittura. Ecco quindi una serie di app per cellulari e tablet Android da considerare se hai voglia di avere sempre con te tutto quello che ti serve per lavorare al tuo libro, al tuo articolo, alla tua sceneggiatura. Prendere e organizzare appunti Evernote - Un’app irrinunciabile per chiunque scriva per professione. In Evernote puoi creare taccuini. Scrivere storie e romanzi
