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Urban vegan

Urban vegan

Meet The Shannons Manifest Vegan: Vegan and Gluten Free Recipes Vegan Lunch Box V e g a n D a d VeganYumYum FatFree Vegan Kitchen | Sinlessly Delicious Recipes Veggie Diva's Kitchen Your Vegan Mom You guys, the broccoli we talked about? It's not ready yet. It cooks a long time. In the meantime, let's talk about birthdays. In Desmond's cake from last fall (seven layers!) And last summer, Felix's pumpkin pancakes were held together by yogurt frosting (soy yogurt + raw cashews + maple syrup -> Blend until smooth.) For Grandma, we made multigrain pancakes with layers of lightly sweetened yogurt and berries. To turn our basic pancake recipe multigrain, I used a cup of whole spelt flour, 1/4 cup of cornmeal, 1/2 cup of all purpose, and 1 cup of oats in place of the 2 cups of flour called for. I love birthdays and pancakes and watching my boys snuggled up against their grandma at breakfast. It's been a good day. *(Also, I'm not 100% happy with the recipe yet.

Chow Vegan It Aint Meat, Babe
