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New Mind-blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It

New Mind-blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It
According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case. Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. Thought-provoking findings Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves. The results of the Australian scientists’ experiment, which were published in the journal Nature Physics, show that this choice is determined by the way the object is measured, which is in accordance with what quantum theory predicts. “It proves that measurement is everything. The experiment The original version of John Wheeler’s experiment proposed in 1978 involved light beams being bounced by mirrors. Dr. According to Dr.

The solution to climate change that has nothing to do with cars or coal (4 pages) This is a great read for those of us trying to take care of our planet. This is an insight to what it is being done and what projects are being explored to help the environment. At the base of a towering, 150-foot-high angelim tree, the scattered sloth claws and clumps of fur are a dead giveaway. The tree contains the nest of a harpy eagle, a bird so powerful it kills monkeys and sloths by tearing them from the trees with its enormous claws. Its presence is a good sign to the scientists who are studying the surrounding forest. It means this section of trees and its vast network of life are still healthy enough to support such a high-order predator. Of all the components of the recent Paris accord on climate change, the one that probably got the least attention but could have the most immediate potential involves the world’s forests. Conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy is in Brazil on a research project that studies the effects of Amazon deforestation.

Med vårt språk förändrar vi världen | Lisa Holm Det är inte ofta språkvetenskapen tar stora steg framåt. I stället ägnar sig forskarna åt att mödosamt kartlägga språksystem och språkbruk och ibland åt att utveckla teorier och metoder för att göra detta. Det stora genombrottet – att förstå hur språket fungerar i hjärnan – ligger i framtiden. Men vissa milstolpar kan ändå urskiljas. En sådan var den brittiske forskaren John Langshaw Austins introduktion av begreppet ”speech act” (talakt eller språkhandling på svenska). Austin hävdade eftertryckligt att människor agerar med språkets hjälp. Före Austin hade språkvetarna mer eller mindre uppfattat språket som ett logiskt system: Med språkets hjälp formulerar människor påståenden om verkligheten, och därefter kan språkforskaren ägna sig åt att klura ut om påståendena är sanna eller falska, om de beskriver verkligheten på ett korrekt eller inkorrekt sätt. Kom in! Austin skilde mellan allmänna språkhandlingar som påståenden (Finland är en republik), frågor (Vem är du?)

Green, cheap and efficient straw bale dome homes :) - Energetic Forum Hi easyrider. The dome structure is very solid, it now supports around 3-4 tons of weight with all the clay and straw bales. The work is rather hard and weather dependent, if it is raining, you need to cover the dome with something to prevent water damage, if it is sunny, you need to remove the rain protecting plastic or whatever so that clay can dry better. You need to do all the inside and outside clay works before you can proceed to waterproofing the inner and outer surface. This is a 3/8 V3 dome 1m in diameter. I have calculated that a 2 story house 12m in diameter with combined floor square area of about 150m2 would cost under 18000$ with all the windows, doors, decorative plastering and everything you need except plumbing and furniture. If you have more questions, just ask! __________________ It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

Juicing Is Bad for You and the Earth Pulverizing food until all the nutrients have been squeezed out is a dangerous fad. There’s a reason we’ve been cooking what we eat for several thousand years. There’s a reason your mother told you to eat your vegetables, not juice them. But no one seems to be listening these days. Juicing is not just another fad though: it is a privileged, wasteful form of food consumption that’s worse for you than cooking and bad for the environment; juicing is the triumph of marketing over science. When juiced, a basket of fruit would probably serve half—if not less—the amount of people as it would if eaten whole. That sounds sort of like a “cleanse,” but what is being cleansed from the body to begin with? Juicing fruits or vegetables high in sugar (like beets instead of leafy greens), can raise blood-sugar levels as much as drinking a can of Coca-Cola. There’s a reason humans cook food instead of pulverizing and drinking it: we get more calories and nutrients.

Game Art in Landscape Architecture – KJ Interactive Yesterday I got a question about creating a quick sketch for a new boulevard in the municipality of Stockholm, naturally, having never done anything like it before, I agreed. For this assignment I was given a 16 hour deadline and decided to use Unity as a tool to build up the area, I started up with a simple SketchUp model and a plan drawing straight out of AutoCAD. Base non-UVed boxes With most things having to be done in post-production, I still wanted to get some nice lighting out of Unity, additionally, having the main textures already applied and corrected according to perspective when entering post would save a bunch of time. Having used 3Ds Max for. Look at that, my first finished model, isn’t it lovely… Hah, if I had a penny for every time I got bullied by my friends at Uni for it, I would never have had to start working at all. Ten year anniversary Final 3Ds Max model Fake it until you make it! Instead I risked a gamble, bought a license for SpeedTree and got started. Name your layers

Kazakhstan: The Nuclear Power That Wasn't Anastacia Kyseleva still remembers the first time she saw the mushroom cloud. It was 1956 and Soviet officials had come to her village in a remote part of what is now eastern Kazakhstan, ordering everyone to evacuate their homes and go to a nearby field, where they’d wait until it was safe to return. Kyseleva recalls helping to carry her mother-in-law, who was in her late 80s, and laying her on the ground amidst the brush as they waited for the authorities to give them the all-clear to go home. That was when she saw the glowing cloud unfurling on the horizon. ”It looked like a sunset,” she says. Kazakhstan has teamed with the United States to remove thousands of pounds of highly enriched uranium and plutonium the Soviets left behind. People from her village started running towards the cloud, curious to see what would float down as it sunk to earth. Nazarbayev made sure to play up this type of cooperation on the international stage. And Nazarbayev was a pragmatist.

Time Does Not Exist – It Never Did And Never Will – Science Mastermind Time keeps on slippin’ into the future, but what if it didn’t actually exist? Everything in the universe exists in this specific moment and time doesn’t exist, at least according to Quantum Theory. The idea that time flows is actually pretty absurd. Of course, we accepted time as a reality up until 100 years ago when Einstein decided to mess it up for us with his theory of relativity. Now, the concept is called into question, and for good reason. “One finds that time just disappears from the Wheeler-DeWitt equation,” says Carlo Rovelli, a physicist at the University of the Mediterranean in Marseille, France. “If you try to get your hands on time, it’s always slipping through your fingers,” says Julian Barbour. What do you think? Source: Higher Perspectives

MP: Den som tar emot flyktingar i sitt hem ska få betalt Miljöpartiet vill att människor ”inte bara ska öppna sina hjärtan utan också sina hem” för asylsökande, och kommer nu med ett utspel kring hur mottagandet av asylsökande skulle kunna se ut. Partiet lanserar idén att privatpersoner ska kunna hyra ut rum och få betalt. Det skulle till exempel kunna handla om människor som bor stort när barnen flyttat hemifrån. – Man kanske kan få ungefär 2.000 kronor i månaden för att inhysa en person hemma hos sig, säger Magda Rasmusson (MP), tillförordnad migrationspolitisk talesperson. Förutom att lösa bristen på bostäder för asylsökande så räknar Miljöpartiet också med att förslaget – om det blir verklighet – ska spara pengar. – Många människor inser att vi är i ett allvarligt läge och vill då ställa upp. Omöjligt i dag Trots att boendesituationen för asylsökanden är akut så kan en privatperson i dag inte erbjuda ett rum till en asylsökande via Migrationsverket. – Vi har inga möjligheter till detta i nuläget.

Öppna ditt hem för flyktingar - med ett klick | På flykt Nu öppnar Refugees Welcome, en portal där privatpersoner kan erbjuda rum eller bostad till flyktingar. – Antingen tjänar man pengar på sånt här, eller så gör man som vi och ställer upp och gör det vi kan, säger Fredric Landqvist, föreningens ordförande. Den som söker asyl i Sverige kan antingen få plats på ett flyktingboende, eller använda sig av det som kallas för ”eget boende”, vilket oftast är hos vänner eller släktingar. Nu kan det alltså också bli hos en främling, som vill ställa upp och erbjuda en plats i sitt hem. Refugees Welcome är en enkel sajt med ett enkelt koncept: Berätta var du bor, vad du har att hyra ut – och så kan lokala hjälporganisationer som arbetar med flyktingar matcha ihop dig med en person eller en familj som behöver någonstans att bo. ”Kan inte lilla jag göra nånting?” Det började när Fredric Landqvist, till vardags forskare och IT-konsult, såg det tyska initiativet Fluechtlinge Willkommen som beskrevs som ett ”Air-bnb för flyktingar”. Regler och försäkringar

Breakit - Här är mitt förslag för att lösa den svenska flyktingkrisen I måndags blev min vän Lars Asklund intervjuad i SR:s Studio Ett. Lars fick vara med i programmet för att han öppnat upp sitt hem för en flyktingfamilj. Han ville göra en insats och åkte helt enkelt ut till hotellet i Malmö där flyktingar från Syrien bor och hämtade hem ett gift par. Sedan några veckor bor Waleed Allababidi och hans fru Sarah och hennes lillebror Milad hemma hos min vän. "Med dagens regelverk har vi ingen möjlighet att stödja den här typen av boende. Staten kan bara samarbeta med aktörer som har F-skattsedel. Jag tycker att denna modell för integration av nyanlända flyktingar bör digitaliseras. De tusentals svenskar som likt min vän vill göra en insats för alla nyanlända loggar in på andra sidan och förklarar vad de kan ställa upp med. Det räcker att dricka kaffe en timme i veckan med en nyanländ för att få poäng i systemet. När appen har 10.000 svenska medlemmar kommer den att bli en effektiv lobbyist i den svenska flyktingdebatten. Ok, nu kör vi! PS.

Tiny Homes Revolution What They Want You to Fear Vs. The Real Threats that We Face The uniting global culture of the 21st Century does have risks that it needs to address as it moves into a new era that can finally be classed as a civilized society. Yet, any report that identifies the threats to our species needs to be holistic and progressive in its approach; otherwise it is just fear propaganda manufactured to elicit our blind consent. In an article on the well-recognized Australian propaganda site – – the three biggest threats that were identified in the ‘Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community’ report were outlined. Simply, this was a stunningly transparent piece of the establishment’s disinformation agenda. Allegedly, the three biggest threats to the world are: ISIS;CYBER-ESPIONAGE; andNUCLEAR NORTH KOREA. As stated in the second paragraph: We can see straight away the fear they’re trying to push: there are no internal threats; the big bad entities of the East are who we all need to be worried about. More On What They Want You to Fear

These Useful Tips Will Teach You How To Recognize Dangerous Headaches Quickly Headaches. The word itself doesn’t sound too unpleasant. After all, how bad could an achy head be? To better understand headaches, and what they tell us about our health, it might be useful to know the two main types of headaches: primary and secondary. This brings us to secondary headaches. 1. W_Minshull Thunderclap headaches are on you before you even know it. 2. Wesley Wilson This one might go without saying, but if you suffer a head injury and continue to feel headaches, it is vital that you schedule an appointment with your doctor ASAP. 3. Pexels It is incredibly uncommon to experience a headache when you wake up after getting a good night’s rest. 4. David Lytle Similar to “thunderclap” headaches, these are nothing to mess with. Credits: Healthypage | Wimp
