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Agent Orange Herbicide used by the US in the Vietnam War Agent Orange is a chemical herbicide and defoliant, one of the tactical use Rainbow Herbicides. It was used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971.[2] It is a mixture of equal parts of two herbicides, 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. In addition to its damaging environmental effects, traces of dioxin (mainly TCDD, the most toxic of its type)[3] found in the mixture have caused major health problems for many individuals who were exposed, and their offspring. Agent Orange was produced in the United States from the late 1940s and was used in industrial agriculture, and was also sprayed along railroads and power lines to control undergrowth in forests. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military procured over 20,000,000 U.S. gal (76,000,000 L; 17,000,000 imp gal), consisting of a fifty-fifty mixture of 2,4-D and dioxin-contaminated 2,4,5-T. Chemical composition[edit] U.S. U.S.

Agribusiness In agriculture, agribusiness is the business of agricultural production. It includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (farming and contract farming), distribution,farm machinery, processing, and seed supply, as well as marketing and retail sales. Within the agriculture industry, "agribusiness" is used simply as a portmanteau of agriculture and business, referring to the range of activities and disciplines encompassed by modern food production. There are academic degrees in and departments of agribusiness, agribusiness trade associations, agribusiness publications, and so forth, worldwide. In this context the term is only descriptive, and is synonymous in the broadest sense with food industry. In the context of agribusiness management in academia, each individual element of agriculture production and distribution may be described as agribusinesses. Examples[edit] Studies and reports[edit] See also[edit] Notes and references[edit] Further reading[edit] John Wilkinson.

Food Safety In recent years, people have become increasingly interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced. And unfortunately, despite a 20-year record of safety and almost 2,500 independent, global scientific reviews and approvals of GMO crops, there is still conflicting and confusing information about GMOs. VIDEO: Monsanto Toxicologist Shawna Lemke discusses her role in food safety. We realize you may have questions about the safety of our products, and following are answers to 10 of the questions we most commonly receive. What are biotechnology, genetic engineering, genetic modification and GMOs? We use agricultural biotechnology, or genetic engineering of plants, to develop new varieties of plant seeds with a range of desirable characteristics, such as being able to resist certain insects or harsh weather conditions. As a seed company, Monsanto studies, breeds, grows and sells GM seeds – as well as conventional seeds – to farmers around the world. Return to Top Yes. Yes. Yes.

List of USDA Accredited Certifying Agents Looking for an agent to certify your farm or business to the USDA organic standards? Eighty two certifying agents are currently USDA-accredited and authorized to certify operations to the USDA organic standards. Of these, 49 are based in the U.S. and 33 are based in foreign countries. Each of these certifying agents is authorized to issue an organic certificate to operations that comply with the USDA organic regulations. Fee structure. To help you find a certifying agent, we have provided the list of certified operations by name, by U.S. state, and by country. Already know who you want to certify your operation? Want to see who’s operating near you? Most NOP-accredited certifying agents may certify farms and businesses anywhere in the world. Looking for tips on selecting a certifying agent? Additional Resources

La France agricole: OGM/Mon 810 : réactions en chaîne après l'interdiction provisoire annoncée par le gouvernement Mercredi 21 mars 2012 3 21 /03 /Mars /2012 18:16 Les maïsiculteurs et les semenciers dénoncent « l'entêtement » du gouvernement « puisqu'aucune donnée scientifique nouvelle ne remet en cause l'innocuité de cette innovation ». Greenpeace et José Bové se félicitent de cette décision mais demandent un moratoire durable en France. L'interdiction temporaire de la culture du maïs transgénique Mon 810 annoncée le 16 mars 2012 par le gouvernement a été accueillie de façon très diverse. « Avec cette nouvelle interdiction, le gouvernement persiste et signe dans... l'illégalité, estime l'AGPM (Association générale des producteurs de maïs) dans un communiqué paru lundi. « Il est urgent de cesser cette distorsion de concurrence entre producteurs de maïs français et certains de leurs voisins européens (espagnols et portugais notamment) et plus largement des pays tiers qui ont accès aux maïs OGM », insistent les maïsiculteurs. Lire également :

Claas Home The 800 Series offers four new models: JAGUAR 880 (626 hp), JAGUAR 860 (516 hp), JAGUAR 850 (462 hp), and the JAGUAR 840 (408 hp). Mercedes inline 6 engines deliver Tier 4f power to the entire line. The top-end 880 offers a power curve comparable to the JAGUAR 960, while the JAGUAR 840 – the least powerful offering in the new JAGUAR 800 series – fits a niche for those who don’t require quite as much power as the base JAGUAR 930. The same DYNAMIC POWER option offered on the 900 Series – a system that modifies engine output and fuel consumption based on operating conditions – is also an available option on the JAGUAR 880 and 860. According to CLAAS of America Product Coordinator, Matt Jaynes, “Those who are familiar with the JAGUAR line of forage harvesters will remember the ‘Green Eye’ series, which was sold here in North America just a few years ago. Its simple, rugged and powerful design made it a favorite among many of our customers.

Stop the Monsanto Protection Act! A copy of your letter of support will be delivered to your Senator: Dear Senator, I am writing to urge you to strike the “farmer assurance provision”, Section 735, currently included in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill being considered by Congress and support Senator Tester's amendment (#74) to remove the biotech rider from the Continuing Resolution. Though wrapped in a “farmer-friendly” package, this provision is simply an industry ploy to continue to sell genetically engineered (GMO) seeds even when a court of law has found they were approved by USDA illegally. It is unnecessary and an unprecedented attack on U.S. judicial review. The judicial review process is an essential element of U.S law and serves as a vital check on any Federal Agency decision that may negatively impact human health, the environment or livelihoods. The provision is also completely unnecessary. Sincerely, [Your Name]

List of agricultural machinery Agricultural equipment is any kind of machinery used on a farm to help with farming. The best-known example of this kind is the tractor. Traction and power[edit] Soil cultivation[edit] Planting[edit] A plough in action in South Africa. Fertilizing & Pest Control[edit] Irrigation[edit] Produce sorter[edit] Weight sorterColor sorterBlemish sorterDiameter sorterShape sorterDensity SorterInternal/taste sorter Harvesting / post-harvest[edit] Case IH Module Express 625 picks cotton and simultaneously builds cotton modules. CTM Johnson Tomato Harvester Hay making[edit] Round baler in action Loading[edit] A "backhoe loader" A restored JCB 3C MkII, showing the conventional arrangement of front loader and backhoe Milking[edit] Other[edit] TOL Tree Trimmer Obsolete farm machinery[edit] Steam-powered: External links[edit] Media related to Agricultural machines at Wikimedia Commons

Blackwater, Monsanto et Bill Gates, les machines de guerre La firme agroalimentaire tentaculaire criminelle Monsanto (de l'agent Orange aux OGM) vient d'acheter la société de mercenaires criminels Blackwater (aujourd'hui appelée Xe Services) ! La Pravda en anglais, Silvia Ribeiro, 14 octobre 2010 Un article de Jeremy Scahill, Blackwater's Black Ops (Les opérations secrètes des Blackwater), paru dans The Nation le 15 septembre 2010, a révélé que la plus grande armée de mercenaires du monde, la compagnie de services clandestins d'intelligence Blackwater (aujourd'hui appelée Xe Services) a été vendue à la multinationale Monsanto. L'un d'eux, Cofer Black, l'un des directeurs de la CIA connu pour sa brutalité, est celui qui, en tant que directeur de Total Intelligence, a pris contact avec Monsanto en 2008 pour conclure un contrat avec la compagnie pour espionner et infiltrer les organisations de militants des droits des animaux et des anti-OGM, et accomplir les autres sales boulots du géant de la biotechnologie. Source

Agriculture Equipment COMBAT-MONSANTO - Pour que le monde de Monsanto ne devienne jamais le nôtre
