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MIT Technology Review

The WWW Virtual Library Curiosity: It Helps Us Learn, But Why? : NPR Ed The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR hide caption itoggle caption LA Johnson/NPR The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR How does a sunset work? So Blackwell, who teaches science at Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High in Davis, Calif., had her students watch a video of a sunset on YouTube as part of a physics lesson on motion. "I asked them: 'So what's moving? Once she got the discussion going, the questions came rapid-fire. Students asking questions and then exploring the answers. Blackwell, like many others teachers, understands that when kids are curious, they're much more likely to stay engaged. But why? Our Brains On Curiosity "In any given day, we encounter a barrage of new information," says Charan Ranganath, a psychologist at the University of California, Davis and one of the researchers behind the study. Ranganath was curious to know why we retain some information and forget other things.

blinkx Video - A simple way to discover and share great videos MIT Technology Review Nanoengineers invent new biomaterial that more closely mimics human tissue Thursday, May 26, 2011 A new biomaterial designed for repairing damaged human tissue doesn’t wrinkle up when it is stretched. The invention from nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego marks a significant breakthrough in tissue engineering because it more closely mimics the properties of native human tissue. Pictured: Optical images of polyethylene glycol scaffolds expanding in response to stretching. A new biomaterial designed for repairing damaged human tissue doesn’t wrinkle up when it is stretched. A new biomaterial designed for repairing damaged human tissue doesn't wrinkle up when it is stretched. Shaochen Chen, professor in the Department of NanoEngineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, hopes future tissue patches, which are used to repair damaged heart walls, blood vessels and skin, for example, will be more compatible with native human tissue than the patches available today. "We are also exploring other opportunities," said Chen.

Asertividad Como estrategia y estilo de comunicación, la asertividad se diferencía y se sitúa en un punto intermedio entre otras dos conductas polares: la agresividad y la pasividad (o no asertividad). Suele definirse como un comportamiento comunicacional en el cual la persona no agrede ni se somete a la voluntad de otras personas, sino que manifiesta sus convicciones y defiende sus derechos. Cabe mencionar que la asertividad es una conducta de las personas, un comportamiento. Es también una forma de expresión consciente, congruente, clara, directa y equilibrada, cuya finalidad es comunicar nuestras ideas y sentimientos o defender nuestros legítimos derechos sin la intención de herir o perjudicar, actuando desde un estado interior de autoconfianza, en lugar de la emocionalidad limitante típica de la ansiedad, la culpa o la rabia. Introducción[editar] Entrenamiento de la asertividad[editar] Estilos de comunicación[editar] Asertiva Consiguen sus objetivos sin dañar a los demás. Referencias[editar]

'First Comprehensive Gene Map' of the Brain Shows How Genes Express Themselves Neurologically The Allen Institute for Brain Science has completed what it is calling the first comprehensive gene map of the human brain as part of its development of the Allen Human Brain Atlas, a public resource that it hopes will accelerate clinical understandings of how the human brain works. The genetic mapping of two human brains showed a striking 94 percent similarity between the two, which could help researchers establish patterns and otherwise figure out in which parts of our brains to look for different expressions of genetic differences. The idea behind the brain atlas is to develop a tool that researchers can access to determine how the genome is expressed in the brain, a process which is--needless to say--complex. Over four years, the ABI crunched more than 100 million data points to pinpoint 1,000 different anatomical sites in the brain that exhibit particular gene expression. That last part is key for research purposes. [Allen Institute for Brain Science]

Billionaire And Millionaire World News YAY MATH! Algebra Geometry Math Videos Online | Homework Help HarvardX Harvard University (Universidad de Harvard) está dedicada a la excelencia en la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la investigación, y al desarrollo de líderes en muchas disciplinas que marcan la diferencia a nivel mundial. Los profesores de Harvard están comprometidos con la enseñanza y la investigación para ampliar los límites del conocimiento humano. La Universidad tiene doce escuelas que otorgan títulos además del Instituto Radcliffe para Estudios Avanzados. Establecida en 1636, Harvard es la institución de educación superior más antigua de los Estados Unidos. La Universidad, que tiene su sede en Cambridge y Boston, Massachusetts, tiene más de 20.000 estudiantes, incluidos estudiantes de pregrado, posgrado y profesionales. Harvard tiene más de 360.000 estudiantes en todo el mundo. Harvard University es una de las mejores universidades del mundo, ha formado líderes estadounidenses y destacados estudiantes internacionales, incluyendo jefes de estado extranjeros.

In Defense of a Quiet Internet It wasn’t so very long ago that we were all looking for more ways to be connected online. With the rise of social media sites, this task was made more simple than ever before. I remember trading in my Treo 755 for a BlackBerry Curve because it had a better Web browser, by which I could more readily access what was happening on FriendFeed. When Twitter rolled around, I was subscribed to everyone that I followed by SMS. The world was a noisy place, and I loved every minute of it. But as is often the case, there can indeed be too much of a good thing. Noises. I decided a few months ago that I was no longer going to use Facebook. Twitter is still, largely, a valuable network for me. I’m apparently not alone. The Rise of Quiet I’m friends with a lot of people who are smarter than me. Though really the idea is not new. The fact that we have filters within Twitter applications is yet another testament to this dream of a Utopian Internet experience. Where Worlds Collide What’s the Fix?

VICTOR HUGO. « Détruire la misère » « Je ne suis pas, Messieurs, de ceux qui croient qu’on peut supprimer la souffrance en ce monde, la souffrance est une loi divine, mais je suis de ceux qui pensent et qui affirment qu’on peut détruire la misère. Remarquez-le bien, Messieurs, je ne dis pas diminuer, amoindrir, limiter, circonscrire, je dis détruire. La misère est une maladie du corps social comme la lèpre était une maladie du corps humain ; la misère peut disparaître comme la lèpre a disparu. Détruire la misère ! Oui, cela est possible ! La misère, Messieurs, j’aborde ici le vif de la question, voulez-vous savoir où elle en est, la misère ? Mon Dieu, je n’hésite pas à les citer, ces faits. Voici donc ces faits : Eh bien, messieurs, je dis que ce sont là des choses qui ne doivent pas être ; je dis que la société doit dépenser toute sa force, toute sa sollicitude, toute son intelligence, toute sa volonté, pour que de telles choses ne soient pas !
