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Learn how to make your own precious jewelry - FREE tutorials, lessons & articles!

Learn how to make your own precious jewelry - FREE tutorials, lessons & articles!

Learn How to Make Jewelry, Beading Center | Auntie's Beads Whether you are new to making jewelry or a more advanced designer, you know that jewelry design is part inspiration, part skill and part creativity. The basics are easy to learn; once you have mastered techniques like stringing, wire wrapping and stitching, you will discover just how easy the process can be - and how endless the possibilities are for making beautiful bracelets, necklaces, earrings and rings. More often than not, the difficult part can be finding inspiration or overcoming creative block. Even our professional designers, who have years of experience, sometimes struggle with creating new and exciting wearable works of art. Look around you. Learn something new. Walk away. Join a group. Hopefully, beading brings you great comfort, peace of mind and reward - whether it be monetarily or from the simple satisfaction that you have created work admired by yourself and others.

Tricks + Treats: Graphic Soaps by Sarah Rhodes - A Beautiful Mess - StumbleUpon Hi, It's Sarah from Team Rhodes Weddings! I am going to share a simple soap DIY with you this morning. Enjoy! Shopping list: - clear glycerin (found at craft stores) or you can recycle clear soaps of your own.- essential oils for lovely smelling soaps- a small milk carton- tracing paper, book pages, transparency paper, any kind of paper, or pretty fabric squares. Have your artwork to put in soaps ready before you start! Over low heat, melt your glycerin in a pot on your stove. Add your oils! Once all the glycerin is melted, pour it into your milk carton. Put the whole carton in your freezer for quick setting! Once you're done with all of them, and they're all solid, then tear off the carton around the bars. Thanks, Sarah!

instructions February 1-12, 2013. Tucson EXPO Center My classes schedules and descriptions are here: I have worked out the instructions for the technique of beadwork published on the last page of Bead&Button magazine. Included in the package are: - descriptions; - patterns - beaded example of one part of beadwork. I have more patterns here: I would love to see any variations you come up with while making this patterns.

Bizsugyár A sok magányos fülbevaló és medál után eldöntettem, hogy készítek egy szettet, amely színét és formáját tekintve vidám és különleges. Igyekeztem némi hasonlóságot vinni a fülibe és a medálba, ám nem szerettem volna egyformára hajlítani őket, mert akkor méretüket tekintve már túl sok lett volna a jóból. Így hasonlítanak is meg nem is. J A medál elkészítése nem annyira egyszerű, mint amilyennek látszik, az ötlet megszületését követően több prototípust is gyártottam, mire megszületett a tökéletes darab. A füli és a medál együtt is hordható, illetve külön is – amennyiben túl sok együtt-, de szerintem még belefér az együtt kategóriába is. Medál hosszúságú 1 mm-es lágy drót hosszúságú 0,4 mm-es lágy drót átmérőjű kör alakú kagylóhéjgyöngy Fülbevaló 2 db hosszúságú 1 mm-es lágy drót 2 db hosszúságú 0,4 mm-es lágy drót 2 db átmérőjű kör alakú kagylóhéjgyöngy 2 db készen vásárolt füli akasztó vagy 2 db hosszúságú 0,8 mm-es félkemény drót Szükséges eszközök Oldalcsípőfogó Laposfogó Kúposfogó Reszelő

{DIY} How to make your own Eye Pins - Typical House Cat by mskristiina on April 6, 2012 I’ve been on the hunt for a good source for long eye pins. I’ve heard from a couple of you who aren’t able to find them long enough to wear the rings in my tutorial on anything but your tiny pinky finger. Luckily, I attended a beading class last Saturday with my sister at The Beaded Puma* and learned how to make eye pins myself. You will need the regular beading tools: Needle-nose pliersRound-nose pliersWire cuttersWirePaper scrapSome sort of writing utensil First, you need to decide the size you want. Then mark a little further up to mark the circumference of the eye you are making, cut it off at the end. Once you have that done, cut a piece of wire as long as your guide. Next, holding it in your left hand, take your needle-nose pliers in your right hand and bend the top towards you where your dot was on your guide. Next, take your round-nose pliers and hold the tip next to the bent portion of the wire to measure it. Voila! It is that simple. xx ks Like this:

Make your own precious jewelry; free lessons and tutorials by Eni Oken - ENIOKEN.COM Croq Zine – The Blog How To Drill Small Beach Stones Want to learn how to drill holes in beach stones? Well, I’ve got good news for you: it’s pretty easy and I’d love to tell you how it’s done! I’ve been making this Natural Stone Jewelry for several months with pre-drilled pebbles that I purchased from fellow Etsy artisans. It took a little bit of internet research and guessing to figure out the best way to go about drilling my own, indigenous Wisconsin stones. Choosing the Right Stone for Drilling Almost any stone that you find CAN be drilled, but I really recommend starting with softer sedimentary rocks (sandstone, mudstone, limestone, etc). Equipment You Need to Drill Your Own Beach Stones High speed rotary tool - (ie. a Dremel. Let’s Start Drilling! Put on your goggles.Firmly hold your beach stone on top of the piece of wood and just under the water.Turn on the Rotary Tool with your other hand and hold it perpendicular to the pebble. – Please be careful when working with the Rotary Tool around water!

Bead - Brick Stitch Video Hi! I’m Terri Gable, owner of Studio Baboo, a Big Little Bead Store. Today, we’re talking about basic beading. We start with two beads on our needle. Now we’re ready for our second row of Brick Stitch. Now you might be tempted to flip this over and work this way again. Style Lush How to Make Wire Wrapped Loops

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