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Amazing Water Trick! How to Suspend Water Without a Cup!

Spot and Avoid Facebook Scams "There's a sucker born every minute." That quotation, widely attributed to P.T. Barnum, originally referred to deceptive carnival sideshow attractions, but it's just as relevant to online scams--in particular, Facebook scams--today. None of the common Facebook frauds--the "Facebook dislike button," the "stalker tracker" (which purports to tell you who's visiting your profile), and "watch this video" tricks, for instance--are new, says Chris Boyd, senior threat researcher for UK-based GFI Software. Resisting the urge to click can be difficult, and scammers know it. False Friends One ploy that Facebook scammers use is to encourage people to click a compelling URL. The key element in a successful scam is its ability to exploit the victim's trust, says Dr. If a friend posts a link to what appears to be a video on your wall with the comment, "Is this you? Also watch out for pages that unexpectedly ask you to enter your Facebook login information. What to Do If You Fall Victim J.R.
