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400 Awesome Free Things for Entrepreneurs and Startups

400 Awesome Free Things for Entrepreneurs and Startups
Related:  Building Startups NEW

Blog Before I show you how to get 30% more opens, let me prove something. What’s your normal email open rate? You may think you have an insanely good open-rate on your emails but… 50%+ of the people ARE NOT OPENING your emails. Why work so hard if only 1 out of every 2 people open your emails? That’s like you going to the bank, giving them $10 and they always give you back a $5. So, here’s how to increase your email open rates […] I’ve been reading more this year and so far my favorite has been Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. I often talk about having one goal and prioritizing based that goal as a key to marketing. @GregoryMcKeown Your book […] My friend Nir Eyal released a new, fantastic book about customer behavior and products that hook customers right away. I read the whole thing in a few days and found that it’s a perfect fit for the type of content I love: Hands-on, actionable advice that anyone can start implementing right away. It’s hard to hire great people.

Nix Langweilando: Diese Tools verhelfen dir zum perfekten Startup-Namen Wie soll’s heißen? Über den perfekten Startup-Namen zerbrechen sich Gründer oft nächtelang den Kopf. Welche Tools du bei der Recherche unbedingt zur Hilfe ziehen solltest. Lieferando, Agrando, Kampando, Langweilando: Die Namensgebung deutscher Internetfirmen wirkt nicht besonders kreativ. „Der Nachahmungseffekt lässt leider jegliche Originalität verpuffen und die betreffenden Marken austauschbar erscheinen. Wie sich methodisch in nur zehn Schritten ein passender Name für das eigene Startup finden lässt, haben wir bereits in diesem Artikel ausführlich erklärt. Übersuggest Analog zur Aufbereitung von Content im Netz, sollte eine ausführliche Keyword-Recherche auch der Namensfindung bei einem Startup vorausgehen. Naminum Nun kann die Nutzung von Generatoren wie Naminum hilfreich sein. Knowem Wem schon seit Monaten dieser eine Name für das nächste Startup im Kopf herumschwirrt, hat Glück. Wow Branding Werdmerge Impossibility Surveymonkey Brandbucket

No More Startup Myths | Pursue your dreams by being your own boss Startup Quote The Essential List of Startup Marketing Resources This is where it all begins, Startup Marketing 101. “Most startups don’t fail at building a product, they fail at acquiring customers.” – Gabriel Weinberg, CEO & Founder DuckDuckGo You’ve worked hard to build a great product, or just finished writing thousands of lines of code. But the job’s not done, and if your goal is for any level of success, it’s only just the beginning. It’s common for startups to focus on development and design, but without marketing, no one will see what you’ve created. Startup Marketing is different to traditional marketing. A startup is different from a small business because it’s trying an unproven product, service, or business model (a new Italian restaurant uses an established and proven business model, and therefore is not a startup)Startups are (more often than not) running bootstrapped – that is with no or very little outside investment. Because of this: Note: This list is ongoing and regularly updated.  = favourite Back to topics ↑ Read previous: Launch6 | How to Start a Business Online How to Start a Business Online 7 tried and true steps for attracting visitors to your site–and getting them to buy. Article written by Allen Moon, a contributing writer for There is a proven sequence of steps you can follow to guarantee your success when you’re starting a small business online. I’ve seen thousands of people start and grow successful businesses by doing the following: Find a need and fill it.Write copy that sells.Design and build an easy-to-use website.Use search engines to drive traffic to your site.Establish an expert reputation for yourself.Follow up with your customers and subscribers with e-mail.Increase your income through back-end sales and upselling. Anyone, from newbie to seasoned online entrepreneur, can benefit from this process in learning how to start a business online. Step 1: Find a need and fill it Most people who are just starting out make the mistake of looking for a product first, and a market second. Step 2: Write copy that sells Resources of royalty-free images for your tech blog — web development resources There are a lot of collections with great + free image resources out there. And I use them to find great images too. However I found some resources more useful than others, since I’m mostly looking for tech-related images for our web dev blog. With tech-related images I mean: different situations of people working together/in front of a PC, screenshots, images with different PCs and notebooks. 1. Create images on your own That’s probably the best option here. Need some inspiration for taking pictures for your tech blog? take a picture of your team while they’re working in front of the computertake a picture of your notebooktake a picture of your desktop (like this one)take a picture of your office itselftake a screenshot (like this one)Record a screencast (with Camtasia) or GIF (with 2. Even if you’re not a designer, there are some great tools out there where you can create stunning blog images. 3. I love unique content. 4. A picture paints a thousand words. I therefore use:
