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World-scale AR with Mapbox Unity SDK + ARKit library 4 Questions Retailers Need to Ask About Augmented Reality Executive Summary Whether they are shopping for spectacles or a sofa, consumers have no shortage of augmented reality apps to assist them these days. Following the viral success of Pokémon Go in 2016, hordes of retailers have embraced the technology. Whether they are shopping for spectacles or a sofa, consumers have no shortage of augmented reality apps to assist them these days. Nintendo’s cellphone-enabled treasure hunt was the first big showcase for AR’s innovative blend of real-world and computer-generated images. Executives like the way that AR could help make online shopping feel as good as — or better than — shopping in person. But AR’s promise doesn’t make it a great investment for every retailer. The recent collapse and relaunch of Blippar, a prominent European AR start-up that created AR apps for consumer goods and retail customers such as Covent Garden, Net-a-Porter, and McDonald’s have added to worries that, for all its promise, AR might struggle to reach the mainstream.

festivaloftheimpossible Scope AR Merges Its AR Workflow & Remote Assistance Functions into One App Enterprise augmented reality software maker Scope AR is bringing the powers of its two productivity apps together like the Wonder Twins into the form of a single app. Announced at the Augmented World Expo (AWE) in Santa Clara on Thursday, the merged app brings together Remote AR, a live video augmented reality support app, with WorkLink, the company's guided smart instructions solution. Rather than swap back and forth between the apps, users can now press a single button to access the functions. Having trouble understanding a job workflow? Call a colleague from within the app. Likewise, experts assisting frontline workers can refer them to instructions during a call. Don't Miss: Scope AR Updates Remote AR for ARKit Even before the merging of app functions, Scope AR customers have realized substantial cost and time savings from implementing the productivity apps. Lockheed Martin has also seen drastic improvements in time spent on tasks and training since using Scope AR's software.

AR FOR EVERY ONE - F8 - FACEBOOK FOV: AR and The View of the Real World – Karl Guttag on Technology Introduction In this article, I want to discuss what seems often overlooked in AR Field of View (FOV) discussions, namely the view of the real world. It seems like for some headsets, the view of the real world is almost an afterthought. For much of this article, I am going to be referencing figures in Kress’s paper, which I recommend reading. What does AR gain If It Blocks Out the Real-Word? Paraphrasing a biblical expression, “For what profits a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul,” what does AR gain (over VR) if it blocks out the real-word? I’m particularly concerned with how some headsets seriously impair peripheral vision. Hololens 2 versus Magic Leap One Human Factors Figure 11 seems mostly aimed at comparing Hololens 2 (HL2) to the Magic Leap One (ML1). Magic Leaps One’s View Out, or Lack Thereof How Much Light is Blocked and the Artifacts? Kress’s figure 11 is more of an “all or nothing” concerning the real world view, but it does make an important point.

Vision Pro mega-thread 1/5: My advice for designing and developing products for Vision Pro. This thread includes a basic overview of the platform, tools, porting apps, general product design, prototyping, perceptual design, business advice and more. Discl

Una tecnología que podría cambiar al mundo. by santiagomongef Sep 14
