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Expeditions Pioneer Program

Expeditions Pioneer Program
Related:  VR

launches Virtual Reality Lessons App For Education We are excited to launch VR Lessons, our first virtual reality content app. The app is designed for elementary school students, their teachers and parents. VR Lessons by ThingLink is a collection of interactive, 360° image and video journeys on a variety of topics including science, language, and arts. The first stories take students to visit different kinds of ecosystems from the French Alps to a jungle in the archipelago of northern Australia. As students turn their heads to look around, they can spot details and unlock additional information of each habitat in a narrated virtual reality environment.Virtual reality can take students to places they could only dream of visiting, but it is also an open canvas for students to imagine and build new worlds and experiences. We are making it possible for schools to use virtual reality as an engaging learning platform. Audio annotations work wonderfully in a mobile VR environment, adding depth to the overall experience of the space.

Stories from Syrian Refugees International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. International Medical Corps' work in the region began in 2003 and includes rapid emergency response, health systems strengthening and service provision, mental health and psychosocial assistance, maternal and child health, protection, women's empowerment, community development, and water, sanitation, and hygiene. International Medical Corps has implemented several projects since its initiation in Lebanon: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Enigma, le jeu pour se former au numérique "On ne voulait pas faire quelque chose de frontal". Sur ce plan c'est gagné. ENIGMA, le nouveau jeu développé par l'académie de Créteil pour les formations au numérique prévues pour la réforme du collège, oblige les enseignants à résoudre des énigmes en utilisant des outils numériques. "Qu'est ce que je fais avec ce carré rouge ?". 12 énigmes pour se former au numérique Pour sensibiliser les enseignants aux outils numériques dans le cadre des 3 jours de formation prévus pour la réforme du collège, Patrice Nadam, responsable éditorial des Médiafiches Canopé Créteil, et Julia Dumont, référente numérique dans l'académie de Créteil, ont imaginé un atelier jeu qu'ils testent sur leurs collègues. "Un groupe de 10 à 20 élèves de l’année 3015-3016 est envoyé par téléportation temporelle dans une salle de classe de l’année 2015-2016. QR Code et TNI Avec leur tablette, les enseignants naviguent d'énigme en énigme en déployant des talents de travail collectif. Jouer ensemble François Jarraud

Adopting Virtual Reality for Education - Alchemy: Virtual Reality Communications Skills 5th grade students from Arlington Science Focus School participate in a Alchemy Learning led demo of their newest VR game “As an educator with 20+ years’ experience integrating technology into curriculum, it is exciting for me to see a technology that so quickly captures the attention of the students, motivates them to make the effort to learn the procedures, and then opens them up to the relevant content.“-Larry Fallon, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Arlington County Public Schools You can almost hear the buzz- even above the normal tech chatter about the newest smartphones, tablets, watches, and other wearable devices: virtual reality (along with augmented reality) is coming to consumers in the very near future. That virtual reality is going to be a game-changing technology in the years ahead seems to be almost a foregone conclusion, but can it get beyond the gamer led consumer world, and make an impact on education? Why is VR so important now? Making an impact on education

Finland at the virtual frontline May 27, 2016 The virtual and augmented reality industry is tipped to reach 120 billion US dollars in the next four years. One company at the VR revolution's forefront is Finnish Vizor, which brings illustrations to life with VR. Vizor With virtual reality the next frontier for digital innovation, a growing number of Finnish companies are offering a pioneering look at things to come. Science fiction has always offered far-fetched future imaginings of various shapes and sizes. Given Finland’s status as a global player in IT, it’s no surprise then that it’s also home to a hive of VR development. In light of VR’s healthy forecast in Finland, here are three local companies at the forefront. Mindfield Games “VR headsets have a chance to change the world by providing a completely new platform for games and other content in a totally unprecedented way,” says Ville Kivistö, CEO and co-founder of Mindfield Games. Mindfield Games Nonetheless, there are many in close proximity to give them a hand. Vizor

Australia's resettlement of Syrian refugees is tinged with déjà vu A government that seemingly privileges particular refugees on account of their religion? A prime minister who agrees to a resettlement program after coming under pressure from state premiers? An immigration department instructed to select only refugees who aren’t likely to cause problems when resettled in Australia? A public moved by the image of a boy? Australia has been here before. Many features of Australians’ and their government’s current response to the Syrian refugee crisis are familiar. Jewish refugees On several past occasions, the government’s announcement of a resettlement quota was informed – if not determined – by a public outpouring of sympathy for people compelled to flee their homes. Until then, the Australian public had not been in favour of admitting a significant number of European refugees, particularly if they were Jewish. After the Reichskristallnacht pogrom in Germany and Austria, public opinion shifted. Vietnamese refugees Refugees in detention

How Virtual Reality Will Change Education Forever | Labster When Oculus was acquired last year by Facebook for $2 billion, the endless possibilities of virtual reality that had been bandied about for decades were finally validated by one of the world’s biggest tech giants. Much of the conversation surrounding the acquisition was dominated by talk about the future of video games, but one of the quieter topics — VR in education — is turning out to be game changer less than a year later. For Many Teachers, the ‘Reality’ of Virtual Reality Has Already Arrived Today stories of students using virtual reality to learn in incredible new ways are popping up all over the world. James Corbett, the managing director of Mission V, which is testing this program in eleven other Irish schools, said of the initiative, “We are in no doubt now that virtual reality will become an ever more important part of education.” Virtual reality is especially finding proponents at the university level. Virtual reality is even expanding what students can do with real labs.

Todos hablan de la Realidad Virtual. Cuándo va a ser más real que virtual «Realidad Virtual»; suena un tanto cansado. Dos palabras que últimamente escuchamos todos los días, en cualquier parte. Una nueva revolución que puede hacérsenos extraña, un cambio de paradigma venido del futuro. Pero, ¿qué es en realidad la Realidad Virtual? Bien. Pongámonos en antecedentes Uno de los primeros nombres en concebir el concepto “realidad virtual” fue Ivan Sutherland, brillante programador y pionero de la informática moderna. Los progresos por este campo siguieron con el anaglifo, patentado en 1891 por Louis Ducos du Hauron. Estos progresos seguirán dándose en el campo de la optometría y la fotografía. Morton Heilig presentó sólo un año después su Sensorama, una cabina de experiencia multisensorial en la que venía trabajando más de una década. Volvamos a Ivan Sutherland. Por aquel entonces, España tenía a TVE1 emitiendo ‘El rescate del talismán’, con Sega luciendo músculo. La RV en la actualidad 2016 ha supuesto el pistoletazo de salida en la carrera de la RV. Relacionado

Teacher Without Boarders: Leaders who show up. | The Learning Hub 2015 Oct15 Teachers without boarders is a fantastic organisation of dedicated educators on a mission to educate and make a difference in the lives of children in countries who can’t provide an adequate education. These Teachers come from all over the world, volunteering their time and expertise in what I’m sure is an incredibly rewarding experience. The Teachers without boarders slogan really resonated with me. Like this: Like Loading...
