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Andrzej Dragan PHOTOGRAPHY

Andrzej Dragan PHOTOGRAPHY

Marina Abramović Marina Abramović (translitera del serbio cirílico: Марина Абрамовић marǐːna abrǎːmoʋitɕ (Belgrado, Yugoslavia; 30 de noviembre de 1946), artista serbia del performance que empezó su carrera a comienzos de los años 70. Activa durante más de tres decádas, recientemente se ha descrito a sí misma como la "Abuela del arte de la performance". Marina Abramović. El trabajo de Abramović explora la relación entre el artista y la audiencia, los límites del cuerpo, y las posibilidades de la mente. Primeros años[editar]

Supercharge Your Camera CHDK Firmware From Wired How-To Wiki An example of the amazing high-speed captures made possible by CHDK firmware. Photo by Keoeeit Digital cameras have powers beyond what is immediately available to the user. On a standard Canon, for example, the fastest shutter speed option offered is 1/1,600 second, but the hardware can handle much more than that -- up to 1/60,000 of a second. Annie Leibovitz annie leibovitz Blitz Brigade Hack - Get Unlimited Coins, Diamonds and VIP for ios-android. Photographed Illustrated 1 note Constancia facial del fantaseo diurno: emotiva serie fotográfica de personas soñando despiertas (FOTOS) Daydreamers, Alexandra Sandu Show captions Showing image 1 of 15 Distracción quiere decir: atracción por el reverso de este mundo Octavio Paz, El arco y la lira

Top 20 Earth Pictures found on Stumble Upon Everybody knows that Stumbleupon is an great source for beautiful photography, nature, pets, arts and much more. They have millions of users and they are probably the most wide used source for finding quality content. Today, we collected 20 popular photographs from Stumbleupon. Most of them have been seen for more than million times each. We hope you’ll enjoy… Photo Source Infographic Reveals the 30 Most Influential Photographers Across the Web More so than just about any other form of content, the Internet lives and breathes images. So it’s only natural photographers — and photography as a whole — have an inherit grasp on exploiting the networking, publishing and sharing capabilities the World Wide Web has to offer. There’s also no denying that some have learned to exploit it better than others, and so WiFi SD Card Maker EyeFi teamed up with marketing agency Evolve! to find out who the 30 most influential photographers across social media are. And while many of the names on the list are obvious, some might surprise you.

Lágrima puras: ¿cuánto resistirías la mirada de Marina Abramovic (o tu propia mirada) sin llorar? (FOTOS) 9 minutos Marina Abramovic´: The Artist Is Present Photo by Marco Anelli. © 2010 Marina Abramovic´ Show captions El “instante decisivo” de Henri Cartier-Bresson « Oscar en Fotos Por Óscar Colorado Nates* “Suspendido en el tiempo, Henri Cartier-Bresson, esperaba emboscado.” [1] De todos los conceptos fotográficos, seguramente no existe ninguno más famoso que el célebre “instante decisivo” acuñado por Henri Cartier-Bresson. Sin embargo esta noción está tan difundida como malinterpretada, o en todo caso entendida de manera incompleta.
