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Directions - All Things Topics

Directions - All Things Topics
Related:  Speaking

Skype in the Classroom del 1 - Mystery Skype - Hur funkar det? Jag tror att alla vi språklärare vill få in så mycket autencitet i vår undervisning som det bara går. Själv har jag försökt med eTwinning, penpals och lingofriends för att få in det här elementet i min undervisning. Tyvärr, inte med lysande resultat. Genom eTwinning fick vi aldrig igång något utbyte och lingofriends tog tid och många förfrågningar var oseriösa. Under de senaste åren har jag byggt upp ett nätverk av vänner och lärare utomlands som jag gärna tar hjälp av min undervisning. Förra året fick jag syn på Skype in the Classroom som är en del av Skype som riktar sig till lärare, elever och skolor. I inloggningsskedet anger man sina uppgifter och berättar mer om vem man är. Hur kan man då använda Skype in the Classroom i sin undervisning? Mystery Skype Mystery Skype innebär att två klasser skypar med varandra och försöker att genom frågor till varandra ta reda på var respektive klass befinner sig. Man kan direkt på sidan klicka på brevsymbolen för att göra en förfrågan.

52 Delicious Swedish Meals You Need To Try Before You Die Kopia av Linking words Parker -Delivering a Persuasive Speech The Internet TESL Journal Douglas Parkerbps2 [at] Level:Upper-intermediate to advancedOverview:Students need to understand that how they say something and how they physically present themselves are just as important as what they say. By understanding the dynamics involved in effective persuasive speaking, students will improve their overall confidence in communicating.Purpose:The purpose of this lesson is to improve studentsâ speaking skills by understanding persuasion proficiencies. The Handout for the Students The Lesson - Your Voice and Body are Your Best Tools You are a natural talker. For this speech, you have to guess that not everyone will agree with you from the start. There are several important aspects of presentation to keep in mind: Body language - make sure that you have a proper posture. The Strategy: Appear Wise When you are trying to convince someone of something, you must sell yourself before you sell your message. The Comments and Goals Self-control

10 Outstanding Websites for English Teachers - WeAreTeachers As a high school English teacher, I’m always using outside websites and resources. After all, if it helps my students and gets them excited about English, then I’m happy to try it. These are my best websites for English teachers. I’d love to hear your picks in the comments section. 1. Teaching Tolerance is “a place where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find news, suggestions, conversation and support.” 2. With the slogan “Meet your next favorite book,” Goodreads is a bit of technological wonder for readers. 3. So much more than just a place to catch cheaters, although it is very good at that. 4. Whether your students need clarification on grammar, style or proper citations, this site can help. 5. Handouts for virtually every writing issue your students could come across. 6. Let’s be honest: None of us really loves teaching grammar. 7. I just started using this one, and it is awesome. 8. 9. “Publish your passions, your way.” 10. 11. 12.

En deckarhistoria med digitala verktyg Mina åttor har läst olika typer av deckare, bland annat Man kan bara bli hängd en gång och Ridån går upp. Den senare blev de mycket fästa vid och gav dessutom ett bra diskussionsunderlag. Vanligtvis skriver eleverna egna deckare, men tiden är knapp så här i slutet av terminen. Istället för att skriva en hel och omfattande deckare, blev alternativet att gestalta sig själv som huvudperson i valfri deckargenre. Historien skulle berättas i en Thinglink. Ett exempel med aktiva länkar finns här. Välja karaktär: Pusseldeckarens smarta detektiv, en hårdkokt snut, en psykopat eller varför inte en mix av alla? För att skapa en interaktiv deckarhistoria behöver du: En selfie och googlade bilder.Alfafunktionen i Pages. Tiden då?

useful interview expressions game useful interview expressions: Practice useful interview expressions game using this ESL fun Game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary or grammar review. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced esl learners. Games are great for motivating students to learn. More Games Krieger - Teaching Debate to ESL Students: A Six-Class Unit The Internet TESL Journal Daniel Kriegershinyfruit [at] yahoo.comSiebold University of Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Japan) Introduction Debate is an excellent activity for language learning because it engages students in a variety of cognitive and linguistic ways. So, why debate? Six-Class Unit Plan The following six-class unit can be adapted to suit a variety of teaching contexts. Class One: Introduction to Debate 1. Debate: a game in which two opposing teams make speeches to support their arguments and disagree with those of the other team.Resolution: the opinion about which two teams argue.Affirmative team: agrees with the resolution.Negative team: disagrees with the resolution.Rebuttal: explains why one team disagrees with the other team. 2. A resolution is an opinion about which there can be valid disagreement. 3. Part 1: With Your Partner, Think of at Least One Strong Reason for Each Resolution 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Comparison: X is _____ er than Y. 5. Class Two: Supporting Your Opinion 1. 2. 3. 2.

Berättelser som berör Läsårets sista lektion blev passande nog med ett härligt gäng ungdomar som går ut nian. Lektionen bjöd därför på sammanfattande tankar om ämnet svenska. Undervisningen har bland annat haft som syfte att: Utmana tankar genom olika berättelser (i bland annat reportage, krönikor, noveller, romaner, bilder, filmer och verkligheten)Uttrycka dessa tankar och åsikter i tal och skriftIfrågasätta det man ser, läser och hörUtveckla skrivandet i olika typer av texter En bärande grundidé som undervisningen vilar på är att den ska beröra och/eller att det ska upplevas som viktigt. Ämnena och uppgifterna ska kännas angelägna, vare sig det handlar om POLITIK, VÄNSKAP, KÄRLEK, GLÄDJE, SORG, DILEMMAN eller om något annat. Innan jag kunde släppa klassen var jag tvungen att visa en viral succé som jag bara älskar! Filmen kommer jag att använda i undervisningen nästa läsår. Jag visade klippet även i personalrummet där många lärare såg och blev berörda av filmen. Berättelser som berör.

Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation I was recently in a third grade classroom and was struck by the presence of rules that were posted for how to have a conversation. The poster said, "Each person must contribute to the discussion but take turns talking. Ask each other, 'Would you like to add to my idea?' or 'Can you tell us what you are thinking?' Ask questions so that you understand each other's ideas. Having visited many middle and high schools, I think these same rules could -- and probably should -- be posted there as well. Maybe you have also observed how common it is nowadays for students to not know how to have a conversation. 8 Tips for Speaking and Listening While it is impossible to know all of the reasons, there is no doubt that learning to listen and talk is an extremely important way to broaden knowledge, enhance understanding and build community. 1. Make a point of having one-to-two minute interactions, one-on-one, at least a few times each week with students who struggle conversationally. "Really?"" 2. 3.

Life after Compulsory School Songs Sarah McLachlan – I Will Remember YouPhil Collins – You’ll Be In My HeartRascal Flatts – My WishSo Long Farewell – Sound of MusicGreen Day – Time of Your LifePhil Collins – On My WayLulu – Το Sir With LoveRyan Shupe – Dream BigAndy Grammer – Back HomeMatchbox 20 – Let’s see how far we’ve come Louis Armstrong – What a Wonderful World Pharrell Williams – Happy Projects Create a Class Yearbook Students create a keepsake yearbook of memories from the school yearSix Engaging End-of-Year Projects Testing is over. Have some fun.Celebrating the End of the School Year Ideas for reflecting on the school yearFun End-of-Year Assignments Creative ideas that will get your students reflecting about all of the great things they accomplished Reading Advice, like youth, is probably just wasted on the young A graduation speech with some good adviceChoose2Matter Read Angela Maier’s Manifesto that can change your life Speaking / Writing Listening/Watching Watching Final Words

Intro to debate BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips
