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The Backwater Gospel

The Backwater Gospel

Reverso – Un excellent court métrage d’animation sur la vie à l’envers Reverso – Un excellent court métrage d’animation sur la vie à l’envers “Reverso” est un excellent court métrage d’animation magnifiquement réalisé par Kimberly Honma, Clément Lauricella et Arthur Seguin. “Barney vit avec son père Walter dans une petite maison de banlieu. Il tente de mener une vie normale, même si Barney est différent: Sa gravité est inversée…”

The Saga Of Biorn Birn, an old Viking, is determined to reach Valhalla, the warrior's afterlife full of excessive drinking and debauchery. To gain entry he has to die honorably in battle, but he discovers that the right death isn't so easy. Take a look at this amazing video created as a bachelor film project from The Animation Workshop. Descendents (Flowers) It isn’t often that an animation leaves me dumbstruck, but this one did the trick. Descendants is an extraordinary 14 minute animated short about the wish of attaining the unattainable and that out of every great evil some great good must come. The protagonists are a pair of flowers (the older more experienced voiced by Whoopi Goldberg in full form and the younger by Christy Scott Cashman). They grow on the edge of a clearing next to one another. One wonders from the start whether there is some symbiotic connection between them.

The Lady and The Reaper An old lady is nearing the end of her days and she longs to be with the husband she has lost. So, when death pays her a visit on night in the form of a rather comical Grim Reaper then she touches his extended hand without fear. Only, she has not considered that a meddlling doctor on our side of the great divide will decide that she must be resuscitated .

All he had to do was sit down. by polyphemus Feb 17
