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10 Color Inspiration Secrets Only Designers Know About

10 Color Inspiration Secrets Only Designers Know About
“Color: what a deep and mysterious language!” [1] Specific hues can provoke different emotions, associations, and responses that affect how your brand is perceived. Put simply, color choices can make or break a design. In fact, research has shown that color can increase brand recognition (by up to 80%), memory, engagement with a design piece, text comprehension, among many others. Fortunately, we are far from the times when our color choices were limited to a small batch of natural pigments. Our options are no longer whatever colors minerals, animals, and plants had to offer. Overwhelmed yet? [1] Words from French artist Paul Gauguin 01. Callie Hegstrom, the talented designer behind Make Media, suggests: “I snap photos of gorgeous color schemes (like flowers, or sunsets), and later sample those colors directly in Photoshop or Illustrator. So, if you have a photograph with a colour scheme that you love, sample colours directly from it to make a quick, easy and effective palette. 02. 03. . Related:  Colour

Flickr Flow Flickr Flow is an experiment whose materials are color and time. We first used this technique in a Boston Magazine piece, Flickr of Hope, that appeared in March 2009. Prints are available through Imagekind. The two of us see the world as a stream of color, and in 2009 we finally had a chance to draw the river in our heads. The resulting diagram picks up the ebb and flow of seasonal colors. The final piece appeared in the Metric section of Boston Magazine.

Vidéo d'animation - les outils pour créer ses palettes de couleurs Comme promis, voici notre deuxième article destiné à vous aider à définir votre charte chromatique ! Si vous avez manqué le premier, découvrez notre article précédent au sujet des guides de styles et des palettes de couleurs ! Cette fois-ci, nous allons vous donner un aperçu plus technique concernant le choix des palettes de couleurs en vous présentant une liste d’outils en ligne inspirants et une section « conseils » qui vous aideront à définir, à créer et à gérer votre charte chromatique. Palettes de couleurs : les meilleurs outils Le premier nom s’impose d’emblée : Kuler, l’appli gratuite d’Adobe. Ensuite, Colorblender : un outil simple et rapide pour obtenir votre mélange idéal. Avec une base de plus de 4 millions d’utilisateurs, Colourlovers est plus une communauté qu’un outil ; elle offre une série de forums pour quiconque souhaite partager et discuter ses idées, son inspiration etc. Une des interfaces les plus conviviales est celle proposée par Color Scheme Designer. Avec 2 :

This Man's Implanted Antenna Allows Him To "Hear” Color Neil Harbisson was born with achromatopsia – a rare visual condition that results in total color blindness. To him, the world is a constantly dreary plane of grays, black and whites. But since 2003, the eccentric artist has had an antenna poking out of his distinctive bowl-cut hairdo, which allows him to “hear” colors. His head-mounted antenna is able to detect the wavelengths of light reflected off whatever is in front of the sensor and then convert them into sound, with different wavelengths corresponding to different sound frequencies. The Belfast-born, Catalan-raised artist's antenna is permanently attached to his skull and delivers the sound waves to his inner ear through bone conduction. Purples and indigos are perceived as a high-pitched bleep, with the colors becoming lower pitched as the spectrum shifts from blues to greens, then yellows to oranges, and so on. How Harbisson's antenna portrays color wavelengths in Hertz (left) and musical notes (right). [H/T: Discovery News]

Le guide d'une bonne charte graphique - l'importance de la palette de couleurs Une bonne charte graphique ? De quoi s’agit-il vraiment ? Voici le début d’une trilogie sur des conseils et outils utiles pour choisir la bonne palette graphique pour votre projet vidéo. Commençons par le début pour notre première partie : le choix d’un style graphique, d’une identité visuelle… La charte graphique– votre point de départ Votre lignée graphique est la pierre angulaire de votre branding. Cela vous permet de garder le contrôle sur votre design. Les principales composantes d’une charte graphique Une charte graphique peut aller d’un document de cinq pages, à un guide d’une centaine de pages. – Une brève introduction de votre marque : son message principal, la mission, le principe fondateur, les valeurs… Ça doit donner à votre lecteur une idée de votre positionnement et des valeurs de votre entreprise. – Le logo : l’un des éléments de différentiation de votre marque le plus important. Différentes versions de logos pour Brasil Télécom Projet Numm – Exemple de flat design A bientôt

The Most Popular Color On The Internet Is… It’s blue. The web is very blue. Not metaphorically, either. The Internet’s most heavily trafficked websites are literally colored with nearly twice as many shades of blue as shades of yellow and red, and three times as much green. Its dominance is so total, in fact, that, in a recent analysis of the colors used by the ten most popular websites, designer Paul Hebert had to make an entirely separate category for turquoise. Hebert wanted to see what he could learn from the color palettes of the web’s most popular websites. The first is a set of color-blocked graphs that visualize every hue found on a company’s home page or style sheet. Our favorite is the fan chart featured at the top of this post. The data hides a number of interesting observations. Hebert hopes to expand his analysis to include the 100—or even 1,000—most-visited web pages. Go Back to Top.

Color Explorer • Free tools for working with digital colors Color Design Principle: Chromostereopsis (Or Why Blue on Red Doesn’t Work) Don’t ever design blue text on a red background. Ever. And don’t put green on red, either. Want to Look Powerful or Sexy? What color is your “power tie”? How to Check Your Designs for Color Blindness For anybody interested in design, whether as a hobby or as a career, it is worth knowing that nearly between 5% and 8% pall men (and about 0.5% of women) have some form of color blindness. When to Use Saturated Colors Maybe it goes without saying, but every color has a place and purpose. The Difference between CMYK and RGB Color If you are designing anything in color, you should be familiar with the two most common color models: RGB and CMYK. What is CMYK Color? If you’re reading this post, chances are you have at least heard of or come across the acronym “CMYK.”

9 Interesting Infographics About Color Color, one of the most overlooked and yet important elements to our every day lives. Because of the makeup of our brains, and the correlations between sight and perception, we are affected on a very deep level by color. Perhaps even more than we are affected by shape, or any other sense in the mind and body. But color can relate to a great many things, even changing the way we think and feel. 1. Many designers focus heavily on color schemes when they are working on logos, graphics or layouts. 2. Going a little bit deeper, this site is also made to show you how certain colors create certain feelings in the viewer. 3. Color affects more than mood, it also changes our buying habits. 4. A great, printable reference sheet that shows how colors can be used more effectively in marketing. 5. Ever wonder what the best colors on the web are? 6. Extremely interesting, this infographic tells you about colors and their associations from around the globe. 7. 8.

Artist Wants To Map Every Single Human Skin Tone On Earth Perhaps, in the near future, besides wearing mobile devices on our faces and sporting unisex high-waisted pants, we’ll cease to refer to people as black or white, or some variant in between. Instead, we’ll use their corresponding Pantone color to describe the tone of their skin. If this happens, we’ll have to thank artist Angelica Dass for building the first database of skin hues. Dass started her project, Humanae, in April 2012, by photographing some of her Brazilian family members. Dass sampled a small pixel from the subject’s skin--usually from the well-lit cheek area--and then matched it to a Pantone hue, which is used as the backdrop. She does this with all her photographs for Humanae, which now number around 2,000. “Humanae is a pursuit for highlighting our true color, rather than the untrue red, yellow, black, and white,” says Dass, who is the “granddaughter of a ‘black’ and ‘native’ Brazilian and the daughter of a ‘black’ father adopted by a ‘white’ family.” See more here.

Psychology of Color [Infographic] | WebpageFX Blog Perhaps no choice is as vital to marketing as color. Whether you are selecting the color for a product or for your email marketing campaign, color has tremendous impact on all of us. Subconsciously, we associate different colors with different things. This infographic examines the psychology of color and looks at some common associations of different colors. It shows the overall importance of color to consumers and characteristics of many individual colors, and it also helps show the connection between graphic design and psychology. The numbers are pretty fascinating! While color can be appealing to us visually, a lot more is going on behind the scenes than just an aesthetic. Embed This Graphic On Your Site <img src=” alt=”Psychology of Color Infographic” />Infographic by <a title=”WebpageFX” href=” Embed the Psychology of Color Infographic Marketing with Color Psychology

Colors of the Social World (Wide Web) [Infographic + Video] by COLOURlovers When a social network like Twitter allows a user to select a theme to represent themselves in the digital world, that user is choosing to identify their digital persona with colors... And we wanted to look at who chooses what colors... If the world is made up of people and those people have a color preference... what then is the color of Texas? What color are mothers? By looking at the more than 1 Million people who have used our Themeleon tool to design their Twitter Profile in the past 3 months, we were able to paint a picture of the world connecting colors to locations and profile data. *A little note regarding the "World vs. Click The Image Below for the High Res Version A Colorful Tour of the Themeleon World We took the colors from 100,000 profiles designed with Themeleon and geolocated them to the designers location. Colors of the Social Web from CHROMAom on Vimeo. Team Written by COLOURlover www.COLOURlovers.comMy name is Darius A Monsef IV & my friends call me Bub(s)(ba).

30+ Very Useful Color Tools For Designers Choosing the right colors and color combination for your web or print design is crucial when trying to invoke a certain feel, reaction or emotion from your viewers. In this post I have assembled an amazing collection of color selectors / color combination tools to make the selection process a little easier when trying to figure out what colors to use in your next design. All these tools are unique in their own way, so find the one that is right for your design needs and good luck with that next big project. Enjoy! | Kuler | Color Scheme Designer 3 | Contrast-A | ColoRotate | Unsafe Colormatch | Color Sphere | Toucan ColorExplorer ColourMod Check my colours Pictaculous ColourGrab ColorBlender
