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Life is a characteristic distinguishing objects having signaling and self-sustaining processes from those that do not,[1][2] either because such functions have ceased (death), or because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate.[3][4] Biology is science concerned with the study of life. Though life is confirmed only on the Earth, many think that extraterrestrial life is not only plausible, but probable or inevitable.[15][16] Other planets and moons in the Solar System have been examined for evidence of having once supported simple life, and projects such as SETI have attempted to detect radio transmissions from possible alien civilizations. According to the panspermia hypothesis, microscopic life exists throughout the Universe, and is distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and planetoids.[17] Early theories Materialism Herds of zebra and impala gathering on the Maasai Mara plain Democritus (460 BC) thought that the essential characteristic of life is having a soul (psyche). Related:  lifestyleLife's Secrets

25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know Written By: Angelita Williams It's almost cruel the way adults ease children into life outside of the house. They got us on board with the whole going to school thing by letting us take naps in pre-school. But then, come kindergarten, no more naps! It makes you smarter According to Dr. If it was good enough for them… Presidents JFK and Bill Clinton used to nap every day to help ease the heavy burden of ruling the free world.

From prokaryotes to eukaryotes From prokaryotes to eukaryotes The complex eukaryotic cell ushered in a whole new era for life on Earth, because these cells evolved into multicellular organisms. But how did the eukaryotic cell itself evolve? How did a humble bacterium make this evolutionary leap from a simple prokaryotic cell to a more complex eukaryotic cell? The answer seems to be symbiosis — in other words, teamwork. Evidence supports the idea that eukaryotic cells are actually the descendents of separate prokaryotic cells that joined together in a symbiotic union.

Biology History The objects of our research will be the different forms and manifestations of life, the conditions and laws under which these phenomena occur, and the causes through which they have been effected. The science that concerns itself with these objects we will indicate by the name biology [Biologie] or the doctrine of life [Lebenslehre]. Although modern biology is a relatively recent development, sciences related to and included within it have been studied since ancient times. Natural philosophy was studied as early as the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indian subcontinent, and China. However, the origins of modern biology and its approach to the study of nature are most often traced back to ancient Greece.[6] While the formal study of medicine dates back to Hippocrates (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC), it was Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) who contributed most extensively to the development of biology. Foundations of modern biology Cell theory Main article: Cell theory Genetics

The Illustrated Guide to Epigenetics Illustrations by Joe Kloc This month marks the ten-year anniversary of the sequencing of the human genome, that noble achievement underpinning the less noble sales of 23andMe's direct-to-consumer genetic tests. To commemorate the scientific occasion, we've created an illustrated introduction to one subfield of genetics likely to produce even more dubious novelty science projects someday: epigenetics. What is epigenetics? Human life begins as a single cell equipped with all of the genetic information—known as the genome—it will need to develop into a full-grown adult. Through a process of repeated cell division, this cell eventually multiplies into tens of trillions of cells, each containing a complete copy of the genome. FIGURE 1: Through a process called mitosis, a single cell (A) splits into two cells (B) with identical genetic information. FIGURE 2: DNA coils around proteins called histones, forming a nucleosome. How does the epigenome work?

Introduction to Crystal Healing and Crystal Healing Layouts How do crystals work? Crystals have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, neutralize negativity, lift depression and to help us to become integrated, whole beings. Using Crystals for Crystal Healing Crystals can be placed on specific points of the body to bring relief or can be swept over the body using, for example, a crystal pendulum healing technique or a crystal wand healing technique. Specific colour crystals can be used for chakra healing. Below are some examples of conditions and the crystals that can be used to alleviate them. Headaches The crystal used to provide relief from a headache depends on the cause of the headache. Difficulty sleeping Lack of energy Lack of libido

13 Ways To Enjoy Your Life Without Spending A Lot Of Money EmailEmail If you feel you need to have a lot of money to really enjoy life, I am afraid you are sadly mistaken. The greatest things in life are those worthwhile experiences and subtle occurrences that sometimes most individuals simply take for granted. While Madison avenue may think that having expensive “stuff” and the like are what lead to happiness, below are some ways you can still enjoy yourself without spending a fortune. 1. Taking a walk along the beach not only clears your head but it is a great way to relax yourself amid your stressful life. 2. If you have the need for adventure, taking the time to explore around where you live is always fun. 3. Following a path in and out of the woods is always a fun way to escape from the world and have some great time to yourself. 4. Not only do you get some exercise but even better you get to take your bike off some sweet jumps! 5. Bringing you back to your childhood days is always a fun thing to do…even if you don’t spend any money. 6. 7.

Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie) ABOUT ARCHIVE FOLLOW Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ Ads Via The Deck Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie share it 3,740 notes Ecology Ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology and Earth science. The word "ecology" ("Ökologie") was coined in 1866 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919). Ancient Greek philosophers such as Hippocrates and Aristotle laid the foundations of ecology in their studies on natural history. Ecology is a human science as well. Integrative levels, scope, and scale of organization[edit] Hierarchical ecology[edit] System behaviors must first be arrayed into different levels of organization. O'Neill et al. (1986)[5]:76 The scale of ecological dynamics can operate like a closed system, such as aphids migrating on a single tree, while at the same time remain open with regard to broader scale influences, such as atmosphere or climate. Biodiversity[edit] Biodiversity refers to the variety of life and its processes. Noss & Carpenter (1994)[9]:5 Habitat[edit] Additionally, some species are ecosystem engineers, altering the environment within a localized region. Niche[edit]

People A people is a plurality of persons considered as a whole, as in an ethnic group or nation. Collectively, for example, Jews are known as "the Jewish people", European Gypsies comprise the bulk of "the Romani people", and Palestinian Arabs are called "the Palestinian people". In politics Various republics govern, or claim to govern, in the name of the people. A People's Republic is typically a Marxist or socialist one-party state that claims to govern on behalf of the people. Chapter One, Article One of the Charter of the United Nations states that peoples have the right to self-determination.[1] In law In criminal law, in certain jurisdictions, criminal prosecutions are brought in the name of the People. The Right to Bear Arms The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution has been interpreted differently over time, with the word 'people' playing an important role. See also

18 Spiritual Teachings that Blew my Mind Wide Open. After rejecting the Catholic Church around age 10, I stumbled upon the love of my life—yoga-—at the critical age of 12-going-on-13. I started reading New Age self-help books in college and met the Buddha in the San Francisco Bay area at 23. Each stage along the way has been illuminating and necessary to move to a higher level of consciousness. I am thrilled to continue learning and practicing throughout this lifetime, at least. At certain points in the past, I have wished for epiphanies, signals and sudden enlightenment. So, although I would like to gift you with these 18 teachings that have altered my mind and improved my life, they may not resonate with you. My dear friend Liz has a tattoo that reminds her, “This too shall pass.” What would you put on your list?

» How to Get Bruce Lee Like Strength Without Ever Going to a Gym Article by Zen Habits contributor Jonathan Mead; follow him on twitter. “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Bruce Lee was a paragon of cool and an icon of the ultimate bad-ass. What’s more impressive is that Bruce trained his body without ever stepping into a gym and with very little use of weights or machines. Here are just a few of Lee’s physical feats: Performed one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger.Could hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.Could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks.Could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.Performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups. I thought about getting rid of my gym membership altogether, but I didn’t want to sacrifice my health or physical fitness.

Time Cube Cell biology Understanding cells in terms of their molecular components. Knowing the components of cells and how cells work is fundamental to all biological sciences. Appreciating the similarities and differences between cell types is particularly important to the fields of cell and molecular biology as well as to biomedical fields such as cancer research and developmental biology. These fundamental similarities and differences provide a unifying theme, sometimes allowing the principles learned from studying one cell type to be extrapolated and generalized to other cell types. Therefore, research in cell biology is closely related to genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, and developmental biology. Processes[edit] Movement of proteins[edit] Endothelial cells under the microscope. Each type of protein is usually sent to a particular part of the cell. Other cellular processes[edit] Internal cellular structures[edit] Techniques used to study cells[edit] Notable cell biologists[edit]

Online Books : "Golden Guide Hallucinogenic Plants" - pg 51-60 - StumbleUpon Golden Guide: Hallucinogenic Plants pages 51 to 60 .Contents...1-10...11-20...21-30...31-40...41-50...51-60...61-70...71-80...81-9091-100...101-110...111-120...121-130...131-140...141-150...151-156...Index Mandrake, with the Propane alkaloids hyoscyamine, scopolamine, and others, was an active hallucinogenic ingredient of many of the witches' brews of Europe. DHATURA and DUTRA (Datura metel) are the common names in India for an important Old World species of Datura. IBOGA (Tabernanthe iboga), native to Gabon and the Congo, is the only member of the dogbane fancily, Apocynaceae, known to be used as an hallucinogen. The drug, discovered by Europeans toward the middle of the last century, has a reputation as a powerful stimulant and aphrodisiac. Although intoxicating substances have not yet been found in the puffballs, there are reports in the literature that some of them have had narcotic effects when eaten. religion surrounded the sacramental use of these fungi. Contents Next
