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Einstein le perroquet

Einstein le perroquet

Wait for it….! I just recalled a really (I HOPE) fun story by a friend of mine. Trying to simplify/shorten it as a CO comment entry… I might not get some bit correct. He and his wife have been raising their five children with Home-Schooling; and the children really have done well; emotionally balanced, kind, respectful to others; and smart as can BE!! Anyhow, there was a day when several of them were indoors in various rooms, each person doing something different. N’s daughter Vivian, went into the room where her brother I. was working on a project. Then she came running like she was a ROCKET, screaming, sobbing, anguished & horrified. Once N. got her setttled down, he asked her, what had happened about which she was so upset. she said, “But Daddy, I want to go (pause) ou-ou-out!!!! He said that it took him some time to convince little Vivvy to calm down again. The end.
