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Apps for Digital Storytelling - Digital Storytelling with the iPad

Apps for Digital Storytelling - Digital Storytelling with the iPad

Writing a book with students « Teaching using web tools Why write a book with your students? In the last years I have been fortunate to attend many different conferences and listen to many great speakers talk about what needs to change in the classroom. They often talk about how important it is to find a project that is relevant to the students and has value outside the school. (authentic learning) After teaching without a textbook for several years, using social media to connect with teachers and experts in different countries, it occurred to me; why not write a book for teachers describing how we work in our class? And idea materialises After pitching the idea to one student who (luckily) really liked it, we quickly had half the students onboard and more followed suit. The book – and website The book is dived into 10 chapters, each with a video presentation by the chapter editors, explaining the content of that particular chapter. Publicity equals success? Like this: Like Loading... Categories: Using ICT in school, Web 2.0 in teaching

ScreenChomp 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources Digital storytelling comes in many forms. Digital storytelling could refer to creating podcasts, creating videos, or creating multimedia ebooks to name of few of its forms. If you're considering developing your first digital storytelling project for your class, here some resources that can help you get started.Ebooks and web references for digital storytelling. One of the best people I know for advice about digital storytelling is Silvia Tolisano. The Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide is a free twenty-eight page ebook produced by Microsoft. Digital storytelling guru Kevin Hodgson runs a website all about stopmotion movie creation. The Digital Directors Guild is a project designed to help teachers develop digital storytelling projects for their classrooms. Tools for Creating Digital Stories. Myna is a free web-based audio track mixer created by Aviary. Little Bird Tales is a nice site intended for younger students to use to create digital stories.

Common Core Support Tools Below you will find unpacking standards documents to support teachers in their understanding of the common core and essential standards. The unpacking documents demonstrate at a granular level the knowledge and skills students are expected to master at a particular grade. Important Note: The current Standard Course of Study will continue to be taught and tested during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years. New standards and assessments are to be implemented for the first time beginning with the 2012-13 school year. Please send any thoughts, feedback, questions and ideas about additional resources that would help you start preparing to teach the new standards to English Language Arts Unpacking Standards Kindergarten (pdf, 608kb) 1st Grade (pdf, 646kb) 2nd Grade (pdf, 761kb) 3rd Grade (pdf, 849kb) 4th Grade (pdf, 833kb) 5th Grade (pdf, 1.6mb) 6th Grade (pdf, 1.3mb) 7th Grade (pdf, 1016kb) 8th Grade (pdf, 1.0mb) English I & II (pdf, 1.1mb) English III & IV (pdf, 1.2mb)

Writing Practice Worksheets "What wonderful worksheets! Our students really like answering your questions and prompts. Thanks for these!" Like these materials? While we love logic and vocabulary, we understand that writing is paramount: chief in importance or impact; supreme; preeminent. Below you'll find our writing practice worksheets for students to use to practice writing. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Finish the Story Writing Worksheets In these writing practice worksheets, students practice both reading and writing in these exercises. Question Response Writing Worksheets In these writing practice worksheets, students practice reading and writing in these exercises. Practical Writing Worksheets In these writing practice worksheets, students practice reading and practical writing. Argumentative Writing Worksheets In these writing practice worksheets, students practice writing and reading in these exercises. Writing Worksheets

StoryCorps Digital Storytelling Storytelling has always been a significant part of history, but the means through which the stories have been told has evolved with each civilization. From the oral histories presented by bards in ancient courts, to the works of scribes during the Renaissance, to newspapers, CNN, and now the Internet, personal narrative has been used to communicate the events of the past. Digital media now combines tradition with technology and allows students to tell stories through voice, text, images, audio, and video. Digital stories allow students to take a linear series of events and turn them into a multidimensional experience. It encourages them to communicate, collaborate, and research as well as to infuse media into the process. Digital Storytelling Tools Creating a digital story could be as simple as using a presentation tool such as Apple’s Keynote or Microsoft PowerPoint, or as complex as a full video project with Apple’s iMovie or Microsoft MovieMaker. Digital Storytelling Examples

5 Easy Ways to Incorporate Writing in Your Classroom - Teach 4 the Heart Earlier this week I explained 4 advantages of incorporating writing in any classroom. I bet many of you were thinking Sure, that sounds great, but it also sounds like a lot of work. Thankfully, that’s just not the case. Including writing in your classroom can be really easy. The key is to realize that you don’t have to grade the writing. Here are 5 easy ways to incorporate writing into your classroom. These methods are adapted from Content-Area Writing: Every Teacher’s Guide 1. What is the most important thing you learned in class today? 2. 3. 4. 5. As you can see, these methods don’t need to take a lot of class time, and they don’t require much preparation. I describe more of these methods in my e-book Create Your Dream Classroom. How have you used writing to help students better understand your subject? Photo by ccarlstead

Index Card A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers 1- ZimmerTwins It is all about creative storytelling. ZimmerTwins is a web2.0 tool that allows students to give vent to their imaginative powers and exercise their storytelling skills from early stages to advances ones. 2- Digital Story Telling in The Classroom This section provides resources and materials for teachers to use with their students in storytelling. 3- Story Bird This is an awesome website that allows students and teachers to create short art inspired stories to read, share or print out. 4- Someries Someries is a fantastic storytelling site . 5- PicLits This is another awesome website where students can choose a picture and start drawing or writing a text on it to create a story. 6- Generator This is a creative studio space where students explore the moving image and create their own digital stories to share with others. 7- Capzles This is where you and your students can create rich multimedia stories with videos, photos, music, blogs and documents.

Creating characters and setting | Mitt öppna klassrum Förmågor: Ni kommer att få arbeta med att utveckla ert skrivande, läsande och strategier för detta inom engelskan. Skrivandet kommer ni få utveckla genom att läsa och skriva om karaktärer och miljö i gestaltande form. Ni kommer få instruktionerna nedan uppdelat per gång och på engelska när vi sätter igång nästa v. Att göra: Vi börjar med att läsa olika miljöbeskrivningar. Här finns en bild för att hjälpa er på traven med personbeskrivningarna och vilka delar man kan beskriva: Vi kommer sedan titta på ett filmklipp ur Divergent samt att jag högläser en del av texten högt för er. Utdraget handlar om personen Four och hans rädslor. Ni ska sedan få en skrivuppgift kopplad till detta. Här är skrivuppgiften: Four har fyra rädslor därav hans namn. Ni kommer få arbeta med kamratbedömning av texterna. Bedömning: Hur du bidrar i samtalen och utvecklar innehållet i dem. Hur du tolkar budskap i text/vidgad text (film). Hur du utvecklar och utrycker dig i dina skriftliga svar i skrivuppgifterna ovan.

QuickVoice® Recorder Digital Storytelling - How to Create a Digital Story "Digital Storytelling takes the ancient art of oral storytelling and engages the palette of technical tools to weave personal tales using images, graphics, music, and sound mixed together with the author's own story voice."-Bernajean Porter, Digitales. Telling a digital story successfully depends on one's ability to plan the process first. Compiled below are several step-by-step methods, website links, and article abstracts that will guide an individual through the digital storytelling process. PART ONE: Define, Collect, Decide 1. Select a topic for your digital story. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PART TWO: Select, Import, Create 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PART THREE: Decide, Write, Record, Finalize 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PART FOUR: Demonstrate, Evaluate, Replicate 1. 2. 3. 4. This above how-to method of creating a digital story is available at "Enter Here: Personal Narrative and Digital Storytelling" by Sara B. Tools/Media available for use in digital stories: Sounds: Music:

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