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Edublogs - education blogs for teachers, students and institutions

Edublogs - education blogs for teachers, students and institutions
1. Share materials, news, downloads, links and more Anything that you post to your blog will instantly be accessible by your students from school and from home. 2. Students can simply respond to blog posts and discuss topics through comments or on our simple to use forums. 3. Seamlessly produce a custom designed, finely tuned and engaging collaborative online publication by your class. 4. Always enjoyed photocopying and stapling pages and pages of newsletters on a Friday afternoon? 5. Your Edublog can be used to glue together your students’ blogs which you can quickly create, co-manage, and even edit if needed. 6. We all love planning, right? 7. In just a couple of clicks, you can embed online videos, multimedia presentations, slideshows and more right into your Edublog posts. 8. Edublogs make it easy to organize groups by keeping everyone informed. 9. You can use comments, forums, or even customized forms to collect feedback, survey data, or ask anyone you’d like to give input or ideas. 10.

Mentors- Facilitators. Group News As the date is fast approaching we thought now would be a good time to issue some further information on our interview with DfE! Our interview panel consists of a member of our Governing body, our proposed Principal Designate, and three of our company members. Our interview slot is 90 minutes, and in this time we have to present on our evidence of demand, capability, capacity, and demonstrate our motivation for Prince’s Community School. One key area we need YOUR help with is our ‘evidence of demand’. Our proposed Principal Designate Helen Prince is required to take part in a Future Leaders Charitable Trust (FLCT) assessment centre which will focus on her potential to lead a Free School. So where do we go from here? We will also be updating our website with all the revised information about the school, so please check back soon for more info on all areas of the school. Prince’s Community School :)

Check Out Class Blogs! This page has been set up so you can check out different types of class blogs to get ideas for your own class blog. You could also use this list to make connections with classes in other countries. If you want to add your class blog to this list please leave it’s details on this post. This list was last updated on July 30,, 2013 (new class blogs added and deleted/old blogs removed –including those that haven’t published posts in past 6 months) The class blog list into Grades; Subject Areas such as Maths, Science, English, History, LOTE, EFL /ESL; and type of blog such as Library, School news. You can view the list by: Below is the complete Edublogger’s Class Blog list: Just click on their blog title to visit the class blog!

Avatars - Create an Animated Talking Character for Your Website Artichoke Applications of Linear Algebra Le blogue hors de la classe On peut imaginer un très grand nombre d’utilisations possibles du blogue en marge de la classe, c'est-à-dire où l'enseignant n'accorde pas de temps en classe pour écrire sur le blogue. Voici certaines idées qui peuvent contribuer à rendre ce type d'utilisation du blogue pertinente : Utilisez le blogue comme le prolongement de la classe. Le travail demandé sur le blogue doit être en lien direct avec le cours, mais pas une partie du cours. Donnez assez de temps aux élèves pour faire leur contribution;Imposez et évaluez la participation au blogue. 4.1 - Le débat L’utilisation du blogue dans l’expérience présentée ici est surtout axée sur le débat. L’enseignant fait une courte mise en contextepropose un questionnementfait référence à un article d’actualité déjà publié par un quotidien ou un site d’information Les élèves participent en écrivant des commentaires sur le billetréagissent aux commentaires d’autres élèves 4.2 Questionner et analyser des documents historiques 4.3 Qui suis-je?

Animated Characters Learning Agents Speaking Avatars for Elearning Free Technology for Teachers The Whiteboard Blog | Supporting the use of technology in the classroom Le plaisir d’écrire grâce au blogue pédagogique Vous trouverez dans ce billet les principales astuces pour animer votre blogue de classe, telles qu’elles ont été répertoriées dans notre formation pédagogique utilisant la plateforme WordPress . Dans ces recherches de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (ici et là), on apprend que : 96% des élèves jugent que bloguer est une activité intéressante (cette motivation est observée autant chez ceux qui ont une plus faible confiance en leurs aptitudes scolaires)94% des élèves qui bloguent font des recherches supplémentaires pendant la rédaction96% s’impliquent davantage dans le processus de rédactionles élèves ont un souci accru pour les conventions linguistiques et ont un fait taux d’utilisation de mots impropres (bien que ça n’assure pas des textes exempts d’erreurs!) Le blogue inciterait également les jeunes à aimer écrire. La démarche d’écriture comprend 5 étapes : la planification, la rédaction, la révision, la correction et la diffusion. Astuces répertoriées au cours de la formation

How to Help Students Use Social Media Effectively Today more than ever, people are capable of publishing their thoughts to a vast audience. Comments, tweets, and status updates are ubiquitous and constant. However, are we really focusing on the quality of the message we are putting out there? Are we really providing useful information or are we just adding to the noise? Simply giving students a blogger ID and a twitter username is not enough. Keep Standards High If we are going to enable our students to find and share their voice with the world, we need to equip them with a powerful skill that is timeless: writing effectively. Educators must model effective writing and editing as well. More Is Not Always Better The second frustrating element of social media is the perpetual sharing of watered-down guides e.g., "500 Tips for Google" or "100 Ways to Use YouTube in the Classroom." I am not trying to be preachy and humbly admit that I have been guilty of putting a message out there without proper edits. Before Posting, Examine Your Motives

A Year of Reading
