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星期一的 TEDtalk: The World Needs All Kinds of Thinking 星期一感覺世界變得有點快,大家都在趕,分享兩個今天早上看到的景象。 642 公車在新生南路上,8:52 AM 的陽光照進來,看到了“新"。 初春的台北,天空格外清爽,還沒長出來的新芽和尚未凋謝的舊葉,美的像一幅畫。 星期一的上午需要一點不同思考,今天分享 Temple Grandin 在 2010 TED 的演講,Temple 是自閉症患者,從小有著跟別人不一樣的學習思考模式,她是一個“圖像思考”(visual thinker)的人,她說“我的腦就像 Google for Images.”其實有很多的創意天才都有輕微的自閉症,叫做亞思柏格症狀 (asperger syndrome),像是 Steven Spielberg、莫札特、愛因斯坦都有輕微的 asperger,他們在 social skills 並不強,甚至會害怕和人群接觸但是在某一方面的思考卻是很突出比如說邏輯、圖像、語言等等。 中文版字幕演講由大小創意提供,原版的演講如下: 除了 TED 的演講外,您也可以收聽 Temple Grandin 在 NPR 的專訪。 今年七月的 TEDxTaipei 我們會談到另類教育 (Alternative Education),如果您對這方面有研究或是有想推薦的講者,請跟我們連絡。 Analysis: The Zetas, the most feared narco-gang in Mexico and Central America. | The Americas Post Miguel Angel Trevino-Morales is a high ranking member of Los Zetas and head of a semi-independent drug trafficking organization (DTO) controlling more than 200 operatives. Trevino-Morales is responsible for collecting “tariffs” at all drug plazas controlled by the Gulf Cartel in Mexico. From 2006 to 2007, Miguel Angel Trevino-Morales served as Nuevo Laredo “Plaza Boss” for the Gulf Cartel, and then was sent to Veracruz, Mexico in March 2007 as Plaza Boss following the death of Efrain Theodora-Torres. A decade ago, they were a small group of elite Mexican soldiers who saw a chance to make a lot more money working as hitmen for powerful drug cartels . Today, the “Zetas” are the most feared gang in Mexico. President Felipe Calderon’s government is going after the Zetas and half a dozen other major cartels moving billions of dollars worth of cocaine and other drugs to U.S. consumers each year. Mexican drug leader of The Zetas , Daniel Perez Rojas, right on the screen

TEDxYouth@Taipei – Ritika Arya、Lin Jiunhung (林駿宏) | TEDxTaipei TEDxTaipei » TEDxYouth@Taipei – Ritika Arya、Lin Jiunhung (林駿宏) Ritika Arya 這位20歲的印度女孩,她和她的妹妹兩個人,想要幫助印度ㄧ批非常窮,沒有錢讀書的其他青少年努力,成立了My India Empowered計畫,讓同儕互相學習。 Winner of the Achievement Awards for the NGO 『My India Empowered』 (MIE) that she founded with her younger sister, Ritika Arya has a vision to bring education to the very poor children of Mumbai, India. 林駿宏(Lin Jiunhung) 林駿宏小一以珍古德為榜,關懷動物、社區與環境生態。 TEDxTaipei New update: TEDxYouth@ Taipei ! 台灣好 思考 思考模式 池上 自閉症 許芳宜 陳永龍 陶喆 Adam Richardson alvin woon A moving sound Big Hopes Chris Anderson christian marc schmit curiosity dance David Hoffman David Tao dream earthquake haiti imagine J.J. 小樂樂 : 我有看到你們發的廣告傳單~ 可不上到網站真的完全不懂這要做什麼耶 沒有寫說有辦活動@@ susie : 請問活動是一共三天(07/23, 07/24, 07/25)嗎? peiru : 志工報名已經滿滿滿了。 Contact | Help | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy Big Question is the official curator of © TEDxTaipei.
