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10+ Web Tools To Save Your Butt In School It’s a new year, and the beginning of a new semester in school. Students who didn’t do so hot last year have probably made a New Year resolution to improve their grades. To help you all with the next semester, I’ve decided to make a list of extremely helpful web tools that will make school easier for all the struggling students out there. Enjoy, and good luck with the new semester. 1. Everyone already knows about Sparknotes and Cliffnotes, but there are very few who have used PinkMonkey. Another website you’ll like is Shmoop. Similar Sites: Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, LitSum, GradeSaver, Bookrags 2. One of the things I hate most about school is that for every paper you turn in, professors insist that you cite your sources. Luckily for you, there are a lot of websites that will put together a bibliography for you. My favorite site for this is BibMe. Similar Sites: EasyBib andOttobib. 3. Known as the “worlds largest flashcard library”, FlashCardExchange is the best place to study for tests. 5. 6.

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