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Couvertures de Grimoires en relief - Aniko Kolesnikov

Couvertures de Grimoires en relief - Aniko Kolesnikov
Aniko Kolesnikova est un artiste de talent qui revisite les couvertures de vos bouquins de manière très originale. Dragons, hiboux, lions et fleurs prennent littéralement vie sur vos livres avec des reliefs époustouflants. Inspirées par un monde merveilleux et féerique, ces créations sont minutieusement travaillées à la main par l’artiste qui utilise de la pâte polymère. De belles illustrations qui vous plongeront dans un véritable conte de fées avant même d’avoir ouvert votre bouquin. Aniko nous fait voyager dans un monde merveilleux grâce à ses créations très originales. Related:  stock à sasser (réf.)-1

Dessins et ses mains - Javier Perez Un dessin donne un coup de main à son créateur ou l’inverse. Après avoir astucieusement donné vie aux objets de son quotidien, l’illustrateur Javier Perez originaire d’Équateur, s’amuse ici à prolonger ses dessins avec des photos de sa main. Découvrez aussi sa très belle série sur les objets du quotidien : Peintures translucides pour représenter les vagues de l'océan - Lia Melia Cambridge-based visual artist Lia Melia creates strikingly energetic paintings where curling and crashing ocean waves splash and splatter across the canvas. Having grown up near the sea, that is where artist Lia Melia continues to find her inspiration. "The seas moods can always express my deepest feelings," she explains. Melia uses a technique that is unique to her work in which she bakes powder pigments and paints onto a sheet of aluminum or glass. Through this process, she can obtain translucent layers which she says "can glow with light." Lia Melia's website via [Ruines Humaines]

Paper Art - Jen Stark Pierres en équilibre - Michael Grab Michael Grab is an artist that has been ‘rock balancing‘ since 2008. Much of his recent work has been done around the Boulder, Colorado area. Grab finds the process both spiritual and therapeutic. On his site, Grab explains: “The most fundamental element of balancing in a physical sense is finding some kind of ‘tripod’ for the rock to stand on. Every rock is covered in a variety of tiny to large indentations that can act as a tripod for the rock to stand upright, or in most orientations you can think of with other rocks. On gravityglue you will find an extensive gallery of his work along with videos, an in-depth interview and an active blog about his thoughts that accompany his work. [via Colossal] If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

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Sculptures de crayon - Dalton Ghetti Nouvel artiste à ajouter dans la catégorie (toujours fictive) « Insolite » et néanmoins talentueux, voici Dalton Ghetti et ses sculptures de crayon. C’est vraiment impressionnant et je vous invite à jeter un oeil. Depuis 25 ans, Dalton Ghetti exerce avec minutie sa passion. Il dit lui-même que cet art peut être extrêmement frustrant lorsqu’il arrive à la fin de sa création et qu’il commet une erreur, donc j’imagine que souvent la mine se casse… Pour en savoir plus sur son travail c’est par là : Dalton Ghetti sur OddStuffMagazine Que pensez-vous de cet artiste insolite ? Merci à @Alois_Val pour ce lien Auteur: Gaétan Weltzer, comme toujours en fait. Partagez l'article et l'amour qui s'en dégage ! 3inPartager0 Articles qui pourraient vous plaire

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Performance Sand Art - Kseniya Simonova Born in a small town on the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, Kseniya Simonova has skyrocketed to international stardom following her 2009 win of Ukraine’s Got Talent. Her combination of story telling, sand art, and music has been showcased in over 200 performances over the past 4 years, including locales such as Ukraine, Russia, Norway, Japan, Poland, Austria, China, The United Kingdom, India, Italy, Germany, Kazakhstan, Malta, and others. She performs regularly for presidents, heads of state, and royalty. Since she was a child, Kseniya painted, drew and designed alongside her mother and family. At first, she tested her art with beach and river sands, which proved difficult to work with over time due to their salinity. Her husband, Igor, suggested that she should enter the competition Ukraine’s Got Talent. In the semi-finals, she created a sand performance centered around World War II, though the producers had encouraged her to choose a less somber theme.

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Explosion de couleurs - Hua Tunan Hua Tunan is a rising artist in China. Combining the traditional elements of Chinese art and culture with a modern twist, Hua brings about beautiful explosions on the canvas. Based out of Foshan, Hua (also known as 画图男) does performance and street art in addition to his paintings. His work has gathered the attention of companies such as Volvo, who flew him out to Zurich to do graffiti art on one of their blank cars for a performance. ↬ neochaEDGE
