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jQuery plugin, Wordpress plugin, interaction design pattern

jQuery plugin, Wordpress plugin, interaction design pattern

jQuery Quicksand plugin Quicksand Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation. Activity Monitor 348 KB Address Book1904 KB Finder 1337 KB Front Row 401 KB Google Pokémon 12875 KB iCal 5273 KB iChat 5437 KB Interface Builder 2764 KB iTuna 17612 KB Keychain Access 972 KB Network Utility 245 KB Sync 3788 KB TextEdit 1669 KB Demo seems sluggish? Isn’t it cool? Download Version 1.4 Demos & Docs Fork on GitHub Powered by jQuery – Made by @razorjack from agilope, icons design by Artua Design by @riddle jQuery’s no-conflict mode: Yet another reason why it’s the best - The Life and Times of Michael Shadle Home > Development, WordPress > jQuery's no-conflict mode: yet another reason why it's the best It took me a bit to find out why jQuery (now bundled with WordPress) was not working as I expected inside of the WP admin area. The script was being called, but my code like $("#foo") was not working. I really had no clue where to begin, since it still has all those old JS libraries/frameworks being called as well. Long story short, jQuery already planned for library conflicts and has a quick solution. It's easy to do - just put this line in your code somewhere: Now $("#foo") will be J("#foo") and it will not conflict with any other libraries that may be installed.

raganwald's JQuery-Combinators at master - GitHub 45+ New WordPress Themes: October 2010 New WordPress themes are released all the time, and it’s hard keeping up with the best that’s out there. And let’s face it: a lot of new themes aren’t very high quality. Below we’ve collected nearly fifty high-quality WP themes from around the web. A little over half of them are free themes, released under a variety of licenses. The rest are premium themes, ranging in price from around $30 right up to $200, depending on the creator and licensing options. Have we missed any good ones here, feel free to add their links in the comments! Free Themes Skeptical Skeptical is a new free theme from WooThemes. My Blue Construction A free under construction theme for your blog. Writer WordPress Theme This theme was specifically created for authors, and includes a number of custom widgets for promoting books. Businezz Businezz is a simple, corporate-style WP theme from Blog Oh Blog. Quality Control Quality Control is a free theme that turns any WP installation into a help desk ticketing system. Cubicles Bayer

This is Centratissimo: all centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments by 10 Really Helpful Traversing Functions in jQuery With jQuery, selecting HTML elements is laughably easy. But at times, we may wish to further refine the selection, which can be a hassle when the HTML structure is complicated. In this tutorial, we'll explore ten ways that we can refine and extend a set of wrapped elements that we wish to operate upon. The HTML First of all, let's take a look at the simple webpage shown in the figure below. div.container is the wrapping, div.title and div.rating are immediate children of div.container.Each is a child of div.rating.When a has the 'on' class, it's a full star. Why Traversing? But why do we need to further refine a set of elements? Well, let's see an example. In Line 2, we select the very star that gets clicked on with 'this'. Fortunately, jQuery allows us to get new wrapped sets from an existing set, based on the hierarchical relationships. 1. children This function gets the immediate children of a set of elements. 2. filter 3. not See the example below.

Nivo Slider - The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider Beautiful transition effects Nivo Slider offers 16 transition effects ranging from slicing and sliding, to fading and folding, making your galleries interactive and fun. No coding skills needed Create a beautiful experience when playing your gallery of images without any advanced coding. Include the image slider in your posts and pages using a simple shortcode. Automatic image cropping Nivo Slider crops and resizes images to a specified size, so you don’t have to do it manually for each image. Responsive and mobile ready The generated image sliders are completely responsive. Everyone loves Nivo! Time to make the best of your website’s’ image galleries. Pre-built slider themes You can choose the style of your sliders from the awesome pre-built themes. Create sliders from categories or galleries Besides the classic image sliders, Nivo allows you to choose between Category and Gallery sliders. Post types support Create carousels Join 471,039 happy customers and get access to 30+ premium products

100 Nice and Beautiful Blog Design | Blogosphere Blogging has become an increasingly popular form of online communication, and with millions of blogs on the internet, it is important to stand out from the crowd. One of the best ways to do this is through beautiful and visually appealing blog designs. A well-designed blog not only attracts more visitors but also enhances the user experience, makes it easier to navigate, and adds credibility to your content. Creating a beautiful blog design may seem like a daunting task, but with the right inspiration and guidance, anyone can do it. 50 Clean, Simple and Minimalist Website Designs 50 Clean, Simple and Minimalist Website Designs Minimalism has gained popularity in the past few years and has been among the top web design trends...
