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Astral Projection - Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too

Astral Projection - Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too
Everyone can have an out-of-body experience (OBE), says expert Jerry Gross - in fact, you probably have. In this interview, Gross explains OBEs, what happens and how to begin your adventure. When noted out-of-body teacher and practitioner Jerry Gross wants to travel long distances, he doesn't bother with the time and expense of catching a plane. He just uses a different kind of plane, and travels there astrally - unless, of course, he is teaching one of his many classes and workshops on astral projection, also known as OBE or out-of-body experience. According to Gross, the ability to leave the body has been with him since childhood. Jones: What is astral projection? Gross: Astral projection is the ability to leave your body. Jones: What is your earliest recollection of doing this? Gross: I can remember doing this clear back to when I was about four years old. Jones: In those days, astral projection was almost unheard of. Jones: When you leave your body, what happens to the physical body?

Auteur versus déni narratif: que le meilleur gagne!!! Bonjour à tous! Avez-vous déjà lu ou vu des histoires dans lesquelles vous ne croyez pas à la mort d’un personnage? Si c’est le cas, vous souffrez probablement de déni narratif. Est-ce grave docteur? Pas du tout! C’est un processus normal pour un lecteur qui fait face à une histoire prévisible ou bancale. Pour ce faire, je vous donne dans la suite de cet article les éléments pour reconnaître et mettre fin au déni narratif. C’est parti mon kiki! L’identification du déni narratif par l’auteur Pour éviter le déni narratif, l’auteur doit apprendre à le reconnaître. Ce phénomène s’explique par deux choses: l’attachement émotionnel à un personnage (bien)la tendance de certains auteurs à revenir sur des événements irréversibles (pas bien) Maintenant, que vous cernez un peu mieux le déni narratif, laissez-moi vous exposer pourquoi il vaut mieux l’éviter. Pourquoi un auteur doit éviter le déni narratif Le secret des auteurs qui ont vaincu le déni narratif L’auteur, le déni narratif et le doute

Exploring Ancient World Cultures How to Lucid Dream Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Dreams In other languages: Español: tener sueños lúcidos, Deutsch: Einen Klartraum träumen, Français: faire des rêves lucides, Português: Ter Sonhos Lúcidos, Русский: видеть осознанные сны, 中文: 做清醒梦, Nederlands: Zo kun je lucide dromen, Čeština: Jak na lucidní snění, Bahasa Indonesia: Bermimpi Sadar, 日本語: 明晰夢を見る, العربية: رؤية حلم جلي, ไทย: ฝันรู้ตัว, 한국어: 루시드 드림 꾸는 법, Tiếng Việt: Mơ có Ý thức arts numériques Reiki-Reiki Healing Technique- Japanese Reiki Read a brief introduction to Japanese Reiki healing technique. Reiki as a healing technique has gained immense popularity all over the world with more and more people wanting to master this simple art of meditation and self-realisation. Reiki as a healing art originated in Japan and it means 'Universal Life Energy' in Japanese. Reiki energy that helps in healing ailments helps in relaxation, clears energy obstructions and removes toxins from the human system is based upon five basic principles. People interested in learning the art of Reiki need to abide by these five principles. In the second degree or level of the Reiki course the students are taught to make use of a number of symbols that will help a person increase his inner strength The level will also include training in symbols that will allow a person to form a temporary connection between himself and the recipient, regardless of the space and time.

empathy definition, techniques and training, levels of listening theory, listening even.. home » self/personal development » empathy, trust, listening, diffusing conflict and handling complaints empathy skills - for relationships, communications, complaints, customer retention, conflict and levels of listening types Empathy and trust are a platform for effective understanding, communication and relationships. Empathy and trust are essential to develop solutions, win and retain business, and avoiding or diffusing conflict. A certain legacy of the days of the hard-sell is that many consumers and business people are more reluctant to expose themselves to situations where they may be asked to make a decision. Most modern gurus in the areas of communications, management and self-development refer in one way or another to the importance of empathy - really understanding the pther person's position and feelings. Whether for selling, customer retention, handling complaints, diffusing conflict, empathy helps. trust - and understanding the other person's standpoint listening Full version:

Bataille de Poitiers (732) Bataille de Poitiers (732) Invasion omeyyade en France Batailles La bataille de Poitiers, anciennement en français bataille de Tours, appellation toujours utilisée par les anglophones, appelée dans des sources arabes « bataille du Pavé des Martyrs » (arabe : معركة بلاط الشهداء), a lieu entre, d'une part, les Francs et les Burgondes[6],[7] dirigés par Charles Martel alliés aux Aquitains[8],[9] eux-mêmes dirigés par Eudes, et d'autre part une armée omeyyade menée par Abd al-Rahman, gouverneur général d'al-Andalus. Les historiens ne sont pas d'accord sur le lieu de la bataille. Les Francs sortent victorieux. Certains avancent que Bède le Vénérable vit en cette victoire un châtiment de Dieu, et dans les siècles suivants, les chroniqueurs du IXe siècle, puis les auteurs de chansons de geste, donnent au maire du palais, Charles, le surnom de Martel (le marteau[13]) , mais les sources ne font pas spécifiquement référence à la bataille de Poitiers[14]. Les sources[modifier | modifier le code]

Healing Journeys with the Energy of Crystals, Reiki, Angels, Colour, & more! 50 Funniest Protest Signs Ever - Funny Blog dragonfly said... These rock! Especially the one about marrying your daughter! June 8, 2011 at 2:16 PM Anonymous said... Fuck gay rights. June 9, 2011 at 9:37 PM Thisguy said... Fuck you anon. June 9, 2011 at 11:11 PM Steve said... yh dont be an idiot. i am 11 and i realise gays have every right June 10, 2011 at 12:41 AM Slevin said... Why is everyone entitling themselves to rights? June 10, 2011 at 5:13 AM Matt said... "...but this is a country that doesn't accept it very well. June 10, 2011 at 5:59 AM The people that set up this country didn't give anyone but white males that owned property the right to vote. June 10, 2011 at 6:52 AM "Death to all Juice"! June 10, 2011 at 8:58 AM will said... ok so there like 5 people who i will asume are men that are for gay rights as a bisexual and a canadian i dont really care or give a shit about the U.S.A and anon go fuck your grand mother like the hill billy your are you cunt nugget June 11, 2011 at 3:00 AM June 11, 2011 at 10:55 PM June 12, 2011 at 2:38 AM

Art numérique L'art numérique désigne un ensemble varié de catégories de création utilisant les spécificités du langage et des dispositifs numériques, ordinateur, interface ou réseau. Il s'est développé comme genre artistique depuis le début des années 1960[1]. Portée par la puissance de calcul de l'ordinateur et le développement d'interfaces électroniques autorisant une interaction entre le sujet humain, le programme et le résultat de cette rencontre, la création numérique s'est considérablement développée en déclinant des catégories artistiques déjà bien identifiées. Expositions et événements consacrés aux arts numériques[modifier | modifier le code] À la suite des grands centres internationaux comme le ZKM de Karlsruhe, l'Ars Electronica Center de Linz ou V2 à Rotterdam, la Gaîté-Lyrique qui ouvre à Paris en 2011 originellement consacré aux arts numériques et aux musiques actuelles. Du numérique aux environnements virtuels et augmentés[modifier | modifier le code]

Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Life Experience : They're Not As Different Nor as Separate As You May Currently Think And Believe. Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Shape Your World. Now You'll FINALLY Understand Why in a Very Simplified Kind of Way!! Quantum Physics once understood not only can but will open your eyes to an unseen world few are aware of as well as enable and empower you to see the importance of consciously aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions with your heartfelt desires making the term Heaven on Earth more than just a nice thought or novel idea simply because, You CAN Quantum Physics Demystifies The Process Of Creation and Reveals The Simplicity of Conscious, Intentional and Purposeful as Well as Unconscious and Unintentional Manifestation What exactly is Quantum Physics? An on the surface look of a strictly intellectual nature of what Quantum Physics is and what quantum physicists do may, and perhaps does sound a bit ho hum or really complex. How so?

{every}nothing wonderful: Tutorial: Repurposed Envelopes (From Magazines to Mailing) Note: If you like this idea, be sure to check out how to make paper ruffles to add to your envelopes! Super quick and easy tutorial for you today. I have a drawer full of these and use them for everything - bills, letters, you name mom does too, actually! I recently received an oversized catalog for baby strollers (why? I have more than one that I barely use). The pages were huge and mostly images - perfect for envelope making. To start just pull pages out of your catalog or magazine with images you love. Other supplies you'll need: Pencil Glue - glue stick or craft glue - whichever you prefer Old envelope or envelope template. If this is a project you see yourself recreating in the future or with other papers you could invest in an envelope template kit, or you can print templates (you'll need to print at 100% on a larger format printer) from Designer's Toolbox on a heavy stock (mount to board for a longer lasting template). Next, cut out along the lines. Happy re-purposing!
