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Mind & Spirit Vaults

Mind & Spirit Vaults

Psychedelics Can Expand Your Consciousness It might seem as though we are all separate, and individual from one another and our environment. While that may appear true and could very well be true in some ways, we are also all connected at the deepest levels of existence. When understanding this, we can look at how we operate daily and begin to ask questions: Why are we so concerned with dominating one another? Why do we strive to be better than others? Why do we chase pieces of paper so that we can have more and more things? Why do we judge one another? Personally I have not done psychedelics so it cannot be completely accurate for me to say exactly what you would feel while doing them. We are all connected. “Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. As Terrence McKenna pointed out, psychedelics can lead to vast understandings and expansive changes to ones life that would push them to begin changing how they live life.

Healing Journeys with the Energy of Crystals, Reiki, Angels, Colour, & more! Buddha | The Encyclopedia of Truth It is important to understand the nature of truth. It will help you to see the fact as it is and to deal with the complex structure of illusions created by mind. I agree on the fact that truth can never be bound by thoughts but it is good to have a healthy discussion about its nature. This discussion will not lead you to enlightenment but it will give you strong logics to deal with the intricacies of mind. Continue reading Dhammapada Verse 9 Anikkasavo damasaccena apeto yo kasavam Vattham paridahessati so kasavam na arahati (If a man’s thoughts are muddy, if he is reckless and full of deceit, how can he wear the yellow robe?) Dhammapada Verse 8 asubhanupassim viharantam indriyesu susamvutam bhojanamhi ca mattannum saddham araddha viriyam maro tam ve nappasahati vato selam pabbatam iva. The Buddha has passed away but His teachings still exist in its purity. Dhamma (Doctrine) is compiled in the form of “Pali Tipitaka”. Tipitaka is not written by Buddha Himself. Dhammapada Verse 7

A Brief History of Drugs: From the Stone Age to the Stoned Age' by Antonio Escohotado Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D. and Paula Jo Hruby, Ed.D.Author Index | Title Index A Brief History of Drugs: From the Stone Age to the Stoned Age Escohotado, Antonio. (1999). Rochester, VT: Park Street Press. Description: paperback, viii + 168 pages. Contents: Preface, introduction, 18 chapters, index. Note: Translated by Kenneth A. Excerpt(s): In 1989 as I was finishing a long investigation on this sub-ject-which in the end filled three volumes in small print with narrow margins-it seemed that the probable future of that book was to rest in the bookcases of different university libraries, a summary of suggestions to students as to how to consider the effect of this or that drug in the evolution of medicine, morals, religion, economics, and the mechanisms of political control. Initiation was prohibited only to murderers. This turn of events required erasing any point of compari-son, any communion not based on autosuggestion. ...

Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Life Experience : They're Not As Different Nor as Separate As You May Currently Think And Believe. Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Shape Your World. Now You'll FINALLY Understand Why in a Very Simplified Kind of Way!! Quantum Physics once understood not only can but will open your eyes to an unseen world few are aware of as well as enable and empower you to see the importance of consciously aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions with your heartfelt desires making the term Heaven on Earth more than just a nice thought or novel idea simply because, You CAN Quantum Physics Demystifies The Process Of Creation and Reveals The Simplicity of Conscious, Intentional and Purposeful as Well as Unconscious and Unintentional Manifestation What exactly is Quantum Physics? An on the surface look of a strictly intellectual nature of what Quantum Physics is and what quantum physicists do may, and perhaps does sound a bit ho hum or really complex. How so?

Self-Forgiveness and Making Amends We are deeply imprinted by the suffering we have caused others. This imprint is sometimes felt as shame, guilt or remorse, and it’s our heart’s sensitivity calling us to attention. In the Buddhist teachings, such sensitivity can be intelligent and healthy—it plays an important role in awakening and freeing our hearts. In contrast to our habit of beating up on ourselves, healthy shame is the signal that we’ve strayed from our deepest life values—it draws attention to a contracted, diminished sense of self—and it can energize us to realign with our hearts. Self-forgiveness is often not even possible, and certainly cannot be complete, until we have in some way made amends to those we’ve injured. The urge to make amends arises when we’ve had the courage to face the reality of our impact on others. It arises when our hearts yearn to relieve their suffering or when we dedicate ourselves to not causing further suffering. Dear Sir,For twenty-two years I have carried your picture in my wallet.

Rituals enhance health Study finds no deficits among American Indians who use peyote regularly American Indians who use the hallucinogen peyote regularly in connection with religious ceremonies show no evidence of brain damage or psychological problems, report researchers at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital. In fact, members of the Navajo tribe who regularly use peyote actually scored significantly better on several measures of overall mental health than did subjects from the same tribe who were not members of the religious group and did not use the hallucinogen, according to a paper published in the Nov. 4 issue of Biological Psychiatry. "We found no evidence that these Native Americans had residual neurocognitive problems. Beyond that, the peyote users scored better on several measures of the Rand Mental Health Inventory (RMHI), a test used to diagnose psychological problems and determine overall mental health, he said. "This study applies only to Native Americans in this church," said Harrison G.

Astral Projection - Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too Everyone can have an out-of-body experience (OBE), says expert Jerry Gross - in fact, you probably have. In this interview, Gross explains OBEs, what happens and how to begin your adventure. When noted out-of-body teacher and practitioner Jerry Gross wants to travel long distances, he doesn't bother with the time and expense of catching a plane. He just uses a different kind of plane, and travels there astrally - unless, of course, he is teaching one of his many classes and workshops on astral projection, also known as OBE or out-of-body experience. According to Gross, the ability to leave the body has been with him since childhood. Jones: What is astral projection? Gross: Astral projection is the ability to leave your body. Jones: What is your earliest recollection of doing this? Gross: I can remember doing this clear back to when I was about four years old. Jones: In those days, astral projection was almost unheard of. Jones: When you leave your body, what happens to the physical body?

Twelve Tribe Rasta ~Overview - The Positive '3' KeyThings 12 Tribe Rasta Has Right Understanding of what Mount Zion Is Understanding Of The Hebrew Name of God Understanding God's Kingdom on Earth as It IS In Heaven The name 'Jah' is by far the most frequently occurring form of God's name found in Rasta Reggae lyrics, and often replaces the words 'God' or 'LORD' when they appear in biblical quotations. The form taken by God's sacred name in scripture has a complicated history. In the original Hebrew text, written without vowels, God's name appears as a series of four Hebrew consonants, usually transliterated as YHWH or JHVH. Many Protestants do not feel comfortable using the term [name] Jah due to it's present day reference to Rastafari.However, we must remember that it was GOD's NAME FIRST, LONG BEFORE Haile Selassie ever walked the earth! "Jah" (Hebrew for Yah) is a contraction of Jahweh. From the first part of God's name Jah-hov-ah. The King James and The American Translation only have it ONCE as "JAH or "YAH" at Psalm 68:4.
