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Linux is NOT Windows

Linux is NOT Windows
In the following article, I refer to the GNU/Linux OS and various Free & Open-Source Software (FOSS) projects under the catch-all name of "Linux". It scans better. If you've been pointed at this page, then the chances are you're a relatively new Linux user who's having some problems making the switch from Windows to Linux. Problem #1: Linux isn't exactly the same as Windows. You'd be amazed how many people make this complaint. The specific reasons why people try Linux vary wildly, but the overall reason boils down to one thing: They hope Linux will be better than Windows. Therein lies the problem. It is logically impossible for any thing to be better than any other thing whilst remaining completely identical to it. As a simple example, consider driver upgrades: one typically upgrades a hardware driver on Windows by going to the manufacturer's website and downloading the new driver; whereas in Linux you upgrade the kernel. No. Problem #2: Linux is too different from Windows Quite true. d5w

How Web Accounts Get Hacked Hacking into an e-mail, Facebook, or other account is often a crime of opportunity. That is not to say talented individuals with advanced knowledge are not a threat, but it can be easier than you think to expose your password. For those that have had their account compromised in the past, one of these methods could have been used to get your password. The following is a short list of simple things you may not think about. In each, an opportunity is created... one you want to avoid. The idea is to tell you what not to do and why. 1. A recovery e-mail account is method a lot of systems use to help you get back into an account that you have lost the password for. Check your recovery e-mail account every three months or so. My advice is to check this account before reading any further if you have not done so recently. 2. An easy way to get hacked is to give a site your e-mail address and then use the same password at that site. 3. Pay attention to your surroundings. 4. 5. 6. 7. Closing

100 Keyboard shortcuts (Windows) Keyboard shortcuts can boost your productivity if your daily job relies heavily on using Windows. They just don’t get the work done quickly, but also improves the efficiency. Give them a try and you just might find yourself getting addicted to keyboard shortcuts. We’ve compiled a list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows 190 + shortcuts grouped into categories for easy access. If we missed some shortcut in this list, kindly let us know through the comments section. Here are the shortcuts to get to the shortcuts: Note: Some of the shortcuts given below may not work for versions below Windows 8. General Shortcuts Let’s kickstart the list with the most common shortcuts that you’ll often use. Windows key Shortcuts Let’s check the keyboard shortcuts involving the Windows logo key. Dialog box Shortcuts These are the keyboard shortcuts that can be used in dialog boxes. File explorer Shortcuts These are the shortcuts that can be used to work with File Explorer’s windows or folders. Pin it Taskbar Shortcuts

Eric S. Raymond's Home Page Welcome to my piece of the Web. I maintain quite a lot of open-source software, FAQs, and HTML documents, so this site is rather complex. It's mostly validated HTML and light on the graphics, though. You won't have to wait an eon for any of the pages to load. If the software and FAQs I maintain are valuable to you (and especially if my software makes you money) please leave me a tip at Patreon or SubscribeStar. I'm on If you want to link to, copy, mirror, or translate portions of this site, please read my copying policy. If the HTML or images on this site seem to be confusing your browser, see the site design notes. If you're with the press, or want me to give a talk, here are answers to the usual questions. If you're looking for the Halloween Documents, they're here. You can fetch my GPG public key here. As a public service and act of civil disobedience, we are proud to offer the DeCSS code that will allow you to circumvent the encryption on the DVDs you own. Finally, the HDCP master key.

20 choses à savoir sur les navigateurs et Internet IllustrationChristoph Niemann Auteurs/éditeursMin Li Chan, Fritz Holznagel, Michael Krantz Directeur du projetMin Li Chan & The Google Chrome Team ConceptionFiPaul Truong DéveloppementFi Remerciements tout particuliers à au format HTML5 PHP RRDTool tutorial @ IONCANNON On a number of occasions I've used RRDTool to graph network traffic and the like. A few years ago when I started using cacti I started wondering how to make the graphs myself. Creating the graphs on the command line isn't that hard once you know how to set things up and it turns out doing the same in PHP is just as easy. For this tutorial I'm going to assume you understand how to get RRDTool installed and working from the command line. If not you should take a look at this tutorial (if you are in a hurry look at the "A Real World Example" section) or any of the tutorials on this page. Setup and introduction You need to have PHP compiled with RRDTool support to run the following PHP examples. Then search for "rrdtool" in the output and make sure that "rrdtool support" is enabled. While going through each of the following steps you will notice that each call takes a couple of parameters and then one parameter that is just a string of options. Creating a RRD <? $fname = "net.rrd"; Updating a RRD

The AGNULA project - The AGNULA home page The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck Ok, I have a confession to make. I have spent almost my whole life– 31 years–  caring far too much about offending people, worrying if I’m cool enough for them, or asking myself if they are judging me. I can’t take it anymore. It’s stupid, and it’s not good for my well being. It has made me a punching bag–  a flighty, nervous wuss. Today, ladies and gentlemen, is different. We’re going to talk about the cure. Do you wonder if someone is talking shit about you? Well, it’s time you started not giving a fuck. FACT NUMBER 1. Yes, it’s really happening right at this moment. What people truly respect is when you draw the line and say “you will go no further.” Right. Regular people are fine– you don’t actually hear it when they’re talking behind your back. Thankfully, that’s not actually true. FACT NUMBER 2. This stuff is crazy, I know, but it’s cool, you’ll get used to it. How liberating this is may not even hit you yet, but it will. FACT NUMBER 3. Relationships are weird. FACT NUMBER 4.

Marks Blog Scareware, a type of malware that mimics antimalware software, has been around for a decade and shows no sign of going away. The goal of scareware is to fool a user into thinking that their computer is heavily infected with malware and the most convenient way to clean the system is to pay for the… A key part of any cybersecurity plan is “continuous monitoring”, or enabling auditing and monitoring throughout a network environment and configuring automated analysis of the resulting logs to identify anomalous behaviors that merit investigation. This is part of the new “assumed breach” mentality that recognizes no system is 100% secure. Unfortunately, the company at the… Windows Azure’s compute platform, which includes Web Roles, Worker Roles, and Virtual Machines, is based on machine virtualization. This case is my favorite kind of case, one where I use my own tools to solve a problem affecting me personally. Many of you have read Zero Day, my first novel.

JACK Audio Connection Tookit - Qt GUI Interface Protection des données personnelles : oui… on se fout bien de votre gueule ! La politique numérique française, sur le dernier mandat présidentiel, c’est une LOPPSI, deux HADOPI, un peu de masturbation intellectuelle autour du droit à l’oubli, et des MILLIONS d’abonnés qui surfent en THD (à 30 mégas en download et 1 méga en upload, par temps clair et le vent dans le dos). Mais on retiendra principalement deux choses : un texte sécuritaire introduisant l’utilisation de mouchards électroniques et le cache sexe du blocage de sites web (LOPPSI), et un autre prohibant l’échange non commercial de la culture sur les réseaux P2P, amendes et coupures d’accès Internet à la clé (HADOPI). Aujourd’hui, c’est un jour comme les autres, comme tous les autres. On nous signale qu’un opérateur de téléphonie mobile, qui a la bonne idée d’indiquer le mot de passe (à 4 chiffres!!) d’accès au compte client sur toutes les factures (il y a des claques qui se perdent), est victime d’un superbe trou de sécurité. Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

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