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Survival Gear & Bug Out Bags

Survival Gear & Bug Out Bags
A Bug out bag is basically a large survival kit that’s filled with everything you need to survive after a disaster. A Bug Out Bag allows you quickly grab what you need should you be forced to evacuate during a disaster. Most experts suggest that your BOB should contain enough supplies to last for at least seventy-two hours. Since most major disasters often disrupt services and normal life for longer than 72 hours, we think it is a good idea to have a Bag that will allow you survive for an indefinite period of time. Make sure your Bag is built to fit your needs; some people may need items that are not listed on this list. Remember that these are just some general guidelines meant to help you get your bag together. Below we discuss some of the items that you may want to include in your Bug Out Bags, as well as some items that will hold up when it really counts. This will depend on a number of factors, such as the area you live in (climate, elevation, etc….)

Bug Out Bag – The 7 Types of Gear You Must Have to Survive Bug Out Bag For someone new to being a Survivalist building your first Bug Out Bag can seem like a big task. Everybody you read about has been tweaking theirs for months or even years and has a pile of gear built up. It’s hard to know where to start, but if you cover all of the basics in a survival situation you will still be much better off that 99% of the people. A Bug Out Bag, also called a BOB, I.N.C.H Bag (I’m Never Coming Home Bag),Get Out of Dodge Bag (GOOD Bag), or 72 Hour Bag is usually designed to get you out of an emergency situation and allow you to survive self-contained for up to 3 days. A lot of people plan their Bug Out Bag to sustain them for much longer than that, but there is always a limit to what you can carry on your back and a 3 day target is a good place to start.

100 Items to Disappear First 100 Items to Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Survival Gardening And a Way to Relax and De-Stress Survival gardening can be fun, relaxing and actually quite simple… Many people seem to think they don’t have enough space for a garden but the areas where you can learn how to grow a basic vegetable garden are endless. Yep, I am talking about those spaces we try to fill in with all kinds of flowers, shrubs, and even in some cases, gravel, so that it looks nice…. :) Bug Out Bags – The Ultimate Resource Guide What’s a Bug Out Bag? Most people who have a basic understanding of survival and preparedness understand the need for a good Bug Out Bag. It’s probably one of the most talked about items on survival websites and is something that has become a bit of an iconic symbol for preppers and survivalists. If you haven’t heard of the term Bug Out Bag you may have heard someone refer to it as a; Go Bag, 72 Hour Bag, Get Home Bag, Get out of Dodge bag or some other variation. The basic idea behind a Bug Out Bag (BOB) is pretty simple. At its most basic, a BOB is a pre-packed bag filled with the gear and supplies you need to survive an emergency situation.

14 natural items for your alternative first aid kit Cloves. Photo by Elenadan Find out which multitasking natural remedies merit a spot in your backpack. IF YOU’VE COME TO trust in herbal and alternative medicine at home, it can be a hard decision to go back to Pepto-Bismol and Dayquil when you’re getting ready to go abroad. Back to Basics, DIY Soda Can Stove A small portable way to cook your meals while you are out backpacking and do not want to carry something heavy, using a soda can stove will allow you to boil water, cook your meal, or rehydrate your meal while on the go or in an emergency situation. There are many different types of can stoves out there, here is one version. For this version the directions were taken After looking thru many different sites and youtube and ehow, this site had the best directions, that anyone who has never made a Soda Can Stove could follow, and a lot of the other sites left you wanting more information, which we could find here.

Lists of weapons Lists of weapons From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search There is a bewildering array of weapons, far more than would be useful in list form. 34 Essential Items For Your Bug Out Bag Imagine the following scenario. You are awakened in the middle of the night by the jolt of a powerful earthquake. Your house is leveled, but thankfully you and your family are uninjured. However, the roads are impassable, your utilities have been cut off, and many of your neighbors were injured or killed in the earthquake. The only thing you have to survive is what you have on hand, and because you are a Frugal Dad reader, your bug out bag.
