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Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu

Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu

CoLiberation I joined Google Plus for one reason. Hangouts. I loved everything about this way of meeting people - how you could see everybody at once (up to 10 people), how whoever was talking took the center of the virtual stage. How what you wound up talking about often depended on who happened to drop in, or out. And especially how you could join and quit whenever you were so moved. There are other aspects of this virtual environment that contribute as strongly to it being a grounds for play, for experiencing coliberation. One more thing (no, I am not a member of the Google team nor invested in their enterprise), when they introduced games into their environment, they made it separate from everything else. And when you do play games, you have other people to play against and with. What Google Plus offers is still a far cry from a virtual New Games tournament. The experience of coliberation that the Hangout makes possible is not in any way the avowed purpose of the technology. She continues: ..."

Construction Materials Construction Materials A sustainable home must make use of local (indigenous) materials, those occurring 'naturally' in the local area. The Nature of the Materials In keeping with the design and performance requirements of a Earthship Biotecture, the nature of the building matierials for an Earthship must have certain characteristics established. The requirements and characteristics below describe the nature of the ideal 'building block' for constructing the ideal building for residential and commercial applications. Indigenous: Materials are found all over the planet. Able to be fashioned with little or no energy: If a building material was found that was indigenous to many parts of the planet but it required massive amounts of energy to fashion into a usable form, then it would not be sustainable and not considered. Thermal Mass : Durability: We have built out of wood for centuries. Resilient: Earthquakes are an issue in many parts of the world. Low specific skill requirements:

» The Quotes of the Civilization V Debut Trailer Games of State Looking at the feedback which is appearing around the internet, it seems that people are questioning whether or not the quotes in the debut trailer for Civilization V are real. I am happy to confirm that all of them are real and listed below for your contextual pleasure, but first lets recap the trailer itself, courtesy of Machinima. In order, the quotes are: A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long supressed, finds utterance. - Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India and is considered one of the greatest Indian statesman. The second quote is from a speech by General Douglas MacArthur. Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. Douglas MacArthur was a five star US General, credited with masterminding some of the most significant victories in World War Two.

Permaculture Principles livingstones hugelkultur: the ultimate raised garden beds raised garden bed hugelkultur after one month raised garden bed hugelkultur after one year raised garden bed hugelkultur after two years raised garden bed hugelkultur after twenty years It's a german word and some people can say it all german-ish. I learned this high-falootin word at my permaculture training. Hugelkultur is nothing more than making raised garden beds filled with rotten wood. I do think there are some considerations to keep in mind. Another thing to keep in mind is that wood is high in carbon and will consume nitrogen to do the compost thing. Pine and fir will have some levels of tanins in them, but I'm guessing that most of that will be gone when the wood has been dead for a few years. In the drawings at right, the artist is trying to show that while the wood decomposes and shrinks, the leaves, duff and accumulating organic matter from above will take it's place.

A Spiraling Eye-Encrusted Overview of the Art of Alex Grey (Part 1) Introduction On the morning I started writing this, a five-year-old named Caleb happened to be visiting the house and interrupted my writing session to tell me (and this is an exact quote): "Jonathan, I see ghosty things other people don't see." I was tempted to reply: "That's interesting because I just started writing about a grown-up named Alex Grey who also sees ghosty things other people don't see." Instead, I asked Caleb to describe one of the ghosty things, and he said he saw a cupcake with a "skeleton head" in it. In fact, Alex Grey can paint unseen, ghosty things to a degree of potency that can only be compared to a Thor-hammer blow to the head while your body is being strafed by DMT-coated diamond bullets. For less than seventy dollars you can own all three of Alex's monographs -- Sacred Mirrors, Transfigurations and the just published Net of Being. When Terence McKenna was asked what we should do given the dire state of the world, he replied: "Push the art pedal to the metal."

How to make a bamboo polytunnel We used a local renewable material, caña (like bamboo). You could use anything long and bendy – we would like to try it with hazel next time we are further north. The only items we paid for are the plastic and string (pita string made from fibres of the giant succulent Agave plant). It took six days with four people working. Step 1 Select locally growing caña and do a flex test. Step 2 Strip the outer leaves and bumpy nodules from the canes. Step 3 Bundle into a column of 7 canes tying with string at 25cm intervals. Step 4 Join one column to another to form a super column. Step 5 Dig holes to place feet of arches into. Step 6 Create smaller columns of 3 canes to act as supports between main arches Step 7 Protect plastic by covering outside edge of all canes with fabric or folded netting/fleece. Step 8 Roll plastic over the structure. Step 9 Fit doors (we reused glass doors from a skip). Step 10 Grow plants all year round. Useful resource How to buy, site and erect a polytunnel Creating a community polypod
