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Film Hunt - Find good movies

Film Hunt - Find good movies
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Watch Free Documentaries Online Kult: Ezektől a filmektől hidaltunk le 2015-ben Utolsó frissítés: Szerző: Bicsérdi Ádám - Bodnár Zsolt - Szabó M. István Ezúttal szakítottunk azzal, hogy csak a 2015-ben a hagyományos moziforgalmazásba kerülő filmeket listázzuk. 15. Karácsony előtt újra megnéztem Alberto Rodriguez 2014-ben készült, de hozzánk csak idén nyáron került moziját. A jelen spanyol filmgyártás egyik legfontosabb és legnagyobb hatású filmjéről a magyarországi bemutatásakor azt írtam: Mindenkit beszippant a mocsár. Rodriguez szenvtelen és rángás nélküli képeket kért és kapott Alex Calatántól, amit a vágóasztalon azzal tettek még hangsúlyosabbá, hogy kerülték a gyors tempót és a zaklatottságot. Ennél fogva a mezőgazdasági munkások közeledő sztrájkja, a drogcsempészek, a sorozatgyilkos utáni nyomozás, sőt még a Capote-t megidéző újságíró is csak kellék. 14. Itt az újabb bizonyíték, hogy a pénz és a technikai felszereltség nem minden, a filmkészítésben sem. Pedig mi történik a filmben? 13. 12. 11. 10. Salgado ugyanis nagy utat járt be pályája során. 9. 8. 7. 6.

How to get film-based lessons right Have you ever shown films to your class, or considered setting up a film club? Daryn Simon, Head of History at Ysgol Bryn Alyn, and Beatrix Clark of Into Film share some advice. Why show films in the classroom? Using film in the classroom is particularly effective in developing children's literacy skills. What do students and teachers get out of establishing a film club? I have seen pupils become far more confident in expressing opinions about films. How can teachers make sure that pupils don't 'zone out' in class when shown a film? Choose the film carefully. What's the best way to structure the lesson to keep things lively? Before the film starts, share discussion points with pupils to help them watch in an active way. In practical terms, how should teachers go about setting up a film club? Before I set up my film club for Year 9 students, I gave an assembly to the whole year group, put up posters and held an initial meeting with interested pupils. Are there any common pitfalls?

Fantastic Videos For The Holidays I’m a huge fan of video and especially during holiday time when teachers are in need of strong language learning material in video. Video is something the class can share and celebrate the end of the semester as class. Of course, there are so many other great reasons to use it daily in class. Here are a few of my “go to” Xmas video lessons. EFL Classroom 2.0 members can get them with full resources for teaching + hundreds more full video lessons. A unique thing about the community is you know the video is always there unlike Youtube where often these perfect videos you spend time making lessons for, disappear. Also see this wonderful and free Xmas course on EnglishCentral where your students can study Christmas related vocabulary. #1 The Snowman. It’s a magic “silent video” which can be used in many ways. #2 The Impossible Present This short, short video highlights loads of Christmas related vocabulary. #3 The Gift Of The Magi Find more videos like this on EFL CLASSROOM 2.0 #4.

l.php?u= How can teachers of English create learning material with streaming services? Melissa Thomson, a British Council teacher and trainer based in Bilbao, describes her top six approaches. Last year I asked my teenage learners to list the five places they were most likely to encounter English online, and the top answer was Netflix. Over 37 per cent of the world's internet users subscribe to Netflix, a streaming service for movies and television series. Almost everyone I know is a user of media-streaming services. That includes friends, family, colleagues and my learners. I asked my learners what they watched I also asked them how much they watched, and how they watched it (such as with subtitles or dubbed). I involved my learners in the planning process by asking them what language skills they wanted to improve. They often told me that they didn’t have time for homework, but also said that they spent between a few hours each weekend to a few hours every day watching television online.

Communication - Life Skills Resources Lesson: Communication styles This lesson is about different communication styles. It contains information about how to develop the valuable interpersonal skills involved in being an effective communicator. Download the lesson For fun: Communication Crossword Can you fit the communication words into the crossword puzzle? Download the puzzle Communicate / Cooperate: Infographic In how many different ways do we communicate across the world? Download the infographic Macmillan Dictionary Lessons: Pragmatics Understanding how to use language to convey different meanings in different situations is essential to language learning and a crucial part of communication. Explore the series Pronunciation Skills with Adrian Underhill Pronunciation is often a neglected skill, but one that is important for verbal communication. Explore the series Lesson: Communicate / Cooperate How can we make our day-to-day communication more effective? Download the lesson Lesson: Teamwork Download the lesson For Fun: Jigsaw Beyond

Pel·lícules d'arxiu :: Cinema per a estudiants A la nostra pàgina web Cinema per a estudiants trobareu aquestes seccions: CICLE CINEMA PER A ESTUDIANTS (Àrea de Catalunya) Tota la informació sobre les pel·lícules que hem programat en sales de cinema de Catalunya per al curs escolar actual: títols, nivells educatius, àrees del currículum als quals s’adrecen, poblacions, dates, sales, horaris i forma d’inscriure-s’hi. Cercador de pel·lícules classificades per diferents conceptes, enllaços d’interès, notícies i, per a alguns films, propostes d’activitats per a la classe. El nostre catàleg de pel·lícules amb propostes d’activitats didàctiques en diferents llengües i classificades per diferents conceptes. SESSIONS ESPECIALS (Àrea de Catalunya) Sessions de cinefòrum a l’aula per a l’estudi i la reflexió sobre temes diversos a través de la projecció, l’anàlisi i el comentari de fragments de pel·lícules. Informació al voltant del món del cinema, el llenguatge audiovisual i l’ensenyament.

Tarkovsky Films Now Free Online Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986) firmly positioned himself as the finest Soviet director of the post-War period. But his influence extended well beyond the Soviet Union. The Cahiers du cinéma consistently ranked his films on their top ten annual lists. Ingmar Bergman went so far as to say, "Tarkovsky for me is the greatest [director], the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as a reflection, life as a dream." And Akira Kurosawa acknowledged his influence too, adding, "I love all of Tarkovsky's films. Shot between 1962 and 1986, Tarkovsky's seven feature films often grapple with metaphysical and spiritual themes, using a distinctive cinematic style. You can now watch Tarkovsky's films online – for free. NOTE: If you access the films via YouTube, be sure to click "CC" at the bottom of the videos to access the subtitles. Would you like to support the mission of Open Culture? Related Content:

Movie Lessons Plans | Hugh Fox III 10 Things I Hate About You Literary Elements 500 Days of Summer Literary Elements Ali Literary Elements Amazing Grace – Literary Elements Amores Perros – Literary Elements Apocalypto – Literary Elements Avatar – Role-Play – Learning Persuasion Avengers – 5w’s Avengers: Fall of Ultron Literary Elements Boiler Room – Literary Elements Broadcast News – Literary Elements Captain America – 5 W’s Celebrity Apprentice – Managing Your Boss Despicable Me 2 – Literary Elements Donald in Mathemagic Land El Mariachi – Literary Elements El Norte Literary Elements Elf – Cross-Cultural Comparison Elf – Literary Elements Elizabeth: The Golden Age – Literary Elements Elysium – Literary Elements Fast Food Nation – Public Relations Exercise Fast Food Nation – Literary Elements Frozen – Literary Elements Frozen Songs: Language Activity Full Metal Jacket – Literary Elements Girl Interrupted – Literary Elements Girl Interrupted versus One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Girl, Interrupted – Psychology Lesson Gran Torino – Literary Elements

Fun video tasks to practise Present Simple and Present Continuous By: Alex Case |Audience: Teachers|Category: Teaching English Present continuous Students make as many true sentences as they can when you pause the video about what is happening on screen. Choose some scenes where it is less than obvious from one look what the characters are doing and print them off as stills, e.g. by using screen shots from YouTube. After watching the video, students mime actions that they saw (from memory or from a worksheet) until their partners guess what they are doing, e.g. Students guess what is happening from just the sound (i.e. with the screen covered or turned off), then watch and check Students guess what is happening off screen, e.g. what another character is doing in another place or what is happening in the next room, then watch the next scene to check Give students some written descriptions of what happens and get them to predict other people's reactions before they watch, e.g. Students try to match sentence halves, e.g. Present Simple

All 2,400 Shots in Gone Girl by David Fincher Click to enlarge Analyzing the average shot length (ASL) of films / TV / music videos can be very telling or completely irrelevant. Taken as its own metric…it is just a number. David Fincher is a precise and peerless filmmaker that accepts nothing short of perfection. Stephen Follows has an amazing article that further breaks down ASL by genre and number of shots to further delve into the analytics. Back to David Fincher, it’s important to note that his films I’ve documented have a higher number of average shots than most films. Click on the images to enlarge to full 8K high resolution: Until next time… Vashi Nedomansky @vashikoo

Kolozsváros - Lenyűgöző 3D-konstrukciók élesztik újjá előttünk a történelmi Magyar Királyság egykor büszke várait - . Fodor Zsoltnak és csapatának köszönhetően azonban a ma embere is belekukkanhat a régmúlt időkbe – a látványos 3D-rekonstrukciók igazi időutazásra visznek bennünket. Mivel a történelmi Magyar Királyság számos, egykor büszke várát rekonstruálták különböző rajzok és grafikák alapján, hogy bele ne őrüljünk teljesen a bőség – vagy inkább a szépség – zavarába, megpróbáltunk közülük ötöt kiválogatni: Tokaj vára a 15. és a 17. században A Tokaj területén épült vár mára elpusztult, csak az egyik fal maradványai állnak. A tiszai átkelőhely védelmét ellátó vár négy kistáj, a Tokaji-hegy, a Bodrogköz, a Taktaköz és a Nyírség találkozásánál alakult ki. Két oldalról a Tisza és a Bodrog, a harmadik irányból egy mesterséges csatorna vette körül, így egész évben, de különösen áradáskor csak vízen lehetett megközelíteni. A várban a 14. században az emeletes lakótorony épült fel, majd a négy kerek toronnyal megerősített belső vár. Huszt vára Déva vára Sárvár A Tatai vár forrás: Szeretlek Magyarország

FILTA - Film in Language Teaching Association
