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La Luna FULL HD 1080p) Disney Pixar

La Luna FULL HD 1080p) Disney Pixar
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280 Cortometrajes con valor educativo Incluiremos escenas de películas, algún pequeño documental o cualquier pequeño vídeo que nos resulte interesante . También tú puedes añadir alguno que conozcas y te resulte interesante. Se irá actualizando colocando los nuevos al principio. A lo largo de los años que llevo escudriñando la red en busca de cortometrajes que me digan algo, he recibido la colaboración de compañeros, amigos y lectores del blog que han colaborado conmigo y a los cuales estoy agradecido, en especial a Inma Contreras, @inmatics, que me ha enviado tantos, que pueden considerarla, sin equivocarse, co-autora de esta selección de cortometrajes. Puede ser un corto bastante útil para los tiempos que corren, pudiendo ser utilizado para reflexionar sobre la importancia de los valores y si vale todo para alcanzar la fama y el éxito

Dante' Kiss: S.L. Nadathur: Libros en idiomas extranjeros 50 cortos geniales para trabajar valores con vuestr@s alumnos - RZ100arte twitter facebook googleplus rss Custom social 1 50 cortos geniales para trabajar valores con vuestr@s alumnos Volver al blog 50 cortos geniales para trabajar valores con vuestr@s alumnos -Índice | Educar en valores. Os dejamos una lista, compilación de los mejores cortos que hemos publicado hasta el momento, que creemos os servirán para poder trabajar valores con vuestros chavales. Esperamos que os sea útil. ESPECIAL DÍA DEL LIBRO: 5 estupendos cortos con los que fomentar la lectura entre los más pequeños. Os dejamos 5 cortos de animación que parten con la misma premisa: fomentar la lectura entre los más jóvenes. Leer más ESPECIAL DÍA del PADRE: 5 cortos para ver con papá Hoy 19 de marzo celebramos el día del padre. Leer más 6 cortos para conmemorar el DÍA INTERNACIONAL de la MUJER con vuestros chavales. El próximo jueves 8 de marzo, es el Día Internacional de la mujer también conocido como Día de la mujer trabajadora. Leer más Leer más Hoy 27 de noviembre celebramos el día del Maestro. Leer más Mr.

10 canales de YouTube para aprender divirtiéndote Youtube se ha convertido en una parte esencial de nuestras vidas. Acudimos a él para encontrar canciones, fragmentos de películas y series de televisión, tutoriales, diversión… y también para que el “mundo” vea nuestros logros. Sin embargo, el universo de YouTube no es únicamente frívolo. En él podemos encontrar cientos de canales de información muy variada para aumentar nuestra cultura y desarrollar nuestra inteligencia. 10 canales de YouTube para aprender divirtiéndote Vsauce: (En inglés) Michael Stevens ha creado un canal para responder de una manera científica a todas esas preguntas que nos hemos formulado alguna vez. Éste sobre ilusiones ópticas y su explicación científica es genial: Numberphile: (En inglés) Las matemáticas asustan a la mayoría, pero desde Numberphile nos las acercan de manera que veremos los números con otros ojos. En este enlace podrás aprender cómo cortar un pastel redondo, de una manera científica, para que no se seque. ¿Te atreves a acercarte a Platón?

Educational Videos, Free Kids Videos and Technology | TeacherTube 100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Plenty of universities, nonprofits, organizations, museums and more post videos for the cause of education both in and out of schools. The following list compiles some of the ones most worthy of attention, as they feature plenty of solid content appealing to their respective audiences and actively try to make viewers smarter. Multidisciplinary and General Education Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology Social Sciences, History and World Issues Visual, Performing and Liberal Arts

25 Best Sites for Free Educational Videos RefSeek's guide to the 25 best online resources for finding free educational videos. With the exception of BrainPOP and Cosmeo, all listed sites offer their extensive video libraries for free and without registration. Academic Earth Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars. Big Think Video interviews with 600+ thought leaders in a range of fields. Brightstorm Short-form online video lessons by professional educators. CosmoLearning Aggregator of free, online video lessons and documentaries. Coursera Lectures taught by world-class professors and reinforced through interactive exercises. EdX Courses designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Futures Channel High quality multimedia content ideal for use in the classroom. Howcast Professional and user-generated how-to videos. Internet Archive iTunes U Apple iTunes - Apple iTunes Software Khan Academy Hulu

35 Sources for Curated Educational Videos Like explorers approaching an unfamiliar landscape, teachers who are ready to take the plunge into flipped classrooms and blended learning often approach the opportunity with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Just dipping a toe into the virtual waters of online content can be overwhelming, and there’s a risk that even the most fearless educator can become paralyzed by the bottomless depths of content and endless pools of resources. While many teachers begin by creating their own content and videos, most start by sifting through free online sources. YouTube users across the globe upload 48 hours of content every minute. Fortunately, there are some great websites and services that take the guesswork out of finding and sorting educational video content. Backpack TV: pulls from various sources to create a highly curated library of education videos organized by academic subject and detailed topic.

Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning If you don’t have a YouTube channel as an education provider, there’s a good chance you’re behind the times. Nearly every major educational institution in the world now hosts its own collection of videos featuring news, lectures, tutorials, and open courseware. These channels allow instructors to share information and blend media in unprecedented and exciting new ways. Here are the top channels worth following based on views, subscriptions, and quality of content: General YouTube EDU: Launched in 2009, Youtube EDU centralizes content from over 100 universities and colleges, providing access to lectures, research, and campus tours. Physical Sciences Engineering & Technology Mathematics Mr. Politics, History, and Current Events The Arts Learning a Foreign Language JenniferESL: With over 153,000 subscribers, JenniferESL is one of the most popular ESL channel on YouTube. University Channels

STEAM YouTube Channels for Elementary Kids | Imagination Soup A homeschool reader wrote to ask me my recommendations for educational YouTube channels. Which is a really fantastic question — and deserves a few blog posts, don’t you think? Let’s start with the best S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) YouTube channels. You know that it’s hard to sift through the massive amount of channels, and find what’s best and age-appropriate for your kids. One way to find some of these ideas is to use the free YouTube channel app for kids. Here I’ve listed my favorite educational channels that are meant specifically for elementary-age students. It’s important to note that to truly be “STEAM” or “STEM” if you take out art, the content should cross over at least two of the science, technology, math, art, and math content areas. Ready? STEAM / STEM YouTube Channels Vi HartVi narrates these interesting videos on topics from spirals in math to Pi and Anti-Pi. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Science YouTube Channels 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1.

100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers Although YouTube has been blocked from many/most schools, for obvious reasons and not so obvious ones. YouTube does provide great resources and content for teachers and students. View the list of the Top 100 Videos for Teachers. This list is provided by, a leading online resource for current teachers, and aspiring education students and student teachers. YouTube's 100 Best Teacher Videos: History These videos can give your students a better insight into historical events. Science Make science more fun and interactive by using these videos in class. Language Get advice on improving your language class or use these videos as classroom supplements. Arts These videos provide great information on art and art education programs for you and your students. ARTSplash! Inspiration Everyone has a hard day sometimes, and you can remind yourself why you became a teacher by checking out these videos. Classroom Management How-Tos and Guides Technology Humor

Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English How One School Creatively Boosted Student Achievement Mr. DeMaio and other teachers star in a video about times tables. It’s not only at Halloween time that the Memorial School students in Union Beach, New Jersey, see their teachers in costumes. This faculty gets dressed up year-round to perform in instructional videos for kids to access online. Mr. An animated mountain range from DeMaio’s video “Learning About Landforms” In the debut video “Learning About Landforms,” DeMaio created an animated version of himself that “talked” to different landforms about their features. Soon after his initial success with the videos, Union Beach was devastated by Superstorm Sandy. He rewrote the lyrics to popular songs and sang about multiplication tables. The videos that Mr. Virtual Mr. Mr.

Los canales de profesores en YouTube más interesantes y sus lecciones en vídeo No todos los youtubers que arrasan en Internet son chavales que cuentan historias que parecen no tener sentido (aunque hay un gran debate sobre ello), o que narran sus peripecias en los videojuegos. De hecho, en los últimos años y con los nuevos canales educativos (los MOOC tan de moda o la inmensa variedad de recursos educativos online disponibles) se ha abierto la puerta para que cualquiera que lo desee pueda exponer su conocimiento al mundo. Cada vez son más los canales de profesores en YouTube que explican sus lecciones en vídeo. Pero démosle la vuelta a la tortilla. Canal de Historia – Diana Uribe Es cierto que la mayoría de profesores “youtubers” están relacionados con las materias más matemáticas y científicas puras, si bien también existen otros canales que abordan cuestiones relativas a las ciencias sociales. Profesor10demates Profesor Interactivo Alba Jimenez Alba Jimenez es una profesora argentina que lleva varios años trabajando en su canal de Youtube. Julioprofe Videoprofe
