30 Photoshop Tutorial Blogs Worth Reading

Photoshop is one of the most popular tools among web and graphic designers all around the world. Everyday lots of tutorials being created, but which blogs and websites provide the best tutorials? In this collection I’ve included the best Photoshop tutorial blogs and websites worth reading. Hopefully, you will like this roundup and find something new and useful for you. Web Design Fan isn’t included here but you can find some really great Photoshop tutorials in our Tutorials category. 1. Psdtuts+ is probably the best Photoshop blog in the world. 2. Design Instruct is a regularly updated web magazine for designers and digital artists where you can find and learn design tips and tricks. PSDFAN is a blog centered around design and Photoshop. 4. Worth1000 is a huge community of Photoshop users. 5. WeGraphics is the definitive solution for designers who need high-quality resources but they also have a great blog with useful tutorials, tips and tricks for Photoshop users. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Photoshop Basics - Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners
Get started learning Adobe Photoshop with these beginner tutorials on tools, features, and basic techniques every new user should know. Learn how to crop, rotate, resize, create basic shapes, add text, understand layers, and more. Interlocking Rings in PhotoshopLearn how to create interlocking rings in Photoshop, such as those in the iconic Olympic Games logo. This is quite an easy tutorial that is suitable for beginners and it will introduce Photoshop's align and distribution features, as well as selection modes. Create an Easter Doorknob Sign in PhotoshopUse Photoshop to create a decorative doorknob hangar sign for Easter. Useful Photoshop Keyboard ShortcutsThese are the keyboard shortcuts that I use the most, along with some that I don't use often, but always end up having to look up when I need them. Use the Pattern Stamp Tool in Adobe Photoshop - VideoPhotoshop's pattern stamp tool lets you paint with a pattern in one of the Photoshop libraries or with a pattern that you create.
50 Stunning Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials
Photoshop’s text and layer tools can be used to create some really awesome effects. We’ve put together a list of 60 of the best tutorials we could find to help you stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques. You’ll find some really cool grunge and glass styles (plus a few surprises!) and learn how some of the best designers create their unique effects. Courtesy: LemonDesign1 Instead of listing 100 plus tutorials that you’ll bookmark never to come back, we’ve decided to take you through the basics of typography, hopefully inspiring and then teaching you. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Introduction to Typography Link Typography is the art of arranging type, designing type, and modifying type glyphs. Here are some resources to give you further insight: The Wisest Mind Has Something Yet to Learn Link And we, too, never stop being inspired, learning and creating: How to Choose the Right Type Link Guess if you can, choose if you dare. Resources to Live by Link